Tuesday 11 February 2014

They work for WHO?

Yesterday saw the commons vote on the "smoking in cars with kids" amendment to the Children and Families Bill. In the run up to this vote, our MP, Tim Loughton was actively seeking his constituents opinions on this, through various media appeals to "Tell Timbo" how the people he is supposed to represent actually want him to vote.

Here's one of them from his own publicly funded website:

He also linked this to his Twitter account and revealed the outcome of this "public consultation exercise".

So the outcome was, although rather disappointing in numbers, that his constituents wanted a "Yes" vote from their MP.

The numbers responding to his request clearly demonstrate the lack of faith that the local people actually have in their MP, and the subsequent response from this self-serving MP explains the reason for this very pertinently.

Because he led the "No" camp.

Absolute proof that our MP doesn't actually listen to the people that he is supposed to be representing, and that these requests for the local peoples' opinions are filed immediately, under "Bin" as he does what he wants, not what the people that he is paid to represent actually want him to do.

Remember, at the next GE, it might be good to vote for a candidate who will conduct an open and fair public consultation, and be bound by the outcome of the results of that consultation, rather than simple represent their own personal view.

This stunt just proves that I am not the only person in Adur that isn't represented in Parliament, none of us are, because the person voting on our behalf does not live here, he has never lived here, and he clearly ignores the views held by people who do live here.

We should all step back and ask ourselves, just what is the point of a parliamentary representative who, not only does not live in Adur, does not represent the views held by it's residents. Yes, what is the point of Tim Loughton?