Looks like our MP, Tim Loughton wants to get himself in the papers again today, this time the former minister who was "Dumped by Dave", wants Dave to get a divorce from his new beau, The Cleggster.
It came out a while back that following his sacking, Loughton was responsible for This Story
Now we have Loughton trying to encourage another split, this time within the government that he is supposed to be a member of. He apparently isn't content with an amicable split though, he wants to "push that nuclear button" this time. And he wonders why people usually precede his name with "bitter" or "jaded", (and occasionally "sacked")?
Here's todays offering:
So, while the country's at it's lowest ebb in decades, some of our government, (including The Lought) think that they should concentrate on back-biting and in-fighting instead of sorting out the devastation that they have created in the last three years, when they have been pretending to work together to run the country.
It's very clear that Loughton doesn't like Lib-Dems, after all, he refers to them as "Tossers" in interviews and claims that they have "lost the plot" when they question him on local policies, but he is supposed to be part of a coalition government and trying to break up that government is rather irresponsible.
So, in effect Loughton and the other sacked ministers will spend the next year trying to bring down the government that they are supposed to be members of, talk about sh*tting on your own doorstep. What makes me laugh most, is that if Loughton and his fellow unemployed minister pals succeed in their mission to distance themselves from the Lib-Dems, they will become even more deserving of "The Nasty Party" tag, and alienate even more of their moderate party members in order to win back the swathes that have deserted to UKIP, who are unlikely to return as they have now got a small taste of success in local elections. Their membership loss is already showing locally by their move from a large building in the centre of Worthing to a room above a pub in Shoreham, their Conservative Club would have also gone under if it wasn't for the UKIP members who retained their membership in exchange for cheap booze.
Stop fighting amongst yourselves and get on with the job that you're paid for, if you want to end the coalition, do so, and allow the country a general election, otherwise stop all the political posturing and sort out the thousands of people who are starving and freezing due to your selfish method of governance.
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Blah, Blah, Blurns
Here we go again, Cllr Darren Burns just can't keep it shut, can he?
Let's see, "Franchesca" is it? The idea that taking my name and changing it into a feminine form, is somehow supposed to be offensive, says far more about these people than they care to admit.
So Burns and his pals think that female is somehow a derogatory term then? It demonstrates exactly how their Tory roots are showing for all to see.. It is also amusing that they feel that anyone who is more intelligent and articulate than they are should "P*ss off out of Adur", because they obviously don't think that this is a viable area in which these qualities can thrive. I have to agree, with these monkeys in charge, there is no chance, and he doesn't need me to make him boring, he does that very competently all by himself.
The idea that I should leave Adur, is just another of their attempts to not be challenged by anyone capable of the task. I have been a resident of Adur for longer than the Council Leader, The Chairman, and the MP combined, so if it's time for anyone to leave, it ain't me. As for running for Council, maybe one day, after all I have thousands of regular readers, if that could be transferred into voters then I'd have no problem, plus there's little doubt that if I did, these monkeys couldn't keep their mouths shut long enough to avoid being disqualified under the electoral commission rules, thus making the task even more achievable.
As for putting my skills to a positive use, I can't imagine a more positive use of any skill, than deposing this gang of fools from their self appointed positions, and by exposing them for what they really are, this task becomes far easier.
"Making elected representatives lives a nightmare" am I? Well, I think that it is their actions that are doing that very well by themselves. I have merely stood my ground, and despite numerous attempts by these people to abuse their positions of power in order to bring me down, I'm still standing firm, and I have far more dirt on these people that they'll ever know, and believe me, some of them are far naughtier than you'd think.
You can call me "Franchesca" all you like, (even though it's usually spelled with a C, rather than CH) you could call me Francine if you like, or how about Karen? It just demonstrates the traditional Tory disrespect for the entire female gender every time that you do, and makes you look like even more like the pathetic childish fascists that you truly are, no matter how much you want people to believe otherwise.
Let's see, "Franchesca" is it? The idea that taking my name and changing it into a feminine form, is somehow supposed to be offensive, says far more about these people than they care to admit.
So Burns and his pals think that female is somehow a derogatory term then? It demonstrates exactly how their Tory roots are showing for all to see.. It is also amusing that they feel that anyone who is more intelligent and articulate than they are should "P*ss off out of Adur", because they obviously don't think that this is a viable area in which these qualities can thrive. I have to agree, with these monkeys in charge, there is no chance, and he doesn't need me to make him boring, he does that very competently all by himself.
The idea that I should leave Adur, is just another of their attempts to not be challenged by anyone capable of the task. I have been a resident of Adur for longer than the Council Leader, The Chairman, and the MP combined, so if it's time for anyone to leave, it ain't me. As for running for Council, maybe one day, after all I have thousands of regular readers, if that could be transferred into voters then I'd have no problem, plus there's little doubt that if I did, these monkeys couldn't keep their mouths shut long enough to avoid being disqualified under the electoral commission rules, thus making the task even more achievable.
As for putting my skills to a positive use, I can't imagine a more positive use of any skill, than deposing this gang of fools from their self appointed positions, and by exposing them for what they really are, this task becomes far easier.
