Friday 7 June 2013

Tim gives you the OK to swear at him.

You will recall that Timbo's excuse for being an ignorant arsehead when responding to a polite email from myself, was that I used rude words in other situations in relation to other matters. Now clearly by his standards, any word that an individual uses in any situation, even if that language is not used in parliamentary correspondence becomes acceptable to include in said correspondence.

This is pretty much cut and dried in his opinion, his rant in parliament claiming to be under the guise of freedom of speech and delivered under parliamentary privilege, stated that as I had been accused (without evidence) of using rude words in my private dealings with individuals other than himself, and this gave him the right to swear at me and be extremely rude in his response from his parliamentary email account.

Imagine my surprise when I listened to this........

If the language that one uses in any situation becomes acceptable to use in formal correspondence with an MP, then there are a few words that you should consider judging by Tim Loughton's standards to be acceptable, here they are:

Remember, Tim Loughton thinks that this language is perfectly acceptable to use when writing to him in his position as MP, if not then he could clearly be accused of double standards.......again.

Also worth noting that if writing to him with regard to his objection to same sex marriage and his abysmal voting record on equality matters, that he proudly announces more than once that he regards himself as "rough trade", they do say that the ones who protest too much are hiding something.........
