Sadly I don't get this choice because little butt-hurt Timmy just can't let it drop, who was it again that referred to him as a self-promoting narcissist?
So, today Timmy found out that he was to get an apology for being sent a PIN, (Police Information Notice, I wish that these people would stop with the "PIN Notice" thing, that would be PINN and would have one too many notices to make any bloody sense, I bet they also refer to their cashpoint PIN as a PIN number, what is the point of an acronym if you also use part of the full title? Grrrrrrr!) and wanted to exploit this to full effect by getting some more self absorbed, media exposure.
The police released this statement, (also using the extra "Notice"):
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Click to make big and readable. |
How did Timmy take this meaningless, and "forced hand" apology? He lapped it up, of course.....
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Clicky clicky, Biggy biggy. |
It is interesting that he claims that parliamentary privilege is some kind of safeguard to our freedom of speech, it is nothing of the sort, MPs are protected in the same way that you or I are protected, but they have this extra layer of immunity that allows them to libel and slander with impunity, this is nothing to do with free speech it is more to do with a privileged few operating outside of the laws that we have to adhere to, it is wrong, it is outdated, and it has been exploited by Loughton to within an inch of it's life. Yet he still feels that he has to arrange yet another parliamentary debate to have another "get out of jail free" rant. You can rest assured that when he does, I shall be exercising my right to free speech by responding to his "whinging, self-serving bollocks" without having to resort to an outdated privilege rule, I'll just be bound by the truth instead.
I'm not sure that the public confidence in Sussex Police has been affected in any way during this whole affair, but it has opened a lot of people's eyes to the way that Tory Timbo likes to throw his toys from the pram, and hopefully will come to highlight the way in which he has lied, manipulated and abused his position in order to get his own way, like a spoiled child.
He didn't even mention the removal of, and apology for, the PIN issued to myself by Sussex Police, surely this is far more important, because I actually was the victim of harassment at the hands of Lought and his pals, and the removal of their PINs makes it clear that they simply got away with the abuse they directed at myself and my family. How did they do this? By media manipulation, political corruption and good old bullshit.
He goes on an on about how he was mistreated, and how he has suffered as a result. Well I didn't see him at the neurological hospital waiting for treatment for the injuries he sustained during this investigation, his injuries consisted of a severe bruise to his "How dare they" reflex, and a nasty strain of his "Do you know who I am" muscle. Did they turn over his home and lock him in a cell? No, he got to make an appointment and spend half an hour having a nice cup of tea and a chat. Did they release his personal details to the press? No, they didn't actually investigate him properly because he did a MacAlpine and used the publicity machine to ensure that his real crimes never surfaced. Did he get a serious beating? No, but I couldn't think of a more deserving recipient.
They apologised to me for giving me a piece of sodding paper, despite all of the other abuse of power. I have been investigated for the lies told by Loughton on more than one occasion, over a longer period of time, utilising more resources and far more officers than the two involved in his minor half-arsed investigation, and after all of this, I have never been charged with any crime
Edit.... There was about 3 more pages that appear to have gone astray somewhere, bugger.
Update, I shall try and remember the other points made in the missing section......
Right, back to business hopefully.
This does indeed have implications regarding the use of PINs by Sussex Police, it makes them worthless, imagine the number of victims who are now aware that the police didn't actually do anything to address their concerns. I am talking of real victims, not pretend ones like Loughton who is, as usual, exploiting others misery for his own selfish ends, he either hasn't thought through the ramifications of his actions here, or he just doesn't give a rat's arse, (probably the latter) as he has now set a precedence for the removal of PINs, which were previously unchallengeable.
He talks of a vexatious and shambolic investigation being a waste of money and resources, when the truth of the matter is, the investigation into him cost around £2-3k, (unofficial figure given to me by SP) a drop in the ocean compared to the vexatious complaints he made against me afterwards, which resulted in no charges being made against me, probably as I have not committed a crime, (free speech is also a protected privilege), add to that the increasing costs of investigations into investigations and now the IPCC and another raft of Parliamentary tantrum based investigations. The final bill will probably end up in the millions, rather than the mere couple of grand that this would have cost if Timmy hadn't thrown his toys out of the pram.
The claim that Loughton now gets to contribute to an investigation into the use of pins is laughable, Hey Chief Constable, can I have some input into this, because I was actually the victim of crime here, not Loughton, he was the accused? Do you often take advice from people that you investigate for crimes?
I expect that Mr York has now secured his future in the top job by bowing down and taking a political one in the mouth from Tim's mate Kate. This is just another nail in the coffin of a free and independent police force, as it is now clear that politicians are able to interfere in operational decisions at ground level, interference that is legally, morally and ethically wrong. This is a publicity decision and not a policing one, it is wrong and will lead to the suffering of real victims of crime like myself and my family, who have received numerous incidents of abuse, threats, assaults and other attacks on the incitement of Loughton, and now the police apologise to him for daring to try and prevent the continuation of his abuse, thus giving him further impetus to continue his attacks. Well done you have now proved that politicians are exempt from the law, and worse than that you have now included a corrupt politician in the decision making process of Sussex Police. If Timbo thinks that people have lost faith in Sussex Police because of this farce up until now, just imagine how they'll feel when the whole story gets out......