"Making elected representatives lives a nightmare" am I? Well, I think that it is their actions that are doing that very well by themselves. I have merely stood my ground, and despite numerous attempts by these people to abuse their positions of power in order to bring me down, I'm still standing firm, and I have far more dirt on these people that they'll ever know, and believe me, some of them are far naughtier than you'd think.
You can call me "Franchesca" all you like, (even though it's usually spelled with a C, rather than CH) you could call me Francine if you like, or how about Karen? It just demonstrates the traditional Tory disrespect for the entire female gender every time that you do, and makes you look like even more like the pathetic childish fascists that you truly are, no matter how much you want people to believe otherwise.
Local Tory Party not a stranger to irony.
This is an interesting turn of events, following the repeated claims of supporting families from our local MP, (The Lought) and his repeated attacks on "online adult content", you'd think that his local party would share the same views. Looks like they don't.
Heeeeeere's Timmy:
Right, so when a local kid tries to show their parents, who the local "civic dignitary" visited them, dressed as Santa, (The local council Chairman, Mike Mendoza), they might just happen across His Website . If they did happen to find his BlogSpot account (or one of them at least), they would find out "Santa's Special Recommendations".
Aside from a sex toy vendor, they could also click on the fourth choice on Mendonkey's list, a certain "British BabeRebekah Dee", this would then direct them to a hardcore porn site, with no age related content warning or any other delay or protection.
I'm not completely convinced that Santa should be recommending pubic depilation on any level, to be honest, it just doesn't seem very Christmassy.
As for the other views supposedly supported by Timmy's party in relation to families, and parental responsibility, it looks like Mendo doesn't quite sing from the same hymn sheet as Loughton on this either.
Looks like we may have a one man bastard machine, representing our local community, but hey, double standards are pretty normal for the local Tories.
Heeeeeere's Timmy:
Right, so when a local kid tries to show their parents, who the local "civic dignitary" visited them, dressed as Santa, (The local council Chairman, Mike Mendoza), they might just happen across His Website . If they did happen to find his BlogSpot account (or one of them at least), they would find out "Santa's Special Recommendations".
Aside from a sex toy vendor, they could also click on the fourth choice on Mendonkey's list, a certain "British BabeRebekah Dee", this would then direct them to a hardcore porn site, with no age related content warning or any other delay or protection.
I'm not completely convinced that Santa should be recommending pubic depilation on any level, to be honest, it just doesn't seem very Christmassy.
As for the other views supposedly supported by Timmy's party in relation to families, and parental responsibility, it looks like Mendo doesn't quite sing from the same hymn sheet as Loughton on this either.
Looks like we may have a one man bastard machine, representing our local community, but hey, double standards are pretty normal for the local Tories.
Monday, 23 December 2013
The truth about Mendoza.
We have all seen the "some of by best friends are......" speeches, and the claims that anyone mentioning his suspension from his job due to homophobic comments, are simply liars.
Let's put this one to bed once and for all, here's the official finding from Ofcom regarding him believing that "Gay" and "Paedophile" are somehow interchangeable.
As you can see, the complaint was "upheld", it was a breach of the broadcasting regulations, in particular, this one:
He has also claimed that his comments were taken "out of context", which, despite being a bit tricky to find a positive context in which to make such a statement, was never defended and accepted as "indefensible" by the broadcaster.
It is pretty clear that the official finding is that the statements made by Mendoza WERE homophobic, and anything he may claim to the contrary is nothing but hot air.
It's OK though, he still has some supporters, like these people.......
Let's put this one to bed once and for all, here's the official finding from Ofcom regarding him believing that "Gay" and "Paedophile" are somehow interchangeable.
As you can see, the complaint was "upheld", it was a breach of the broadcasting regulations, in particular, this one:
He has also claimed that his comments were taken "out of context", which, despite being a bit tricky to find a positive context in which to make such a statement, was never defended and accepted as "indefensible" by the broadcaster.
It is pretty clear that the official finding is that the statements made by Mendoza WERE homophobic, and anything he may claim to the contrary is nothing but hot air.
It's OK though, he still has some supporters, like these people.......
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Self-righteous arrogant MP should practice what he preaches.
Funny that now Xmas is upon us, we are to be subjected to the same pseudo political self importance as usual, only this time it's dressed in a cheap and nasty Santa suit, made in a Chinese sweat shop by kids, (yes further proof that the only kids Timbo wants to protect are white, middle classed ones).
Yes, during a day of swanning around our area, dressed in a sweat shop outfit, our MP found time in his day to be repeatedly photographed by the press whilst pretending to be Santa at the school that serves one of our most deprived local communities, so the representative of the government that will result in a lot of these kids being cold and hungry this winter, is trying to masquerade as their saviour.
He also found time to have another go at promoting his self serving new crusade on "cyber-bullying", in order to try and change the law in order to restrict anyone from disagreeing with him and his vile actions. Here's the story :
Anyway, back to this pathetic crusade in order to award himself victim status, when in fact it is he who is the biggest online abuser that myself and my family have ever experienced.
