Monday 24 February 2014

Adur Council's tax reduction, the truth...

The Harald, again has run to the aid of the local Tories propaganda machine, this time regarding their council tax reduction of a whole 1%.

Here's the story:

Admittedly this looks good on the surface, however as with all Tory decisions, this one has a nasty sting in the tail for the poorer members of society, so when Parkin claims that "as a conservative controlled council we believe in low taxes", he should have added "for the rich, paid for by the poor.".

The sting, is that the same cabal of Tories have decided to increase rents on council owned properties by 6.4%, more than double the current rate of inflation, so people living in council housing will actually be worse off than they were last year.

The 1% cut is not quite as simple as it appears either, this is only applicable to ADC's part of the bill, so an increase by WSCC or Sussex Police will wipe this reduction out completely, so in the real world, the only substantial savings will be made by people in the top council tax bands, and this will only come as a reduced increase to the whole bill, rather than the reduction that is being touted by these propagandists.

But what is the truth behind this sudden need for Adur's Tories to actually care about residents? Well, the truth is, that they won't be paying for it, yes that's right, they aren't giving us a cut in taxes at all, this is a central Tory propaganda incentive, in time for the local elections in a couple of months.

Yes, as covered in This story from the Independent this cut is being funded from central government in the form of an increase of 1% to their funding in exchange for reducing council tax by 1% in order to make the Tories look like they give a damn, when we all know that they couldn't care less about us all. Here's the proof:
So, in effect ADC are giving us nothing, and shouting from the rooftops about how great they are for doing sod all, aside from trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

What do the councillors think of this cut?

So, there you have it, it's "not a big deal in real terms", so why exactly was there need for a huge press campaign to promote something that isn't a big deal? Oh yes, we're back to propaganda again.

The question should be then asked, if ADC aren't short of cash, then why the 6.4% rent increase?

The claim that they are providing the same level of service is a load of old cobblers too, since the merger, (what merger?) with Worthing, we have seen services decimated, local offices sold off, cash offices closed, computer systems that are repeatedly crashing, and a telephone system that I have been led to believe isn't fit for purpose either, there are plenty of other cuts too, one of which I'll get on to in a bit.

What does the Chair think?
Well, a chair could probably harbour better thoughts than this idiot, and could probably form a better sentence too. Anyway, this makes it pretty clear that the intention was to attract positive publicity for what is essentially a placebo, designed to make you look the other way while they rob you blind.

I'm not too sure about this "best rubbish collection services in the country" either, I can't find any ratings system for this, or any documented, (or other) proof that this is anything aside from another load of old Tory hot air.

What is more worrying about Mendo's statement, is that he claims that ADC have been stockpiling cash reserves whilst trying to convince us all that we are all having to suffer cuts and rent increases because of the last Labour government, (that old gem). They claim that they don't need our money, yet they still seem to want to repeatedly increase their allowances and now admit to having plenty put aside, when they still claim that the Civic Centre is falling down due to not having enough cash for renovations. It's all bullsh*t, and the people of Adur swallow it willingly, and are expected to be grateful for a few crumbs thrown, that aren't even from the local council's table.

In reality, this cut is not coming from local sources, it is coming from our schools and hospitals (the ones that haven't been sold off already), because the cuts to these services are why central government can afford to offer a carrot to any willing propagandists, whilst beating the poor with the stick.

As for ADC's rubbish collection service, it really is a RUBBISH collection service. Maybe the affluent areas of town get looked after but down here in Sh*tsville, it's business as usual......



Tuesday 18 February 2014

CSI Lancing.

So, it appears that ADC wish to extend their dodgy behaviour to my family now.

Today, their creative evidential gathering reached a new low.

Yes, I'm talking rubbish again, just like their last attempt to claim that we are fly tipping, when I helped the other half take out a couple of bin bags, and as I did not live there, they claimed that this was somehow illegal, (this was captured on camera and reported by their mate, and good pal of the local serial killer and Tory Cllr, Kevin Davis).

Obviously as members and supporters of the travelling community, they have already made sweeping assumptions about our toilet habits and obviously want to tick off another box in their "Observer pocket book of discrimination". Sadly for them, most of their assumptions are as close to truth, as their belief that they are not corrupt.

