Just seen this piece of shit:
Interesting to say the least, although "complete and utter hogshite" would be more appropriate. Mendoza did not receive a call from any "leading Brighton Labour person" saying anything at all, maybe he imagined it, or possibly got one of his Tory mates to call him and pretend to be a Brighton Labour person, because it is total crap, it never happened, it is all lies and deceit, as usual.
At least this proves that Mendo is now hearing voices inside his fat ugly head, maybe he should just shut the f*ck up and stop telling lies.
Nice try Porky
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Not qualified to live in Adur.
Reading Mental Mendoza's poorly written column in the Harald, it appears that the Goering to Parkin's Hitler is clearly not qualified to even live in Adur let alone chair it's council.
In his column, he admits to having had no idea what "stoolball" was, until 2 years ago. This is a member of the party who believe that anyone coming here from the outside should be required to know how we do things before being allowed to stay. Well you fail Mendo,
anyone who has lived in Adur for any period of time would have at least once in their lives played a game of stoolball. You are clearly not qualified to live here, f*ck off.
I do hope that this upcoming game will be a traditional affair with solid wood ball, delivered at head height with vigour. It's an important part of Stoolball to understand just how much a ball hit to the temple really stings, I do hope that the ladies won't be holding back. For the record, has anyone told him that running will be involved?
Please remember though, if you're in Worthing on the 25th, and feel tremors, it's not an earthquake due to fracking, it's just a fat frack trying to run. I can't guarantee that it won't cause as much damage as a traditional earthquake though.
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With that metalwork he really carries of the "Goering" role. |
In his column, he admits to having had no idea what "stoolball" was, until 2 years ago. This is a member of the party who believe that anyone coming here from the outside should be required to know how we do things before being allowed to stay. Well you fail Mendo,
anyone who has lived in Adur for any period of time would have at least once in their lives played a game of stoolball. You are clearly not qualified to live here, f*ck off.
I do hope that this upcoming game will be a traditional affair with solid wood ball, delivered at head height with vigour. It's an important part of Stoolball to understand just how much a ball hit to the temple really stings, I do hope that the ladies won't be holding back. For the record, has anyone told him that running will be involved?
Please remember though, if you're in Worthing on the 25th, and feel tremors, it's not an earthquake due to fracking, it's just a fat frack trying to run. I can't guarantee that it won't cause as much damage as a traditional earthquake though.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Tim gives you the OK to swear at him.
You will recall that Timbo's excuse for being an ignorant arsehead when responding to a polite email from myself, was that I used rude words in other situations in relation to other matters. Now clearly by his standards, any word that an individual uses in any situation, even if that language is not used in parliamentary correspondence becomes acceptable to include in said correspondence.
This is pretty much cut and dried in his opinion, his rant in parliament claiming to be under the guise of freedom of speech and delivered under parliamentary privilege, stated that as I had been accused (without evidence) of using rude words in my private dealings with individuals other than himself, and this gave him the right to swear at me and be extremely rude in his response from his parliamentary email account.
Imagine my surprise when I listened to this........
If the language that one uses in any situation becomes acceptable to use in formal correspondence with an MP, then there are a few words that you should consider judging by Tim Loughton's standards to be acceptable, here they are:
Remember, Tim Loughton thinks that this language is perfectly acceptable to use when writing to him in his position as MP, if not then he could clearly be accused of double standards.......again.
Also worth noting that if writing to him with regard to his objection to same sex marriage and his abysmal voting record on equality matters, that he proudly announces more than once that he regards himself as "rough trade", they do say that the ones who protest too much are hiding something.........
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Tim Loughton's racist supporters. (UKIP interest too)
Remember a while back I published a selection of Timbo's racist supporters and their vile filth?
Well, whilst working out a payback list I came across something quite interesting.
Remember this vile bitch?
Well it appears that she's not quite what she appears. By this I obviously don't mean that she is not a vile racist dribble of cock snot, because she clearly is, however she is not called Teresa Sherwood, ardent UKIP supporter, she is in fact Mary Dijk, Dutch Neo Nazi scum bag.