Starting with his initial abusive email sent in reply to a perfectly polite request from a constituent to address the systematic abuse of the local council's blacklist against myself, who has committed no crime (this is an unquestionable fact). Following him being questioned regarding his abusive act, which was never investigated as a "racist incident", despite his insistence on this clear lie, told by himself in order to attack equal opportunities legislation so that he could be racist if he chose to do so, (which he has many time in my opinion and that of others). During this investigation, which was conducted in secret, so the only people aware of it were myself and my family, the police, and Loughton and whoever he chose to recruit to abuse us on his behalf. This abuse began last December, months before Loughton's publication of his questioning under caution.
The abuse began with almost a dozen death threats sent to both my home and that of my partner and her son, (who actually opened one of these filthy epistles thinking that it was a Xmas card).

This campaign was started by Loughton and his pals, long before anyone else was even aware of this whole scenario, they were posted from the post office in the same road as his constituency office and my contact informs me that Loughton was a visitor to this post office very close to the time that they were posted, (Xmas post made it tricky to pin down a definite day). Yes these vile threatening letters and funerary cards sent by Loughton or his mates are obviously imaginary, and are definitely not threatening that my days are numbered if I continue to provide the police with information regarding this matter (insert sarcastic smiley here). They were also written by an illiterate, (and potentially illegitimate) individual who was aware of more than the general public at this time, who was also intent on ensuring that Loughton was not to be prosecuted for his abuse, without these threats and other abuse there is always the chance that he would have actually been prosecuted, but I obviously have to protect my family from pathetic, cowardly thugs like these.
It is quite funny that Loughton has a big problem with my blog, when he didn't seem to concerned by his mate's blog, which was deleted just short of my being able to track down the author, (work still goes on regarding this, and you will receive retribution for your attack) a certain Jakob1, (or Jakob Duktion as he threateningly referred to himself). Here's some of his work, remember that he is a local Tory supporter (potentially a senior member of the party) when you read his filth.
Yes, we have someone who is also able to access the imaginary information distributed by Loughton during his parliamentary crusade to attack my family, who on earth would have access to Timmy's records?
And by the way, I'm not "Roma" you dumb arse, this is as narrow minded a statement as we have come to expect from the rest of your ilk who seem to think that everyone from the Indian sub-continent is from Pakistan. Your choice to try and correct my "sudden heritage", which is very well documented, however I have no interest in sharing until you publish your birth certificate, is actually a very offensive move, and just demonstrates the extremist right wing generalisation made by our local fascist leadership.
There also seems to be a suggestion that if I should choose to run for local office, (which I haven't decided yet) that this individual will attempt to distribute their lies in order to prevent me from having a chance. Maybe they should read the Electoral Commission's rules on this, because any attempt to spread lies such as these would result in the disqualification of their candidate.
This idiot is indicative of the general membership of the local Tory party, He is not alone in his belief that he knows everything about me, simply because he can use Google but is not particularly good at differentiating between two individuals with similar names.
The rest of the local tory gang also got on board with this filth, here's another of the local Tory gang, I know who this one is though, (the spelling mistakes gave it away) but I'm saving a very special exposure for them.
The poster here, is obviously in need of an intervention to prevent his drug addled brain from imposing any further inconvenience on the rest of us.
For your information, I have worked very hard throughout my life, I have also found time in my busy schedule to fight against narrow minded turds like the author of this crap, who should simply do humanity a favour and remove himself and his kin from the gene pool.
What other crap was knocking about? Let me see, how about this one?
Yes, then came the "Pikey" based abuse, this one from a self confessed "Dog Worrier" also appears to advocate murder of minority groups. This type of Loughton supporter is the most dangerous, and potentially the most cowardly. How about just one of these cowards grow a pair big enough to stand in front of me and call me a "Pikey", I can assure you that I would enjoy that immensely, you however would not, I can promise you that much.
It is amusing that none of these fascistic Tory scum have the balls to use their real names. I have admittedly used anagrams of my own name (that a 10 yr old could decipher), and have only not posted my real face online in order to protect my family from having to witness me being physically attacked in front of them again by Loughton and his mates, pathetic ignorant racist supporters.
Here's another example of the level of intelligence shared by the average Loughton supporter, surely we all have "a gender" don't we?
Interesting theory that anyone who doesn't support Loughton is either a minority, unemployed or a "Pikey", and to be honest the author of this piece of filth is representative of the local Tory supporters and seems to share the same views as the rest of the gang.
As for proof of the preference for "Pikey" abuse, here's another example, this time from Loughton himself;
Yes, the man who complains of online abuse, and claims to be the victim of such decided to refer to myself as a "Pikey Cunt" himself, yet he still seems to want to claim that it is I who is the "troll".
Well Timmy, you need to get back under your bridge, you could always try the new Footbridge, on a strong outgoing tide, the people of Shoreham would like that. I welcome Timmy to try and call me a "Pikey Cunt" to my face, but I obviously couldn't guarantee that he would ever get past the first word.
This is just a tiny proportion of the incoming abuse received by myself and my family, spearheaded by Crusader Tim and carried out by his ignorant fascistic pals. I was receiving dozens a day every time this numpty decided to get his mate at the Daily Mail to spread his cancer. There is far more, each piece of it just as unimaginative as the last. If Timmy wants to stop online abuse, it's easy, he just needs to turn off his iphone and shut his gob, the two things he seems unable to do proficiently, along with telling the truth, however this is taken as read, he is a Tory after all.
