Sunday 10 August 2014

Apologies for the recent lack of entries.

Yes, it has been a while since I updated the blog.

This is because there is a storm brewing, a storm that will hopefully redress the balance, after several years of uneven and extremely invasive attacks on myself and my family, controlled from the camps of certain individuals, who are not afraid to exploit their positions in order to paint themselves to be the victims when in reality they are the aggressors.

Whilst this war is fought, it has been recommended to me that I refrain from distributing information that could allow other parties to predict my next move. This will make the coming storm, even more levelling, and far more effective.

I will update with the full story, as and when I am able, but rest assured, I may be maintaining radio silence, but I am definitely not ready to give up the fight.

Given time, I will publish the concluding paragraphs to this matter, and then slip happily back into obscurity, where I am at my happiest.