As expected, it was a load of old cobblers, which basically justified the telling of lies under the excuse of the little known "Do you know who I am" rule. This rule is generally exploited by corrupt politicians in order to publicly pillory people that have offended them, however Loughton has taken this to a whole new level.
The outcome is pretty much that these over privileged w*nkers think that their mate Timmy can be as much as an arsehole as he likes, simply because of his job title, and anyone who dares o try and apply the same rules as we are expected to live by, to them, is clearly wrong and needs to apologise, or else. I was always told when growing up, that a forced apology means nothing, as it is essentially a placebo in order to placate a person who you detest and in truth you feel no remorse whatsoever for your actions.
The claims presented to this toytown panel were just as farcical.
This timeline is even dodgy, there was no report by me about Loughton's rant in March being "racist", I simply reported a high level of bullshit and abuse, which was delivered under an outdated rule which allows MPs to be arseholes with impunity, and the fact that Loughton had provided the Daily Mail with my home address in order for them to send a gutter slug to harass me in my home.
I am a little confused as to why it should be recorded that I responded to these lies in a series of blog entries, is this now a crime? Believing that I should have a right to reply to a very public assault containing a number of complete fabrications, what was I thinking eh.
They seem to have missed a couple of things here, I'll fill them in......
-Constituent is chased to the shops by tabloid filth, sent by Loughton.
-Said tabloid filth, writes a load of old shit and publishes it in a comic for racists favoured by Tory voters.
- Tim Loughton states online that he wishes that he had called the constituent "a pikey cunt".
- Constituent receives death threats and abuse from Loughton's supporters within groups like Stormfront, EDL, National Front and other Timbo loving organisations.
There's plenty more.....
Anyway, on to the best bit, they say that no action was taken against me, due to "the high evidential threshold", what they actually mean is, no action was taken because I didn't break the f*cking law. The threshold they refer to, when it is passed the law is broken, until that point the person concerned is not committing any unlawful act. You can dress it up with all the bullshit you like, if the law was broken the case would have been passed to the CPS for prosecution, this did not happen, but if they actually told the truth, (which MPs seem unable to manage) it wouldn't paint me as the bad guy to a suitable level to induce the faux outrage required by these pathetic propaganda groups.
They also forget to mention that the only victim of crime in this whole thing was myself and my family, due to the level of harassment both directly from Loughton and on his encouragement, by his little gang of Tory drunkards, philanderers and thugs.
I can't really be bothered to go into detail about the level of old school tie bullshit in operation here, however I should make it clear that I requested to be permitted to make submission to this committee, but was flatly refused and told that they could bypass my right to reply if they did not identify me as the party concerned.

That went to shit pretty quickly, when Loughton's buddy Robert Buckland chose to ignore this and identify me by my initials.
This Buckland fella appears to be another worthless Tory bigot, who I'm led to believe is that bloke what does the Nationwide Building Society Adverts, and who has a surname that sounds like a theme park for Tories to enjoy young muscular rent boys, I'm sure that it would be extremely popular with his colleagues if he did open one, he could always get a tracker mortgage from Nationwide to open it if he couldn't fiddle his expenses that far.
This complete arsehole then allowed the Press ASSociation to spread this shit further which again resulted in further abuse from right wing wankers and more abuse towards myself and my family.
These people have no shame, they are mindless thugs obsessed with power and are willing to do anything to get it, I for one am not prepared to take any more of their shit.
Loughton is directly responsible for all of the abuse towards myself and my family, if he hadn't chosen to exploit his privileged position in order to lie through his teeth and send a vile tabloid to my home, nobody would even know who I am. He is the cause of all of this, and I will not rest until he has paid dearly for his abuse, in equal terms to that suffered by myself and my family, and I hope that one day his kids get to open a lovely Xmas card threatening death, they deserve to experience what it's like for the people targeted by their ignorant bigoted father.
This report also claims that the threats weren't from Loughton, but considering that the only people who knew about the investigation mentioned within them were myself, the police and Loughton, it's pretty clear where they came from. I can only assume that this is why the police refuse to apologise to him, just because the CCTV footage of the person posting them was strangely "lost" on the day that Timmy went to the post office, there wasn't the evidence to prove that he was behind them, but believe me, they definitely originated from within his little gang, there is absolutely nowhere else that they could have possibly come from, and the police clearly know this.
Loughton doesn't deserve an apology, he needs locking up, he is supposed to represent Adur but he spends more time elsewhere, he has never lived here for a single day in his sad overly prolonged life, He was offered several ways to conclude this situation, I have been willing to compromise but no further than a point that affords me the basic human and democratic rights offered to every British citizen, however he's just too much of a coward to actually bring this to an end. He would rather assume that he is in charge and anyone who challenges him is automatically wrong, well I've got news for Timmy, he needs to grow himself a pair of balls because I'm not rolling over for some pathetic Tory Toff wannabe, and no matter how many of his mates he sends round here, there will never be a time when I will stop telling them to f*ck off, and anyone who attacks me within my home or in open ground is fair game and will regret ever trying to defend Timmy's honour, because he has none, he's the political equivalent to a recurrent arse boil, only much uglier.
Isn't it time that we stormed parliament and dragged all of these shits out into the gutter where they belong.
It's time to "Eat the Rich".