Today, the online version of The Harald published THIS. Yes, Grand Moff Parkin could find himself in a big pile of the stuff that he imagines is left behind whenever the Travelling community visit Adur, you know, the same stuff that he pretended was left on our allotment in order to protect his dodgy "Kiddy Filming" mates.
Here's the main bulk of the story:
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Yes, just like his buddy Timbo The Lought, Parkin prefers abusive emails to political discussions in which he is unable to defend his extremely questionable decision making process.
Ms Bland better get used to the way that the local Tories operate if she's planning on standing as PPC for the LibDems in EWAS, because they are all very similar in their absolute disregard for any view that doesn't coincide with theirs, and I'm yet to meet one who has the conkers to stand up for their constituents against the bulldozer politics of Loughton, Parkin, Searle, Mendoza or the Dunn Clan, some might think that this small cabal only ever selects subservient yes men as candidates, who can be easily manipulated into blindly following the "Greater Good" plan.
I don't support Ms Bland in her position as politician, or her party, but as another of the many who has written a polite but firm, political challenge to these thugs, and received a tirade of abuse in response, I feel the need to support her views as a fellow human being, and applaud her for being able to push this through the correct channels without being sideswiped by fiends in high places.
It's not about gaps, it's not about party politics, it's about the local Tory cabal believing that they are above the law, and their belief that attempting to ridicule any worthy adversary, will somehow trump political debate. I should however, like to warn Ms Bland that by raising this issue, she has now embarked upon a battle of wits with a demilitarised foe, and that she shouldn't expect any rational response from this point, and if she is expecting them to adhere to that part of the Code Of Conduct, (oooh, another COC, will remember that for future reference) then she clearly hasn't been in Adur long enough.
The fact that she doesn't live here seems to be another thing that the local Tories seem to want to use as a weapon against Ms Bland, yet they seem to forget that their candidate, Loughton, has never lived here either, and Parkin himself represents St Nicholas ward (an almost guaranteed Tory seat), which is on the opposite side of Adur from his Southwick home. But little things like facts, never get in the way of our local Tories, especially when someone from outside the area comes here and looks at the state of local governance with an open mind and compares it to a true and just democracy, if they have an understanding of the way that representation should work, they will obviously be questioning the local "leaders". Sadly they are not used to the way that these people regard the public, or maybe the true sadness comes in the form of the rest of the residents who have come to accept abuse and corruption as the norm.
Either way, Parkin shouldn't feel too bad about being investigated for being a rude and patronising sh*te, because he's not alone. Loughton has already been investigated for the same crime, and if he didn't have Parliamentary Privilege he would be knackered by now. Aside from this, there is another one of the local "Dignitaries" who is one step farther down the investigation road that he's on, you see, Parkin is at the first stage of the COC investigation, (hee hee, told you I'd use that one again) the part where the Executive Head (who as it happens is being laid off from his £70k+ job, along with all the other Execs by Parkin and his mates) gets together with an "independent" person, and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation. Then comes the second stage, which is the full investigation by an outside agency.
I can reveal that despite Parkin's COC actions being in their infancy, there is another ADC Tory COC issue going under the microscope as you read this, and this one has already passed the first stage and is currently under full investigation.
Here's a clue to who it is, (ok it's a pretty big clue, but hey I had to make it able to be read by the local Tories, so subtlety wasn't an option):
I wonder if Parkin and his mates really though through announcing their decision to sack all ten of their executive board and replace them with four posts. Considering that these ten are the only people who can challenge the Councillors with any real strength, this could have been a bit of a mistake on their part.
Whether this is part of the reason why, finally after all these years, the local Tories are not getting their usual easy ride or not, it is clear that now we have the two most senior members of the Council under formal investigation for their sheer arrogance and disrespect towards the people they are supposed to be representing.
If you consider that this is a minor problem, please reconsider, because since starting this blog I have been contacted by many people who have shown me numerous pieces of correspondence from this little gang, and aside from filing to be able to answer simple questions from their constituents, they are also unable to write to anyone who doesn't share their views without reverting to childish insults and playground abuse.
So, on behalf of all these people, I shall respond in kind, and say that all the local Tories smell like wee and poo, and have faces that would make most normal people consider putting pants on their heads and teaching their arses to talk.