Here's a little glimpse of the exposure of her true identity;
Now, obviously there is no surprise that Neo Nazis support Tim Loughton and his racist abuse towards minority groups, after all he had support from storm front as well (White power eh Timbolina?), the question that this raises for me is; how many UKIP promoters on the interweb are actually Neo Nazi's operating from outside the UK merely pretending to push UKIP as a means to promote their extreme right agenda?
I have no doubt that a lot of UKIP supporters in the UK are merely gullible sheep, but if their strings are being pulled by extremists, then there is a real problem here, and one that needs addressing. I personally have a UKIP councillor and so does my partner, and if UKIP are supported by foreign extremists when their main agenda appears to be making a stand against foreign extremists then they need to be eradicated. Obviously after the general election when they have ousted the idiot Tory Scum.
Well, whilst working out a payback list I came across something quite interesting.
Remember this vile bitch?
Here's a little glimpse of the exposure of her true identity;
Now, obviously there is no surprise that Neo Nazis support Tim Loughton and his racist abuse towards minority groups, after all he had support from storm front as well (White power eh Timbolina?), the question that this raises for me is; how many UKIP promoters on the interweb are actually Neo Nazi's operating from outside the UK merely pretending to push UKIP as a means to promote their extreme right agenda?
I have no doubt that a lot of UKIP supporters in the UK are merely gullible sheep, but if their strings are being pulled by extremists, then there is a real problem here, and one that needs addressing. I personally have a UKIP councillor and so does my partner, and if UKIP are supported by foreign extremists when their main agenda appears to be making a stand against foreign extremists then they need to be eradicated. Obviously after the general election when they have ousted the idiot Tory Scum.
Tim Loughton, F*cking hypocrite.
Yes, here at Farque Hall, we are having a celebration today. It has been made official that Tim Loughton's false allegations made following him being investigated for being a racist arsehead, have been deemed to be absolute bollocks by Sussex Police (paraphrased).
I can now publicly announce that the f*cking hypocrite decided that after his claims that investigating him for his hateful actions was a complete waste of resources and £100k of public money, he decided to make a fanciful, revenge allegation forcing me to be silent during his far-right press extravaganza. He also got a couple of his local mates to make up some stories as well, so clearly if the investigation into him cost £100k, then this was 4 times that figure, yes Tim :Loughton wasted £400k of public money in order to exact his revenge against someone who didn't want to sit there and be abused by him.
Although I broke no laws, both Loughton and his acolytes made a concerted effort to lie to the police in order to exact their revenge and by doing so wasted the public funds that they claim are so precious when used to investigate racist bigots. This act just goes to show how completely arrogant these individuals really are and demonstrates that they believe that they need to be protected from people who may happen to tell the truth and expose them for what they really are.
Well, the truth is going to come out; Loughton used his position to attempt to influence the outcome of a police investigation and then when he failed in successfully doing this he threw his toys out of the pram, lied through his teeth exploiting parliamentary privilege to the full and then got his mates at the Daily Mail to print his bullshit and harass myself and my family in doing so. Then followed the racist c*nts that support Loughton's outdated nazi views and the numerous abusive emails and tweets that continued for some weeks, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to respond to all of these yet but I am working my way through them and will eventually tell each and every one of them what a complete f*cking c*nt they really are and how I wish them every unpleasant experience known to man.
Yes, I am now free to return all the bile that was sent my way courtesy of Timbolina, and believe me I shall make sure that not one of these ignorant cocksockets is missed out. I'm really going to enjoy this. Each and every one of you who joined Timbo's carnival of hate will receive your just desserts. I'm not a vengeful person, actually, who am I trying to kid, yes I am, if people choose to attack myself and my family then both them and their family become fair targets, it's perfectly justified in natural law. If these people only chose to target me, then only they would be in the firing line, the choice to bring innocent members of my family into play was their choice and so I shall merely be playing by their rules and not mine.
Have a nice day now.................
I can now publicly announce that the f*cking hypocrite decided that after his claims that investigating him for his hateful actions was a complete waste of resources and £100k of public money, he decided to make a fanciful, revenge allegation forcing me to be silent during his far-right press extravaganza. He also got a couple of his local mates to make up some stories as well, so clearly if the investigation into him cost £100k, then this was 4 times that figure, yes Tim :Loughton wasted £400k of public money in order to exact his revenge against someone who didn't want to sit there and be abused by him.