This morning a "Refuse Compliance Officer", (another name for "Bin Inspector") from ADC, was hammering on my partner's front door and shouting through the letterbox. He was waving a piece of junk mail addressed to her which had been placed in the recycling bin, and claiming that this had been found in a pile of five bin bags placed at the edge of the kerb on bin collection day.

These bags had not been opened and the bin inspector wasn't even wearing gloves, whilst claiming to have been rooting through rubbish bags left out for the bin men by her neighbour, because she has assisted bin collection, (where the bin men take the bins from the door end of the path rather than the pavement end) due to a disability.

This bin inspector was extremely rude and very aggressive, and insisted on telling my disabled partner, that she was clearly not disabled and didn't deserve assisted collection. So aside form affording himself an important executive sounding title for what is essentially a shitty job, this guy also thinks that he's a doctor as well.

The neighbour came out and told this numpty that the bags were his, and that he put them out for collection by the bin men, sadly this was not enough for the deluded dustman, and he continued to claim that he had found the letter, that he had removed from the recycling bin, inside one of the unopened bags by the side of the road.

Aside from the obvious problem that bin bags left out for the bin men, on bin collection day is not actually so unreasonable, the idea that a person feels that their pimped up job title gives them the excuse to take a letter from it's correct place in a recycling bin and use this as an excuse to shout abuse at a vulnerable person, and becoming more aggressive when caught out, is absolutely unacceptable.

And so for these actions, Adur's "Refuse Compliance Officer", you are hereby awarded the title of......

We hereby refuse to comply with your office, and suggest that you maybe look for a job that does not entail going through other peoples' rubbish, if you aren't actually prepared to do this, and would rather guess where it came from and create the supposed "evidence".

If you really want to sort out the problem of rubbish on our streets, why don't you head to the Farmers' Market  and get rid of the rubbish that tends to accumulate around the A-board with "Tim Loughton" written on it?


(I'm thinking that this could be a regular feature)

Sunday 16 February 2014

Adur's Tories have had it too easy, for too long.

The local Tory party have really begun to consider themselves untouchable in recent years, and proof of this has manifested itself in the way they interact with us, the people that they are supposed to be representing.

Today, the online version of The Harald published THIS. Yes, Grand Moff Parkin could find himself in a big pile of the stuff that he imagines is left behind whenever the Travelling community visit Adur, you know, the same stuff that he pretended was left on our allotment in order to protect his dodgy "Kiddy Filming" mates.

Here's the main bulk of the story:
Click to view in full.

Yes, just like his buddy Timbo The Lought, Parkin prefers abusive emails to political discussions in which he is unable to defend his extremely questionable decision making process.

Ms Bland better get used to the way that the local Tories operate if she's planning on standing as PPC for the LibDems in EWAS, because they are all very similar in their absolute disregard for any view that doesn't coincide with theirs, and I'm yet to meet one who has the conkers to stand up for their constituents against the bulldozer politics of Loughton, Parkin, Searle, Mendoza or the Dunn Clan, some might think that this small cabal only ever selects subservient yes men as candidates, who can be easily manipulated into blindly following the "Greater Good" plan.

I don't support Ms Bland in her position as politician, or her party, but as another of the many who has written a polite but firm, political challenge to these thugs, and received a tirade of abuse in response, I feel the need to support her views as a fellow human being, and applaud her for being able to push this through the correct channels without being sideswiped by fiends in high places.

It's not about gaps, it's not about party politics, it's about the local Tory cabal believing that they are above the law, and their belief that attempting to ridicule any worthy adversary, will somehow trump political debate. I should however, like to warn Ms Bland that by raising this issue, she has now embarked upon a battle of wits with a demilitarised foe, and that she shouldn't expect any rational response from this point, and if she is expecting them to adhere to that part of the Code Of Conduct, (oooh, another COC, will remember that for future reference) then she clearly hasn't been in Adur long enough.

The fact that she doesn't live here seems to be another thing that the local Tories seem to want to use as a weapon against Ms Bland, yet they seem to forget that their candidate, Loughton, has never lived here either, and Parkin himself represents St Nicholas ward (an almost guaranteed Tory seat), which is on the opposite side of Adur from his Southwick home. But little things like facts, never get in the way of our local Tories, especially when someone from outside the area comes here and looks at the state of local governance with an open mind and compares it to a true and just democracy, if they have an understanding of the way that representation should work, they will obviously be questioning the local "leaders". Sadly they are not used to the way that these people regard the public, or maybe the true sadness comes in the form of the rest of the residents who have come to accept abuse and corruption as the norm.

