This is admittedly nothing new for Timbo, as he seems to just love expressing his hatred for minority groups in a very public manner, alongside his desperate need for some kind of reassurance that he is important, anyone would think that he is desperately trying to compensate for his other clear inadequacies by pushing the smaller people around.
The latest addition to his clear fascistic views, displayed whilst protected from anyone being able to challenge his outdated views, is THIS.
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Yes he is banging on about travellers again, this time as previously, he seems to think that before anyone is judged to be a member of any ethnic group, they should be forced to prove it in some way.
I can imagine this scenario transposed to other hate incidents; "So Mr.Goldstein, you say that you're here to report an anti-Semitic incident?", "yes officer", "Well slap it on the counter sir, because we won't be able to accept any statement from you until you prove that you are roundhead, and not cavalier". Maybe even; "I'm here to report sexual discrimination, officer", "Well miss, until you show me your knockers, I will have to refuse to accept that you are in fact a woman".
As you can clearly see, his claims are completely irrelevant and even more unworkable in the real world, but as Timmy rarely visits the real world, he clearly is not able to identify his ignorance in the same way that the rest of us can.
I expect that next time we have a visit from any members of the travelling community, we will see this:
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Courtesy of Wikipedia. |
Yes, as we speak, Loughton is (possibly) assembling a team of specially trained, Nazi style, racial profilers in order to decide whether people are allowed to be offended by his poorly thought out and at times, downright discriminatory statements.
What is quite amusing, is that as someone who works in the building where laws are passed, he seems to have somehow missed the Race Relations Act (There is an interesting and informative page about these rights, HERE courtesy of FFT, which will maybe educate a few who aren't as closed minded as Timmy).
He is obviously also ignoring the human rights laws as usual, because he doesn't like them, it's a shame that he doesn't feel the same way about the laws of gravity, because maybe then he would ignore them as well and piss off into the sky, like his mate Jesus did.
It's good to be back.
Until soon