Again this week I experienced the closed and ignorant nature of the main stream media, and their desire to exercise their believed right to accept profit without responsibility.
Many moons ago, there was a generally accepted, unwritten rule amongst credible journalists, that if someone was named in their story, this person would be offered a right to comment on any allegations. These days are dead and gone, I have now read my name, distributed for financial gain, on more than a dozen occasions where either I was not even asked for comment, or it was claimed that I was unavailable for comment despite n attempt made to contact me. I even experienced completely fictitious comments attributed to myself, probably because "fuck off and stop phoning me, and don't print my name in your pathetic Tory propaganda shite, written by pricks and read by c*nts", doesn't make for exciting enough reading, but hey, that's the Daily Snail for you.
Right, this week's ignorant arsehole hack is a little gobshite by the name of David Hughes, and this is not the first time that he and his gang have decided to bypass any remaining journalistic morals by printing my name, (even though it was redacted from official documents, making this "news" essentially gossip) he has done this twice before, so I still owe him a couple of strikes.
Here's the bile he spewed this week....
Click to biggify. |
The problem with David Hughes, (among other personal unpleasantries) is that he works for the Press Association, (Who I have decided should actually be called the Press Assholiation instead, it's far more apt) this is a gang of hacks that spread their bile to all kinds of local rags who are too lazy/incompetent/illiterate to write their own stories and are looking for fillers in order to fill up their pages and websites. So he and his mates essentially take profit from writing any old shit that will be distributed due to contractual obligation rather than content.
Right, My name is again thrown in, this is extremely annoying because I am now receiving further abuse from Loughton supporting organisations, who seem to believe that I want to personally experience the workings of their tiny right wing minds, I must say though, it is interesting how these people can actually type the occasionally correctly spelled word, considering that it's a miracle that they can equate the pressing of the "on" button with the magic, "everyone wants to hear my fascistic bullshit" shiny picture box in front of them, springing to life.
Let's throw some meat on the bones of this shitty piece of alleged journalism, shall we. Right this "long running dispute" he mentions, one would think that I had actually sent him more than a dozen of emails and met him more than twice in the time he's been an MP. Oh, I forgot, Loughton has claimed that I sent him "over 300", now people should be made aware that he said this under parliamentary privilege, the rule which makes lies impossible to be challenged. I assume that this figure of 300 was reached by the same method he used to claim that I have "300 edged weapons", you know the method, the same one that these Tory idiots expect us to believe when they tell us we're better off, probably about "300" better off.
I can only assume that the exchange rate between Tory numbers and real numbers equates to 300 being 15, (concluded from photographic evidence of previous experience of the use of 300), so when Loughton professes to have an IQ of 150, he really means 7.5, which, although appearing to be pretty low, equates to 2 Tory local councillors or seven and a half DM hacks.
Back to this shit, yes Loughton was given a PIN, (a toothless tiger and no more) and he believes that it is unacceptable to punish him for sending a copy posh meeting minutes to my home. In that case Sussex Police should have also included the sending of an offensive email to my home, the sending of death threats to my home, (because they know full well that if they did not come from Loughton himself, they definitely came from within his camp), or the sending of hacks to my home, or maybe the sending of his thug mates to attack me. Maybe then he wouldn't be shouting this loud about it, because it would draw attention to the way that he really conducts his business.
In a way I agree with the finding, they should withdraw the PIN for sending the Hansard, and replace it with a PIN detailing all of the other shit that he did. At least that way they would have the ability to open the door on the real Loughton, and dispel all of the rumours that he spread from within his protective cocoon.
With freedom of speech comes responsibility, this applies to every single person in this country, and the only proviso is that this may be called to court to be justified. I fail to see why any special protection is required in Parliament, surely if it's not true they shouldn't say it, whether they are inside a magic castle or not, it's pretty simple. It's just another divisive, outdated rule that should have been removed years ago.
TIM LOUGHTON, I'm so outraged I could leave a door open. |
The response from this committee is, in itself rather aggressive and nothing short of bullying, when it claims that if SP roll over and do what they're told, we'll say no more about it. The commissioner, Tim's mate Kate, has also now included herself in this matter, despite telling me for the last two years that this is an "operational matter" and therefore outside her remit. So seeking her opinion is akin to asking any Tory party member what they think about it, i.e. a load of old cobblers and nothing more.
Again the "Sacking" is just as much a pile of shite as everything else surrounding this situation, this is not permitted by any rule or law in any democratic society, what he is essentially saying by this is, "I only represent people in my constituency who agree with me", which will come as no surprise to any constituent of his that has written to him about anything done by the Tory Government, and never received a reply, or received an offensive letter instead, (I've seen loads of Loughton abuse letters since starting this blog, he sends them out on a regular basis).
The police are essentially feeling a bit silly that they believed him when he told them that this was allowed by parliament and acted upon it without checking, they now know that he mislead them, I know this because a senior officer actually told me that he clearly wanted to give the impression that MPs could formally sack constituents, and that if it was said in parliament, then privilege made it true. They've already said that they didn't fully understand PP, one of the main reason for this was because Loughton had repeatedly told them lies about it, in order to get what he wanted, i.e. Me to be arrested for exercising my right to free speech, in the same way as he was exercising PP. Both perfectly lawful, however Loughton like all Tories, hates even playing fields.
I guess that it all comes down to how big the polices' balls are, If they roll over and remove Loughton's PIN, this would give me an equal right to a civil challenge for the same, a challenge which I certainly intend to make, because no matter what our job titles are, in a democracy we are all equally afforded rights.
What should also be noted, was that as well as the PIN issue being decided by the Gold Group, it was decided that mediation between myself an Loughton be arranged, something which I have agreed to from day one, and something that Loughton still refuses to accept, I can only assume that this is because he would be forced to discuss his lies in an environment where he isn't afforded an advantageous position, either that or he's just a pathetic, cowardly little chicken, just like all bullies really are, especially the ones that shout the loudest.
If the police bow down and kiss arse, then they will need to put together another offer to myself in order to make up for the abuse and harassment towards myself and my family by this vile man, abuse that continues and is repeated every time some dumbass little bollocks like David Hughes chooses to accept a paycheque in exchange for placing myself and my family in the right wing firing line. I hope that he spends the cash he earned from this story on a dodgy batch of cocaine and dies horrifically as a result.
Take care, and control