Yes, during a day of swanning around our area, dressed in a sweat shop outfit, our MP found time in his day to be repeatedly photographed by the press whilst pretending to be Santa at the school that serves one of our most deprived local communities, so the representative of the government that will result in a lot of these kids being cold and hungry this winter, is trying to masquerade as their saviour.
He also found time to have another go at promoting his self serving new crusade on "cyber-bullying", in order to try and change the law in order to restrict anyone from disagreeing with him and his vile actions. Here's the story :
Anyway, back to this pathetic crusade in order to award himself victim status, when in fact it is he who is the biggest online abuser that myself and my family have ever experienced.
Starting with his initial abusive email sent in reply to a perfectly polite request from a constituent to address the systematic abuse of the local council's blacklist against myself, who has committed no crime (this is an unquestionable fact). Following him being questioned regarding his abusive act, which was never investigated as a "racist incident", despite his insistence on this clear lie, told by himself in order to attack equal opportunities legislation so that he could be racist if he chose to do so, (which he has many time in my opinion and that of others). During this investigation, which was conducted in secret, so the only people aware of it were myself and my family, the police, and Loughton and whoever he chose to recruit to abuse us on his behalf. This abuse began last December, months before Loughton's publication of his questioning under caution.
The abuse began with almost a dozen death threats sent to both my home and that of my partner and her son, (who actually opened one of these filthy epistles thinking that it was a Xmas card).

This campaign was started by Loughton and his pals, long before anyone else was even aware of this whole scenario, they were posted from the post office in the same road as his constituency office and my contact informs me that Loughton was a visitor to this post office very close to the time that they were posted, (Xmas post made it tricky to pin down a definite day). Yes these vile threatening letters and funerary cards sent by Loughton or his mates are obviously imaginary, and are definitely not threatening that my days are numbered if I continue to provide the police with information regarding this matter (insert sarcastic smiley here). They were also written by an illiterate, (and potentially illegitimate) individual who was aware of more than the general public at this time, who was also intent on ensuring that Loughton was not to be prosecuted for his abuse, without these threats and other abuse there is always the chance that he would have actually been prosecuted, but I obviously have to protect my family from pathetic, cowardly thugs like these.
It is quite funny that Loughton has a big problem with my blog, when he didn't seem to concerned by his mate's blog, which was deleted just short of my being able to track down the author, (work still goes on regarding this, and you will receive retribution for your attack) a certain Jakob1, (or Jakob Duktion as he threateningly referred to himself). Here's some of his work, remember that he is a local Tory supporter (potentially a senior member of the party) when you read his filth.
Yes, we have someone who is also able to access the imaginary information distributed by Loughton during his parliamentary crusade to attack my family, who on earth would have access to Timmy's records?
And by the way, I'm not "Roma" you dumb arse, this is as narrow minded a statement as we have come to expect from the rest of your ilk who seem to think that everyone from the Indian sub-continent is from Pakistan. Your choice to try and correct my "sudden heritage", which is very well documented, however I have no interest in sharing until you publish your birth certificate, is actually a very offensive move, and just demonstrates the extremist right wing generalisation made by our local fascist leadership.
There also seems to be a suggestion that if I should choose to run for local office, (which I haven't decided yet) that this individual will attempt to distribute their lies in order to prevent me from having a chance. Maybe they should read the Electoral Commission's rules on this, because any attempt to spread lies such as these would result in the disqualification of their candidate.
This idiot is indicative of the general membership of the local Tory party, He is not alone in his belief that he knows everything about me, simply because he can use Google but is not particularly good at differentiating between two individuals with similar names.
The rest of the local tory gang also got on board with this filth, here's another of the local Tory gang, I know who this one is though, (the spelling mistakes gave it away) but I'm saving a very special exposure for them.
The poster here, is obviously in need of an intervention to prevent his drug addled brain from imposing any further inconvenience on the rest of us.
For your information, I have worked very hard throughout my life, I have also found time in my busy schedule to fight against narrow minded turds like the author of this crap, who should simply do humanity a favour and remove himself and his kin from the gene pool.
What other crap was knocking about? Let me see, how about this one?
Yes, then came the "Pikey" based abuse, this one from a self confessed "Dog Worrier" also appears to advocate murder of minority groups. This type of Loughton supporter is the most dangerous, and potentially the most cowardly. How about just one of these cowards grow a pair big enough to stand in front of me and call me a "Pikey", I can assure you that I would enjoy that immensely, you however would not, I can promise you that much.
It is amusing that none of these fascistic Tory scum have the balls to use their real names. I have admittedly used anagrams of my own name (that a 10 yr old could decipher), and have only not posted my real face online in order to protect my family from having to witness me being physically attacked in front of them again by Loughton and his mates, pathetic ignorant racist supporters.
Here's another example of the level of intelligence shared by the average Loughton supporter, surely we all have "a gender" don't we?
Interesting theory that anyone who doesn't support Loughton is either a minority, unemployed or a "Pikey", and to be honest the author of this piece of filth is representative of the local Tory supporters and seems to share the same views as the rest of the gang.
