Tuesday 18 February 2014

CSI Lancing.

So, it appears that ADC wish to extend their dodgy behaviour to my family now.

Today, their creative evidential gathering reached a new low.

Yes, I'm talking rubbish again, just like their last attempt to claim that we are fly tipping, when I helped the other half take out a couple of bin bags, and as I did not live there, they claimed that this was somehow illegal, (this was captured on camera and reported by their mate, and good pal of the local serial killer and Tory Cllr, Kevin Davis).

Obviously as members and supporters of the travelling community, they have already made sweeping assumptions about our toilet habits and obviously want to tick off another box in their "Observer pocket book of discrimination". Sadly for them, most of their assumptions are as close to truth, as their belief that they are not corrupt.

This morning a "Refuse Compliance Officer", (another name for "Bin Inspector") from ADC, was hammering on my partner's front door and shouting through the letterbox. He was waving a piece of junk mail addressed to her which had been placed in the recycling bin, and claiming that this had been found in a pile of five bin bags placed at the edge of the kerb on bin collection day.

These bags had not been opened and the bin inspector wasn't even wearing gloves, whilst claiming to have been rooting through rubbish bags left out for the bin men by her neighbour, because she has assisted bin collection, (where the bin men take the bins from the door end of the path rather than the pavement end) due to a disability.

This bin inspector was extremely rude and very aggressive, and insisted on telling my disabled partner, that she was clearly not disabled and didn't deserve assisted collection. So aside form affording himself an important executive sounding title for what is essentially a shitty job, this guy also thinks that he's a doctor as well.

The neighbour came out and told this numpty that the bags were his, and that he put them out for collection by the bin men, sadly this was not enough for the deluded dustman, and he continued to claim that he had found the letter, that he had removed from the recycling bin, inside one of the unopened bags by the side of the road.

Aside from the obvious problem that bin bags left out for the bin men, on bin collection day is not actually so unreasonable, the idea that a person feels that their pimped up job title gives them the excuse to take a letter from it's correct place in a recycling bin and use this as an excuse to shout abuse at a vulnerable person, and becoming more aggressive when caught out, is absolutely unacceptable.

And so for these actions, Adur's "Refuse Compliance Officer", you are hereby awarded the title of......

We hereby refuse to comply with your office, and suggest that you maybe look for a job that does not entail going through other peoples' rubbish, if you aren't actually prepared to do this, and would rather guess where it came from and create the supposed "evidence".

If you really want to sort out the problem of rubbish on our streets, why don't you head to the Farmers' Market  and get rid of the rubbish that tends to accumulate around the A-board with "Tim Loughton" written on it?


(I'm thinking that this could be a regular feature)