Either way, Parkin shouldn't feel too bad about being investigated for being a rude and patronising sh*te, because he's not alone. Loughton has already been investigated for the same crime, and if he didn't have Parliamentary Privilege he would be knackered by now. Aside from this, there is another one of the local "Dignitaries" who is one step farther down the investigation road that he's on, you see, Parkin is at the first stage of the COC investigation, (hee hee, told you I'd use that one again) the part where the Executive Head (who as it happens is being laid off  from his £70k+ job, along with all the other Execs by Parkin and his mates) gets together with an "independent" person, and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation. Then comes the second stage, which is the full investigation by an outside agency.

I can reveal that despite Parkin's COC actions being in their infancy, there is another ADC Tory COC issue going under the microscope as you read this, and this one has already passed the first stage and is currently under full investigation.

Here's a clue to who it is, (ok it's a pretty big clue, but hey I had to make it able to be read by the local Tories, so subtlety wasn't an option):

I wonder if Parkin and his mates really though through announcing their decision to sack all ten of their executive board and replace them with four posts. Considering that these ten are the only people who can challenge the Councillors with any real strength, this could have been a bit of a mistake on their part.

Whether this is part of the reason why, finally after all these years, the local Tories are not getting their usual easy ride or not, it is clear that now we have the two most senior members of the Council under formal investigation for their sheer arrogance and disrespect towards the people they are supposed to be representing.

If you consider that this is a minor problem, please reconsider, because since starting this blog I have been contacted by many people who have shown me numerous pieces of correspondence from this little gang, and aside from filing to be able to answer simple questions from their constituents, they are also unable to write to anyone who doesn't share their views without reverting to childish insults and playground abuse.

So, on behalf of all these people, I shall respond in kind, and say that all the local Tories smell like wee and poo, and have faces that would make most normal people consider putting pants on their heads and teaching their arses to talk.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

They work for WHO?

Yesterday saw the commons vote on the "smoking in cars with kids" amendment to the Children and Families Bill. In the run up to this vote, our MP, Tim Loughton was actively seeking his constituents opinions on this, through various media appeals to "Tell Timbo" how the people he is supposed to represent actually want him to vote.

Here's one of them from his own publicly funded website:

He also linked this to his Twitter account and revealed the outcome of this "public consultation exercise".

So the outcome was, although rather disappointing in numbers, that his constituents wanted a "Yes" vote from their MP.

The numbers responding to his request clearly demonstrate the lack of faith that the local people actually have in their MP, and the subsequent response from this self-serving MP explains the reason for this very pertinently.

Because he led the "No" camp.

Absolute proof that our MP doesn't actually listen to the people that he is supposed to be representing, and that these requests for the local peoples' opinions are filed immediately, under "Bin" as he does what he wants, not what the people that he is paid to represent actually want him to do.

Remember, at the next GE, it might be good to vote for a candidate who will conduct an open and fair public consultation, and be bound by the outcome of the results of that consultation, rather than simple represent their own personal view.

This stunt just proves that I am not the only person in Adur that isn't represented in Parliament, none of us are, because the person voting on our behalf does not live here, he has never lived here, and he clearly ignores the views held by people who do live here.

We should all step back and ask ourselves, just what is the point of a parliamentary representative who, not only does not live in Adur, does not represent the views held by it's residents. Yes, what is the point of Tim Loughton?


Monday 10 February 2014

Loughton just won't let it go.

Yes, like any petulant five year old, Tim Loughton just loves to use every excuse to shout about how unfair the world has been to him, mainly by judging him in the same way as everyone else, and ignoring his self perceived ubermensch status.

He also just can't stop himself from having yet another pop at the travelling community.

Click to read in full

Yes, he still wants to misrepresent the truth, (or lie through his teeth, as it is known in the real world) by claiming that all he had done was use the word "unkempt", and sent a copy of Hansard. He knows this is complete and utter bullshit, but obviously as there is no other recourse for the truth to be released, available to me, here it is.

He did far more than those two acts, and still is perpetrating his hate campaign via other gullible tory filthmongers, and assorted right wing scum, most of whom are in regular contact with him personally.