As for proof of the preference for "Pikey" abuse, here's another example, this time from Loughton himself;
Yes, the man who complains of online abuse, and claims to be the victim of such decided to refer to myself as a "Pikey Cunt" himself, yet he still seems to want to claim that it is I who is the "troll".
Well Timmy, you need to get back under your bridge, you could always try the new Footbridge, on a strong outgoing tide, the people of Shoreham would like that. I welcome Timmy to try and call me a "Pikey Cunt" to my face, but I obviously couldn't guarantee that he would ever get past the first word.
This is just a tiny proportion of the incoming abuse received by myself and my family, spearheaded by Crusader Tim and carried out by his ignorant fascistic pals. I was receiving dozens a day every time this numpty decided to get his mate at the Daily Mail to spread his cancer. There is far more, each piece of it just as unimaginative as the last. If Timmy wants to stop online abuse, it's easy, he just needs to turn off his iphone and shut his gob, the two things he seems unable to do proficiently, along with telling the truth, however this is taken as read, he is a Tory after all.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Same old ADC bullyboy tactics again.
Now I'm not one known for outspoken support of UKIP, but I am very much for speaking out when our local Tories choose to play their, very well practiced abuse tactics, against someone speaking out for the community in which they reside.
This comes courtesy of The Harald and an account of the incident is also published on The Local UKIPpers Website .
This is no surprise, all of the local Tories tactics are in clear view. I am not commenting on the validity of any issues raised or any party political angles here, merely the common factors seen time and again, reported by anyone who disagrees with ADCs ruling cabal.
Aside from this there is one salient point missed, purely because our councillors would prefer to ignore it, and that is that it is way beyond time to start recording and broadcasting ADC meetings in a manner other than by a few minutes. The technology is there, the encouragement to do this (from central Gov) is there, and yet there is still resistance. One might think that this is because things like this will always be left to judgement rather than evidence, and that judgement is always made by ADC.
Anyway, back to the point. Someone (whomever they may be or whatever party they are a member of) who is a resident, questioned the validity of a very standard "smoke and mirrors" ADC consultation, which was heavily weighted in favour of a preferred outcome, which even when that outcome wasn't attained, was ignored and the councillors decision was accepted in spite of this rather pricey consultation. This is not the first time this has happened, and will not be the last all the time we have this stupid "cabinet" system in place, as we the people only have a chance to change our representatives every four years, and that's plenty time enough to do a fair amount of damage to our locale.
The story continues......
The similarities between my experience of this incident, and numerous others are striking. The local Tories never work alone, they always attack in pairs or a large enough group to outnumber any victim of their abuse, that way they can always claim the upper hand if it ever gets to an investigation, which is always carried out by themselves, or people appointed by themselves, the lack of independence is astounding, and with the self regulation rules in place, there is no right to appeal any decision that they choose to make.
There is an amusingly recurrent theme here, anyone challenging them is always acting for "political gain" in some way, and there is always a "verbal attack". The real world translation of these things is, someone didn't agree with "the gospel according to Parkin", and used words and phrases that were challenging and as the local Tories had no answers, these words became somehow threatening, not threatening is the real world, just threatening their belief in total power and control of Adur.
As can be seen from the Harald and Dr Hilsum's account, there appears to have been a very traditional response, he refers to "sniggers", this is a standard response from the local Tories as they like to believe that they hold all the cards and arrogantly laugh at anyone who dares to outwit them and provide evidence to prove this point beyond doubt to all but them. They then claim that their response was merely "robust", like the time one of theirs was "robust" with the poor lady who refused them entry to a private old folks home, and when they were "robust" when a gang of them cornered myself and the boy in town and sucker punched me in the back and singled out the lad for his first introduction to Tory bullying.
I can already predict the outcome of the complaint regarding the breach of Code of Councillors Conduct, that is if it isn't prevented from even reaching that stage, as most of these issues usually are, (without right of appeal outside Judicial Review). It will be judged to have no evidential value, as there are more councillors than there are Hillsums, and the only record is controlled by ADC, and the minutes of any meeting are usually very brief.
Here's the recorded information regarding this incident:
Not much to see, is there? The outcome will be the same as any other person who questions the fascistic rule of the local Tories, they did nothing wrong, there is no evidence, and the person complaining will become a marked man (or woman) and may well end up on the council's blacklist, as clearly Dollemore has made the claim that this bloke "invaded (his) personal space and verbally attacked (him)", and that's enough for these idiots to get a rubber stamp on, and distribute to every member of council staff, contractors and other outside agencies that the person making the accusation is some kind of dangerous threat, thus undermining any valid concerns that they may have raised, or may wish to raise in the future. This manoeuvre must come from the "Big Blue Tory Book of Screwing Over The Public", as it seems to be working for Andrew Mitchell and Tim Loughton at the moment.
Next May, we have a chance to put the people in charge of Adur again, so please remember to vote, anyone but Tory will do, that way we have a chance of removing the total power these people have afforded themselves, which was again done by ignoring a public consultation, which didn't agree with what Parkin and his mates wanted, so they overruled it and went with the 1936 German model of governance instead, and we are now stuck with it until they are outnumbered in ADC. It's only a small inconvenience, you can even do it by post these days, and by doing so, we may still have an Adur in another five years, otherwise Adur will only exist on paper, and we will be a suburb of Worthing.