Although I broke no laws, both Loughton and his acolytes made a concerted effort to lie to the police in order to exact their revenge and by doing so wasted the public funds that they claim are so precious when used to investigate racist bigots. This act just goes to show how completely arrogant these individuals really are and demonstrates that they believe that they need to be protected from people who may happen to tell the truth and expose them for what they really are.
Well, the truth is going to come out; Loughton used his position to attempt to influence the outcome of a police investigation and then when he failed in successfully doing this he threw his toys out of the pram, lied through his teeth exploiting parliamentary privilege to the full and then got his mates at the Daily Mail to print his bullshit and harass myself and my family in doing so. Then followed the racist c*nts that support Loughton's outdated nazi views and the numerous abusive emails and tweets that continued for some weeks, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to respond to all of these yet but I am working my way through them and will eventually tell each and every one of them what a complete f*cking c*nt they really are and how I wish them every unpleasant experience known to man.
Yes, I am now free to return all the bile that was sent my way courtesy of Timbolina, and believe me I shall make sure that not one of these ignorant cocksockets is missed out. I'm really going to enjoy this. Each and every one of you who joined Timbo's carnival of hate will receive your just desserts. I'm not a vengeful person, actually, who am I trying to kid, yes I am, if people choose to attack myself and my family then both them and their family become fair targets, it's perfectly justified in natural law. If these people only chose to target me, then only they would be in the firing line, the choice to bring innocent members of my family into play was their choice and so I shall merely be playing by their rules and not mine.
Have a nice day now.................
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Are our local councillors delusional?
Reading the letters in the Harald I spotted this:
Looks like Mendo the Magnificent has decided to propagate Grand Moff Parkin's claim that Shoreham is just so unbelievably similar to Sandbanks, the UK seaside playground of the rich.
This can only be judged to be utterly delusional. Don't get me wrong, I like Shoreham, but Sandbanks it is not. They both begin with "S" and are both by the sea, but that's about it. If I recall the reason quoted by Parkin was in relation to house prices, well here are the average house prices for the two areas:
Not That similar are they? These Tory Councillors have clearly lost touch with reality and are living in a fantasy world. We really need to be asking the question; If they think Shoreham is so great, why the hell are they giving it away in chunks?
What a bunch of tw@s
Looks like Mendo the Magnificent has decided to propagate Grand Moff Parkin's claim that Shoreham is just so unbelievably similar to Sandbanks, the UK seaside playground of the rich.
This can only be judged to be utterly delusional. Don't get me wrong, I like Shoreham, but Sandbanks it is not. They both begin with "S" and are both by the sea, but that's about it. If I recall the reason quoted by Parkin was in relation to house prices, well here are the average house prices for the two areas:
Not That similar are they? These Tory Councillors have clearly lost touch with reality and are living in a fantasy world. We really need to be asking the question; If they think Shoreham is so great, why the hell are they giving it away in chunks?
What a bunch of tw@s
Sunday, 2 June 2013
A bridge too far?
Well, it looks as if our local council are deciding what to call the new footbridge. Despite the fact that it will be called "The Footbridge" as it always has been by the people of Shoreham, they seem to be of the opinion that they should give it a different name, probably so that they can make a big deal out of the opening ceremony.
The Harald provided us with this fantastic story;
"Coronation Bridge".
Yes, it goes from "Coronation Green" across the river, but unless Queenie kicks the bucket in the next couple of months, this name would be a little silly to name a brand new bridge after an event that occurred 61 years ago. Another stupid idea, although coronation chicken and coronation street seem to be quite popular.
"Adur Ferry Bridge".
There was indeed a ferry before the bridge was there, but what the f*ck is a "ferry bridge"? (a quick google informs me that it's a small village in Yorkshire) Again stupid.
"The De Haura Bridge"
This one is a little confusing, is this "haura" from the middle English translation of harbour, from the Dutch "havre", or from the Basque word for children? Either way the inclusion of the word "de" following "the" is grammatically incoherent it would clearly need to be either one or the other, or the word "bridge" would need to be placed earlier in the name, which would make it sound all foreign and so upset all the immigrant hating local Tories and UKIPpers. This one's just a f*cking minefield of all kinds of stupid.
