He also just can't stop himself from having yet another pop at the travelling community.
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Yes, he still wants to misrepresent the truth, (or lie through his teeth, as it is known in the real world) by claiming that all he had done was use the word "unkempt", and sent a copy of Hansard. He knows this is complete and utter bullshit, but obviously as there is no other recourse for the truth to be released, available to me, here it is.
He did far more than those two acts, and still is perpetrating his hate campaign via other gullible tory filthmongers, and assorted right wing scum, most of whom are in regular contact with him personally.
So he won't be sending any more Hansards out to anyone who never requested them? Great, that should save us all a few quid on his already exorbitant expenses bill. Now all we need him to do is stop pretending to rent an office from the local Conservative ASSociation at £700 a month and we'd all be better off.
So, Timbo claims that he has no argument with travellers, this is rather strange, why then, would he have spent the last few years spreading his filthy lies about their toilet habits and running down here to try and unlawfully obstruct the highway whenever a caravan is sighted within 20 miles of Adur. His "no argument" even extended to a call for hotlines to report anyone who may look a bit travellery whenever they are spotted driving a lawfully operated vehicle on a public highway. Yes, really no argument at all there.
Oh, I see that he only dislikes travellers on "illegal encampments", unlike any that happen to be on any of the non existent legal sites in Shoreham. Yes, all traveller encampments in Shoreham are by his measure, illegal, and therefore any traveller in Shoreham, Loughton has a problem with, he said it himself.
As for disrupting the business of the locals, what about the recent pedestrianisation of East St, or the balls up that is the new footbridge, these actions inconvenienced the locals and caused devastation to local businesses, far more than a couple of caravans in a park.
The claim that the mess left is a major problem, is also flawed, as I have seen no encampments on our estate, yet there is crap everywhere, about a bin liner a week of bottles, cans, crisp bags etc. in our 10ftx10ft communal garden since the local school moved their entrance over this side of the site.
This rubbish is from local kids (and adults), who live in houses and are supposedly offended by a few bin bags on a playing field, yet think nothing of throwing their rubbish all over our estate whilst using it as a short cut home from school.
It's lucky that the local council organise "deep cleanup operations" regularly, maybe one day they'll organise one in an area that isn't full of £400k houses, although this is highly unlikely. When I was the Chair of our local residents group, we asked the council for bins to encourage responsible behaviour, but this was refused, and we were offered an increased litter pickup round instead. As with all other promises from ADC, this never materialised, and we haven't seen a litter picker for years. I know that the residents should take pride in their locale, however it's a bit tricky to persuade people this when the buildings are one step off derelict, most of the fences and gates have collapsed since the council staff moved to Worthing and don't come here anymore.
Residents in social housing are obviously viewed in the same way by Loughton as the travelling community are. and his questionable claim that Council Tax has had to be increased by 28% to deal with travellers, shows that this is all about money and not about people.
This 28% increase seems to be very relevant to Timbo when he wants to use it as a weapon against others, however whenever he is asked about why we should have a Tory council, and everyone should vote for him and his lackeys, we are told that this is because they have frozen Council Tax for the past 4 years.
Surely both a freeze and a 28% increase cannot be true, unless of course you're talking about councillors allowances.
I smell bullshit, and so should you.