This comes courtesy of The Harald and an account of the incident is also published on The Local UKIPpers Website .
This is no surprise, all of the local Tories tactics are in clear view. I am not commenting on the validity of any issues raised or any party political angles here, merely the common factors seen time and again, reported by anyone who disagrees with ADCs ruling cabal.
Aside from this there is one salient point missed, purely because our councillors would prefer to ignore it, and that is that it is way beyond time to start recording and broadcasting ADC meetings in a manner other than by a few minutes. The technology is there, the encouragement to do this (from central Gov) is there, and yet there is still resistance. One might think that this is because things like this will always be left to judgement rather than evidence, and that judgement is always made by ADC.
Anyway, back to the point. Someone (whomever they may be or whatever party they are a member of) who is a resident, questioned the validity of a very standard "smoke and mirrors" ADC consultation, which was heavily weighted in favour of a preferred outcome, which even when that outcome wasn't attained, was ignored and the councillors decision was accepted in spite of this rather pricey consultation. This is not the first time this has happened, and will not be the last all the time we have this stupid "cabinet" system in place, as we the people only have a chance to change our representatives every four years, and that's plenty time enough to do a fair amount of damage to our locale.
The story continues......
The similarities between my experience of this incident, and numerous others are striking. The local Tories never work alone, they always attack in pairs or a large enough group to outnumber any victim of their abuse, that way they can always claim the upper hand if it ever gets to an investigation, which is always carried out by themselves, or people appointed by themselves, the lack of independence is astounding, and with the self regulation rules in place, there is no right to appeal any decision that they choose to make.
There is an amusingly recurrent theme here, anyone challenging them is always acting for "political gain" in some way, and there is always a "verbal attack". The real world translation of these things is, someone didn't agree with "the gospel according to Parkin", and used words and phrases that were challenging and as the local Tories had no answers, these words became somehow threatening, not threatening is the real world, just threatening their belief in total power and control of Adur.
As can be seen from the Harald and Dr Hilsum's account, there appears to have been a very traditional response, he refers to "sniggers", this is a standard response from the local Tories as they like to believe that they hold all the cards and arrogantly laugh at anyone who dares to outwit them and provide evidence to prove this point beyond doubt to all but them. They then claim that their response was merely "robust", like the time one of theirs was "robust" with the poor lady who refused them entry to a private old folks home, and when they were "robust" when a gang of them cornered myself and the boy in town and sucker punched me in the back and singled out the lad for his first introduction to Tory bullying.
I can already predict the outcome of the complaint regarding the breach of Code of Councillors Conduct, that is if it isn't prevented from even reaching that stage, as most of these issues usually are, (without right of appeal outside Judicial Review). It will be judged to have no evidential value, as there are more councillors than there are Hillsums, and the only record is controlled by ADC, and the minutes of any meeting are usually very brief.
Here's the recorded information regarding this incident:
Not much to see, is there? The outcome will be the same as any other person who questions the fascistic rule of the local Tories, they did nothing wrong, there is no evidence, and the person complaining will become a marked man (or woman) and may well end up on the council's blacklist, as clearly Dollemore has made the claim that this bloke "invaded (his) personal space and verbally attacked (him)", and that's enough for these idiots to get a rubber stamp on, and distribute to every member of council staff, contractors and other outside agencies that the person making the accusation is some kind of dangerous threat, thus undermining any valid concerns that they may have raised, or may wish to raise in the future. This manoeuvre must come from the "Big Blue Tory Book of Screwing Over The Public", as it seems to be working for Andrew Mitchell and Tim Loughton at the moment.
Next May, we have a chance to put the people in charge of Adur again, so please remember to vote, anyone but Tory will do, that way we have a chance of removing the total power these people have afforded themselves, which was again done by ignoring a public consultation, which didn't agree with what Parkin and his mates wanted, so they overruled it and went with the 1936 German model of governance instead, and we are now stuck with it until they are outnumbered in ADC. It's only a small inconvenience, you can even do it by post these days, and by doing so, we may still have an Adur in another five years, otherwise Adur will only exist on paper, and we will be a suburb of Worthing.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
AdurCalling, one year in.
Well, it's been a year since I began this blog. It began as a simple means of sharing my experiences with a few close friends after more than a year of trying to fight the corruption locally, through the channels available formally. These channels were impossible to access freely and any chance of success was an unobtainable goal because as soon as you beat ADC, they would change the policies or invent new ones in order to continue to behave however the hell they want.
Anyone who has ever put in a valid formal complaint against ADC will be fully aware that as soon as you make it, they have already decided that they were right and you were clearly the problem for daring to challenge them, the most you could possibly hope for was a letter apologising for your feelings, "We're sorry that you feel that we may not have......" you know the one. I figured that if you couldn't beat them on their playing field, play elsewhere.
In my first year, I have had more than 30,000 visitors, and hundreds of pieces of correspondence, ranging from death threats to congratulations, I have been stopped in the streets and thanked for putting the truth out there, and also stopped in the streets and assaulted by ADCs thugs, it has been quite a year.