"The Jubilee Bridge".
Yes, let's celebrate Liz's 61st Jubilee, or just celebrate that Shoreham is a year behind the rest of the country. There is always the possibility that the whole royalist theme is merely in order to attempt to lure a minor royal down for the opening ceremony, would our Councillors be that transparent? Stupid idea.
Why not just accept that the people of Shoreham will call it "The Footbridge", they have always called it the footbridge, they will always call it the footbridge. It's a bridge that you cross on foot (and occasionally on bicycles) it's a f*cking FOOTBRIDGE. What is so wrong with that?
But hey, the Tories wouldn't miss the opportunity to put a bit of spin on a simple matter, after all without spin they would just be UKIP/BNP/EDL.
I'm off to the beach, I'll have to get the bus replacement service because "The Queen Elizabeth The Second, Dei Gratia Regina, Fidei Defensor, Coronation Golden Jubilee, and 61st Jubilee of ascension to the throne of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Bridge, where there used to be a ferry" Isn't open for another couple of months yet, what a bind.......
The Harald provided us with this fantastic story;
Now, the fact that they are purposely avoiding using the term "footbridge" is quite telling that they wish to encourage people to not use this word. What the f*ck is a "walk bridge"? maybe it was a spelling mistake and they pressed "L" instead of "N".
Let's have a look at the proposed names:
"The Queen Elizabeth the 2nd Golden Jubilee Bridge".
Get real, do you really expect people to have to call a bridge by a name that is almost as long as the f*cking bridge itself it? There is also the little matter of this being last year and so to be accurate would have to include the word "coronation" between "2nd" and "Jubilee", which would make the name even bloody longer. Stupid idea.
"Coronation Bridge".
Yes, it goes from "Coronation Green" across the river, but unless Queenie kicks the bucket in the next couple of months, this name would be a little silly to name a brand new bridge after an event that occurred 61 years ago. Another stupid idea, although coronation chicken and coronation street seem to be quite popular.
"Adur Ferry Bridge".
There was indeed a ferry before the bridge was there, but what the f*ck is a "ferry bridge"? (a quick google informs me that it's a small village in Yorkshire) Again stupid.
"The De Haura Bridge"
This one is a little confusing, is this "haura" from the middle English translation of harbour, from the Dutch "havre", or from the Basque word for children? Either way the inclusion of the word "de" following "the" is grammatically incoherent it would clearly need to be either one or the other, or the word "bridge" would need to be placed earlier in the name, which would make it sound all foreign and so upset all the immigrant hating local Tories and UKIPpers. This one's just a f*cking minefield of all kinds of stupid.
"The Jubilee Bridge".
Yes, let's celebrate Liz's 61st Jubilee, or just celebrate that Shoreham is a year behind the rest of the country. There is always the possibility that the whole royalist theme is merely in order to attempt to lure a minor royal down for the opening ceremony, would our Councillors be that transparent? Stupid idea.
Why not just accept that the people of Shoreham will call it "The Footbridge", they have always called it the footbridge, they will always call it the footbridge. It's a bridge that you cross on foot (and occasionally on bicycles) it's a f*cking FOOTBRIDGE. What is so wrong with that?
But hey, the Tories wouldn't miss the opportunity to put a bit of spin on a simple matter, after all without spin they would just be UKIP/BNP/EDL.
I'm off to the beach, I'll have to get the bus replacement service because "The Queen Elizabeth The Second, Dei Gratia Regina, Fidei Defensor, Coronation Golden Jubilee, and 61st Jubilee of ascension to the throne of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Bridge, where there used to be a ferry" Isn't open for another couple of months yet, what a bind.......
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Local UKIP don't agree with national BNP ban.
Looks like our local East Worthing and Shoreham UKIPpers aren't comfortable with excluding former BNP members from joining their party.
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I think they mean "lose", "their" and "people". |
Yes, it would appear that the local UKIPpers see the national statement, made by their party to the media which made it clear that ex BNP members were not welcome, as a bit of a problem. They don't clarify just how far "back from the brink" they need to be in order to be acceptable to them. Probably not that far, after their recent re posting of a MFE banner, and other anti Islamic and anti immigrant sentiments there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two parties.
Rather worrying methinks........
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