Wednesday 26 December 2018

Adur District Council and their treatment of their tenants.

I have been without heating and hot water since Sunday 23rd December, despite my tenants rights making it clear that this is a job that needs to be completed in 24hrs.

I spent Xmas Eve dealing with fuckwitts at the council, and their contractor BSW, who appear to specialise in the BS part of their name more than anything else.

As a social tenant, I am treated like shit and have been told all sorts of lies and justification why although my contract of tenancy states that they should repair this within 24hrs and if their contractor fails, then they should get a second contractor to do it, means fuck all.

They are money hungry fuckers and if rent isn't paid then they take action soon enough but when it comes to their responsibilities as landlords, they don't give a flying fuck.

These flats are no better than squats and the council couldn't give a shit about the people living in them.

This is what 20 years of Tory rule has done to our local Council. The leaders of the council are only interested in snaffling as much cash for themselves as they can and the staff are all overpaid arseholes who have no idea what their responsibilities are and little care to learn about them.

We see the local Tory Cllrs and their total cunt of an MP turn up for photo ops, claiming to support charities that wouldn't need to exist if they hadn't asset stripped the area for every last fucking penny.

Fuck you Adur Council, fuck you local Tory Party and fuck you BSW, you can all go and crawl back into the fucking holes you came out of and as complete mother fuckers this should be no different to your normal day.