Here's the figures:
Like I have said before, I never advertised the blog, it was not intended to be that kind of thing, but it appeared to take on it's own life and I was simply taken along with it. You can see from the graph above that there are 3 distinct peaks, these are no coincidence. In March, our MP Tim "The Lought" Loughton, hosted a parliamentary debate to spread lies about me and the content and purpose of the blog, he also personally fed the story to the Daily Fail to ensure the widespread distribution of his lies about me, leaving me with no choice but to respond.
He, again had another go in Parliament in June, where he told another bunch of lies, there goes another peak, and his most recent attack was in October, making it pretty clear that the best form of advertising is an arrogant MP who uses his privileged position to spread lies and unfounded accusations about someone, which then leads them to try and find out the truth about those lies.
It's been quite a year to be honest, 3 parliamentary tantrums, several physical assaults on myself, half a dozen fictional newspaper stories, a police raid on my home, a dozen visits to the police station, 24hrs in a cell, 10 weeks on bail, death threats through the post, online and by phone, doorstepping by tabloid slugs, 3 fraudulent reports to social services and NO charges ever brought, NO prosecutions and NO crimes committed by myself either through this blog or elsewhere. It appears that despite the misleading name, "Free Speech" isn't actually "Free" by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth the cost involved. The truth and freedom are always the most important things, and they are definitely worth fighting corrupt politicians and their pet police officers for.
It has taken a lot of strength to get through this year, and my family, friends, supporters and this blog has made it all worthwhile. I couldn't have cared less if anyone read it a year ago, that was not the point of it, but now I feel like I have a responsibility to continue in order to help others in similar situations to myself, if only to let them know they are not alone.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all the b*stards who have tried to stop me from speaking freely and telling the truth, your repeated attacks only made me stronger and more determined to do so, and this is far from over...........
Even if you have to resort to unconventional means, your freedom is yours, take it.
Anyone who has ever put in a valid formal complaint against ADC will be fully aware that as soon as you make it, they have already decided that they were right and you were clearly the problem for daring to challenge them, the most you could possibly hope for was a letter apologising for your feelings, "We're sorry that you feel that we may not have......" you know the one. I figured that if you couldn't beat them on their playing field, play elsewhere.
In my first year, I have had more than 30,000 visitors, and hundreds of pieces of correspondence, ranging from death threats to congratulations, I have been stopped in the streets and thanked for putting the truth out there, and also stopped in the streets and assaulted by ADCs thugs, it has been quite a year.
Here's the figures:
Like I have said before, I never advertised the blog, it was not intended to be that kind of thing, but it appeared to take on it's own life and I was simply taken along with it. You can see from the graph above that there are 3 distinct peaks, these are no coincidence. In March, our MP Tim "The Lought" Loughton, hosted a parliamentary debate to spread lies about me and the content and purpose of the blog, he also personally fed the story to the Daily Fail to ensure the widespread distribution of his lies about me, leaving me with no choice but to respond.
He, again had another go in Parliament in June, where he told another bunch of lies, there goes another peak, and his most recent attack was in October, making it pretty clear that the best form of advertising is an arrogant MP who uses his privileged position to spread lies and unfounded accusations about someone, which then leads them to try and find out the truth about those lies.
It's been quite a year to be honest, 3 parliamentary tantrums, several physical assaults on myself, half a dozen fictional newspaper stories, a police raid on my home, a dozen visits to the police station, 24hrs in a cell, 10 weeks on bail, death threats through the post, online and by phone, doorstepping by tabloid slugs, 3 fraudulent reports to social services and NO charges ever brought, NO prosecutions and NO crimes committed by myself either through this blog or elsewhere. It appears that despite the misleading name, "Free Speech" isn't actually "Free" by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth the cost involved. The truth and freedom are always the most important things, and they are definitely worth fighting corrupt politicians and their pet police officers for.
It has taken a lot of strength to get through this year, and my family, friends, supporters and this blog has made it all worthwhile. I couldn't have cared less if anyone read it a year ago, that was not the point of it, but now I feel like I have a responsibility to continue in order to help others in similar situations to myself, if only to let them know they are not alone.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all the b*stards who have tried to stop me from speaking freely and telling the truth, your repeated attacks only made me stronger and more determined to do so, and this is far from over...........
Even if you have to resort to unconventional means, your freedom is yours, take it.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Deprivation..... That's what you need.
Reading the Harald, we are informed that certain parts of Adur (including the part that I reside in) are quite sh*t really. THIS is what they had to say about it, and as usual we are given a pretend positive spin on the results.
Why is it "Not all bad news"?
Yes, there's not enough Hospitals, schools, or housing, but apparently people have jobs, most of which are not local jobs, and RECORDED crime stats are down, maybe because crimes are simply never recorded therefore never show as undetected.
I live in Southlands ward, one of the forgotten wards in Adur and along with Eastbrook the largest concentration of council owned housing in Adur. What are our councillors doing about this?
Well, the Eastbrook Tory, Jim Funnell has commented, but our councillor Boozer Burns is, as usual completely absent, so Southlands gets ignored as usual by our local Tory cabal.
What do you think that Funnell is doing for Eastbrook then?
Well, discussing the local issues with the local school won't help much, as that's in the process of being closed down and as usual they all seem to think that talking about it is enough, sadly this is usually as far as the local Tories go, there never seems to be any action.