So he won't be sending any more Hansards out to anyone who never requested them? Great, that should save us all a few quid on his already exorbitant expenses bill. Now all we need him to do is stop pretending to rent an office from the local Conservative ASSociation at £700 a month and we'd all be better off.

So, Timbo claims that he has no argument with travellers, this is rather strange, why then, would he have spent the last few years spreading his filthy lies about their toilet habits and running down here to try and unlawfully obstruct the highway whenever a caravan is sighted within 20 miles of Adur. His "no argument" even extended to a call for hotlines to report anyone who may look a bit travellery whenever they are spotted driving a lawfully operated vehicle on a public highway. Yes, really no argument at all there.

Oh, I see that he only dislikes travellers on "illegal encampments", unlike any that happen to be on any of the non existent legal sites in Shoreham. Yes, all traveller encampments in Shoreham are by his measure, illegal, and therefore any traveller in Shoreham, Loughton has a problem with, he said it himself.

As for disrupting the business of the locals, what about the recent pedestrianisation of East St, or the balls up that is the new footbridge, these actions inconvenienced the locals and caused devastation to local businesses, far more than a couple of caravans in a park.

The claim that the mess left is a major problem, is also flawed, as I have seen no encampments on our estate, yet there is crap everywhere, about a bin liner a week of bottles, cans, crisp bags etc. in our 10ftx10ft communal garden since the local school moved their entrance over this side of the site.

This rubbish is from local kids (and adults), who live in houses and are supposedly offended by a few bin bags on a playing field, yet think nothing of throwing their rubbish all over our estate whilst using it as a short cut home from school.

It's lucky that the local council organise "deep cleanup operations" regularly, maybe one day they'll organise one in an area that isn't full of £400k houses, although this is highly unlikely. When I was the Chair of our local residents group, we asked the council for bins to encourage responsible behaviour, but this was refused, and we were offered an increased litter pickup round instead. As with all other promises from ADC, this never materialised, and we haven't seen a litter picker for years. I know that the residents should take pride in their locale, however it's a bit tricky to persuade people this when the buildings are one step off derelict, most of the fences and gates have collapsed since the council staff moved to Worthing and don't come here anymore.

Residents in social housing are obviously viewed in the same way by Loughton as the travelling community are. and his questionable claim that Council Tax has had to be increased by 28% to deal with travellers, shows that this is all about money and not about people.

This 28% increase seems to be very relevant to Timbo when he wants to use it as a weapon against others, however whenever he is asked about why we should have a Tory council, and everyone should vote for him and his lackeys, we are told that this is because they have frozen Council Tax for the past 4 years.

Surely both a freeze and a 28% increase cannot be true, unless of course you're talking about councillors allowances.

I smell bullshit, and so should you.


Saturday 8 February 2014

Simon Carr, Tory propagandist or lying piece of shit?

As if there's a difference eh?

A week or so ago, our idiot MP "was hauled before" (as he chooses to refer to the invite offered to other witnesses) a Privileges committee, to address the claim that he and Sussex Police had been in a bit of a barney because they didn't bow down before him and accept that, as an MP he should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

I personally attempted to be able to make presentation to this committee, this was done all professional like through a solicitor and everything, sadly my request was refused, but it was suggested that I be offered the privacy of no further abuse by the redaction of my name. This was made clear at the hearing, however one of the members, a pompous Tory arse by the name of Buckland, decided to refer to myself by my initials, and Loughton himself also chose to identify myself by reference to his other protected tirade of lies, so it became free rein for the filthy tabloid scum to yet again invade my privacy.

The one that particularly caught my attention, was that of faux blogger Guido Fawkes, a blog in name only, run by a small selection of swivel eyed loons, led by a shady character who registered this "blog" in a tax haven in order to avoid any justified litigation, these Tories sure do like their protection don't they? It's a wonder how they manage to sire so many bastard children between them with all the precautionary measures they like to ensure are in place.

Here's the load of old shit they published:

Let's break this crap down and see if we can see any evidence of any true factual content, obviously I shall refrain from expressing any views on the rights or wrongs of Sussex Police's exemplary performance at this hearing, nor will I dare to suggest that they actually have the full breakdown of Loughton's actions or the actions of those who could only be acting under his direction as these actions took place long before any of this was in the public domain. Right, so I won't be talking about any of that stuff, is that clear? I also won't congratulate the Chief Constable for refusing to bow down to politicians exerting power over the law, either on a local or national level. That took a fair bit of not saying, didn't it?

Right, on to business; Firstly, "dapper"? I would say that dappy would be more apt, but I wouldn't want to demean that rappy type fella by comparing him to a person who hangs about with drug added criminals and sexual deviants, that wouldn't be fair on the chap.

It's lucky that the police devised this "peace keeping device" without the help of Parliament, we've seen their idea of "peace keeping" in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to be honest, any device created by the police couldn't possibly be as disastrous as those.

"Loughton's offence?", someone hasn't read their PIN have they? It clearly states that this is not a record of any "offence", but merely a notice as the name suggests. As for him not being able to represent me, that's not what Parliament claims, the rules are that he does still represent me, whether he wants to send me a piece of magic unquestionable paper or not. You will probably not realise that if he had sent a letter outlining that he had resigned his duties, this would not have been covered by privilege and could be challenged, but these politicians hate even playing fields.

On to the "Exhibit(s)", ooooh, if you say Exhibit before something it makes you sound all knowledgeable and adds credence to bullshit, I'll have to remember that.

A is for Arse, as in talking out of one's....

 I should first point out that although traditionally the alphabet runs ABC, in this numpty's world, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Back to "Exhibit A", "shortly after the Columbine massacres", hey, hold on a minute, you mean the school shootings by disaffected students who had been tormented for many years by their classmates, that occurred in April 1999, I assume. My blog was created in 2012.

I know that time is supposed to go by quicker the older you get, if that's true then this arse must be positively ancient, 13 years after this event I parodied a school shooting perpetrated by a politician, sorry if you haven't got over it yet Simon? I'd better not do any Lady Die jokes then, maybe that's to soon as well.

I could tell you that this cartoon was a parody of the effect that Loughton and his fellow education bods in parliament is having on our schools, and the killing was merely representative of the destroyed futures of our youth brought on by the removal of funding and the selling of our education system to the highest bidder. Well, I could tell you that, but the truth is, it's a joke, it was funny, nobody got hurt, there were no real guns, no shootings, and the only thing that got hurt was Timmy's feelings, boo f*cking hoo.

B is for Bollocks, as in talking a load of....
This is really quite funny, I "penetrated" nothing whatsoever to do with any member of the Loughton clan, and to be honest I wouldn't want to penetrate their facebooks with a ten foot internet pole, enough suggestive writing for you? I assume you got the message hidden there, I can assure you that I didn't inhale and all that.
The picture did not come from facebook at all, it came from a link from Loughton's own Twitter feed, and the reason for the alleged horses heads, (in reality one was a donkey leading me to believe that the author either hasn't seen any evidence or he can't tell a horse from a donkey) was after a request from a member of Sussex Police asking me to obscure their faces, this request came with a clear statement that I had broken no laws by posting the original, public domain image, and that if I chose to do so, it would be by my own choice and not under any legal requirement.
Obviously if Loughton wants me to remove the equine accoutrements and return the image to it's original form he only has to ask, he knows where I am, after all he did give my address to his tabloid hack mates, and his mate who sent me the death threats telling me to give no further information to authorities or my days were numbered.
An important thing to remember about these threats, is that at the time they were sent, the investigation into Loughton was only known by myself, the police, and Loughton, and I definitely didn't send this filth to myself and my family.
C is for C****, as in all Tory politicians and their tabloid hack mates are ......

Strangely this is deemed to be the only action of Loughton's worth mentioning, they forgot about the death threats, and the fact that he clearly pointed myself out to a couple of his goons shortly before they approached myself and my stepson and sucker punched me in the back, like all true cowards do.
This original debate had about as much truth in it as the average pop-up book, it was delivered under privilege, because if he had made even 10% of the claims he did in parliament in any other arena I could have sued his arse off with absolutely no trouble at all, however the cowards charter (parliamentary privilege) allows him to be a publicly funded lying b*stard with no recourse available.
The claim that he does not represent me anymore, is also delivered with a healthy dose of absolute shit, because there's only a few ways that this could happen, if I left the area, he stopped being a trough snaffling Tory piggy, or one or both of us died horribly in some kind of gardening accident. None of these have happened so he still is my MP, and the fact that he will not respond to any questions asked is nothing new, he never did this when he was representing me so little has changed.
Back to the main body of this piece of excellent parody journalism.
Truth is, they did plenty about other accusations made by Loughton, but that's between Sussex Police, the IPCC and my solicitor, so I can't discuss that at present, so I shall move on.
The story fails to mention that the original "unkempt" statement was challenged through the ICO and Adur Council were required to remove it, so the claim that it was acceptable for it to be used as an insult is extremely questionable, and when coupled with the fact that the original matter, on which I had written to him and received a very sweary response was found in my favour by the ICO, this matter is concluded, and I was right, they were wrong, that is clear in law but sadly gossip isn't governed by truth.
The complaint relating to the discriminatory behaviour, was in fact, in relation to Loughton's repeated abuse of the travelling community and his very public abuse of members of it, myself included, this did not include the word "unkempt" as anything other than a tiny part of a larger matter which Loughton chose to "forget" when he was out looking for sympathy.
If you look at this situation in the round, you will see that Loughton admits that he was investigated under the Malicious Communications Act, under UK laws, an investigation under this act cannot include any level of racial aggravation, in short it cannot be a racist investigation, it is not racially aggravated, there is no racial element to the investigation etc. etc. etc. He lied, but it can't be challenged because he did it in a magic building, under protection of a stupid load of outdated cobblers, but out here in the real world, a lie is a lie is a lie.
We again have the same crap about my "claiming Romany ancestry", yes, claiming, in the same way that Anne Widdecombe claims to be a woman, some people may not believe it, but it's true, and if I am expected to prove my heritage, then she should be forced to prove that she is in fact a woman, (not to me though, I really wouldn't want to see that, I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life).
We then have the old nonsense about dictionary definitions, yet they seem to think that "shaggy bearded" is some kind of insult, when the definition of Shaggy is "covered in coarse hair", well aren't all beards like that, I'm yet to see one that isn't myself. The claim that I am supposed to have claimed that this was the same as dirty and that this was in some way racist is another load of third hand tabloid bullshit, I've never said that dirty was racist or that unkempt was racist, but the fact that Loughton was investigated for using Parliamentary headed paper to send a letter containing numerous swear words in response to a polite email is there for all who want to see, and if you can't see the truth and would rather believe a sensationalised fictional tabloid account of the world, then good luck, I hope I never pass your final conflagration with a full bladder.
Here's a challenge to Loughton, Simon Carr, and anyone else who thinks that this is justified, next time you see a traveller encampment, why don't you go over to them, make sure to pick the biggest fella on the site, and tell him that you think that he's unkempt, dirty, shaggy, uncombed and scruffy, go on, I double dare you. If you think that it's not offensive you should try it, I doubt that he'd bother to report you to the police though, because unlike me, he probably wishes to remain in a community in which he is safe, and one in which morals exist and privileges are earned, not given freely to any old arsehead.
It is funny that it is believed that I should be willing to accept name calling, but the crux of Loughton's original tirade revolved around me using what he considers to be bad language, (only when he isn't using it), and he really hated me calling him Mr Potato Head, but hey, he has a head shaped like a King Edward, so what does he expect. I'm well in credit for name calling now, so maybe Loughton should prepare himself for more childish name calling, after all he is used to it, we see it every week on PMQs and I have little doubt that he received more than his share at school, a vicars kid with delusions of grandeur wouldn't have lasted five minutes at our school.
There's far more that I could say about this bullshit, but I've already spent more time than it warrants already. Suffice to say, if you believe all you read in the Daily Mail, and what is said in an unchallengeable environment, you're gullible enough to vote for this muppet and well past redemption.  I wish you well in your trivial quest towards cessation of breath.

Friday 7 February 2014

You're not under privilege now pal.

Oh look, Timbo wants to have another go, this time outside of his little cocoon of privilege, so clearly I am on equal footing and have the right to respond equally, so here we go.

Right, this is all about Timbo's abusive post on a blog by a mate of his, pictured below,
which he has never publicly confirmed or denied, until today, when we have this:
Firstly, nobody apologises for me, except me, and if responding to an unsolicited question is classed as abuse, then hey, crucify me for standing my ground. As for this "clearly not (his) post", that's why it has his name at the top of it, and various interviews have proved beyond doubt that Timmy just loves swearing at people, so it's not that clear really, now is it?

The implications of his accusation that he believes that I called myself a "Pikey Cunt", whilst impersonating him in a public forum, are actually far wider than they first appear to the untrained observer.

You see, if I did post abuse against myself under his name, this would actually be a criminal offence under UK law, and as has been proved many times, I don't break the law, I merely exploit loopholes in the freedom of speech legislation, in the same way as the rich exploit loopholes in tax laws. So yet another hint by Lought that I am some kind of criminal, well I must be a very special kind of criminal, one without any convictions, who has never been charged with any crime.

If Lought wants to claim that I wrote this filth, under his moniker, then he's going to need a lot more than a vague suggestion from himself, backed up with no evidence whatsoever. Frankly, whoever wrote this is clearly in the Loughton camp, with regards to their belief that abuse towards the travelling community is perfectly acceptable, just as long as they roll out the "Holocaust Day" publicity every year to prove that they object to all of the heinous acts committed in the 1940s, apart from the ones against minority groups that they also harbour a hatred for, which if they had their way, would be continuing to this day. Why else would Loughton want to completely eradicate the travelling community from Adur? Let's not forget that displacing minorities to a neighbouring province or controlled ghetto was the first step taken in the late 30s, why is it any different now?

I don't care who is using his name to perpetuate his hate agenda, but if he does, as he appears to claim, then he would have reported this to the police and the person responsible, (if indeed it wasn't him) identified and held to account for their crimes, I can assure you that it wouldn't be me, but I expect where Timbo shares the same sentiments, he wouldn't dream of having one of his supporters convicted of a crime that he'd far rather pin on me, without evidence or trial.

I'm not sorry for defending myself against discrimination, lies and abuse, it's just very sad that despite being offered the opportunity to discuss this like adults, Loughton has repeatedly refused to allow this, maybe because he fears that stepping outside his little world of privileges is not for him, or maybe simply because he is a pathetic little coward, who likes to dish it out, but when it comes to getting the same back, he goes running to mummy, who more than likely wouldn't interested anyway, because she's probably off living in godless, unmarried sin, by the seaside with some bloke called Tony.

Ahhhh, I feel better now.


Loughton's privilege of discrimination.

This week, among other things which I will go into in more detail later, our MP Tim Loughton decided to abuse his right to parliamentary privilege in order to make yet another extremely ignorant and discriminatory statement.

This is admittedly nothing new for Timbo, as he seems to just love expressing his hatred for minority groups in a very public manner, alongside his desperate need for some kind of reassurance that he is important, anyone would think that he is desperately trying to compensate for his other clear inadequacies by pushing the smaller people around.

The latest addition to his clear fascistic views, displayed whilst protected from anyone being able to challenge his outdated views, is THIS.

Click to enlarge.

Yes he is banging on about travellers again, this time as previously, he seems to think that before anyone is judged to be a member of any ethnic group, they should be forced to prove it in some way.

I can imagine this scenario transposed to other hate incidents; "So Mr.Goldstein, you say that you're here to report an anti-Semitic incident?", "yes officer", "Well slap it on the counter sir, because we won't be able to accept any statement from you until you prove that you are roundhead, and not cavalier". Maybe even; "I'm here to report sexual discrimination, officer", "Well miss, until you show me your knockers, I will have to refuse to accept that you are in fact a woman".

As you can clearly see, his claims are completely irrelevant and even more unworkable in the real world, but as Timmy rarely visits the real world, he clearly is not able to identify his ignorance in the same way that the rest of us can.

I expect that next time we have a visit from any members of the travelling community, we will see this:
Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Yes, as we speak, Loughton is (possibly) assembling a team of specially trained, Nazi style, racial profilers in order to decide whether people are allowed to be offended by his poorly thought out and at times, downright discriminatory statements.

What is quite amusing, is that as someone who works in the building where laws are passed, he seems to have somehow missed the Race Relations Act (There is an interesting and informative page about these rights, HERE courtesy of FFT, which will maybe educate a few who aren't as closed minded as Timmy).

He is obviously also ignoring the human rights laws as usual, because he doesn't like them, it's a shame that he doesn't feel the same way about the laws of gravity, because maybe then he would ignore them as well and piss off into the sky, like his mate Jesus did.

It's good to be back.
Until soon