As for the things happening in Eastbrook, the Fishersgate centre is not there because of ADC, it's there despite ADC. Adur council tried everything in their power to prevent the Fishersgate Residents from opening this community hub and it's only there down to dogged resistance and hard work fighting against people like Funnell.
The statement about upgrading the recreation ground has been floating around for years with no evidence that this is going to happen any time soon, and the bus service is another thing that has been around for ages, but ADC refuse to fund it, so it's never going to happen.
A telling sign that ADC's Tories don't give a damn about Fishersgate is that, at the last election, they weren't even given a polling station and had to travel more than a mile (with no bus service) in order to vote.
Luckily, they will have a polling station for the next election, so maybe they'll do the right thing and vote against their Tory oppressors and get in someone who actually cares about the area in real life, and not just when there's media exposure to be gained. Hopefully Southlands ward will vote to get rid of Burns next year as well, that's if the Tories haven't already ditched him during the selection process in favour of Parkin's useless wife.
Why is it "Not all bad news"?
Yes, there's not enough Hospitals, schools, or housing, but apparently people have jobs, most of which are not local jobs, and RECORDED crime stats are down, maybe because crimes are simply never recorded therefore never show as undetected.
I live in Southlands ward, one of the forgotten wards in Adur and along with Eastbrook the largest concentration of council owned housing in Adur. What are our councillors doing about this?
Well, the Eastbrook Tory, Jim Funnell has commented, but our councillor Boozer Burns is, as usual completely absent, so Southlands gets ignored as usual by our local Tory cabal.
What do you think that Funnell is doing for Eastbrook then?
Well, discussing the local issues with the local school won't help much, as that's in the process of being closed down and as usual they all seem to think that talking about it is enough, sadly this is usually as far as the local Tories go, there never seems to be any action.
As for the things happening in Eastbrook, the Fishersgate centre is not there because of ADC, it's there despite ADC. Adur council tried everything in their power to prevent the Fishersgate Residents from opening this community hub and it's only there down to dogged resistance and hard work fighting against people like Funnell.
The statement about upgrading the recreation ground has been floating around for years with no evidence that this is going to happen any time soon, and the bus service is another thing that has been around for ages, but ADC refuse to fund it, so it's never going to happen.
A telling sign that ADC's Tories don't give a damn about Fishersgate is that, at the last election, they weren't even given a polling station and had to travel more than a mile (with no bus service) in order to vote.
Luckily, they will have a polling station for the next election, so maybe they'll do the right thing and vote against their Tory oppressors and get in someone who actually cares about the area in real life, and not just when there's media exposure to be gained. Hopefully Southlands ward will vote to get rid of Burns next year as well, that's if the Tories haven't already ditched him during the selection process in favour of Parkin's useless wife.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Veiled threats to enhance community spirit.
I just received a phone call from Sussex Police, this was apparently regarding THIS POST (now censored following the suggested threats).
It was inferred that I got the event all wrong, and that it was pure coincidence that the kids selected for this event were chosen randomly, by the school whose governors read like a "who's who" of Adur District Council.
It was suggested that my post, and my blog in general, is some kind of "attack on the local community", which was then referred to as my community. Let's get one thing straight, I am not represented democratically and therefore I am not part of your community. I do have a community, in which I integrate fully and am happy to be a part of, however the councillors are not part of my community and neither are any other member of their families. We took the youngling out of this school because of the abuse from these people's spoilt brats towards him, and the preferential treatment afforded to them by the school in order to please their governors. We engage with the local kids, and although they aren't always polite or well turned out in appearance, they are still kids, and should still be allowed to participate in community events.
I was basically told to remove the picture, which was alright to be distributed by the local rag, but woe betide anyone who doesn't toe the line when it comes to "the only truth" tm. It was claimed that this was a "request", but in my experience "take it down before tomorrow" is in no way a request of any kind, and to back that up with a claim that if I did not comply then the local police would look to see if any offences had been committed, and in my past experience, whenever anyone upsets ADC, whether an offence has been committed or not, a gang of thugs inevitably turn up on my doorstep and drag me off to Worthing before realising that I have broken no laws.
And don't try and explain community to me, I have to live in it, and all the time that the poor kids are left out of events in favour of the rich brats, and the local authorities apply different rules to people based on their postcodes, don't expect me to be part of your "community".
It was inferred that I got the event all wrong, and that it was pure coincidence that the kids selected for this event were chosen randomly, by the school whose governors read like a "who's who" of Adur District Council.
It was suggested that my post, and my blog in general, is some kind of "attack on the local community", which was then referred to as my community. Let's get one thing straight, I am not represented democratically and therefore I am not part of your community. I do have a community, in which I integrate fully and am happy to be a part of, however the councillors are not part of my community and neither are any other member of their families. We took the youngling out of this school because of the abuse from these people's spoilt brats towards him, and the preferential treatment afforded to them by the school in order to please their governors. We engage with the local kids, and although they aren't always polite or well turned out in appearance, they are still kids, and should still be allowed to participate in community events.
I was basically told to remove the picture, which was alright to be distributed by the local rag, but woe betide anyone who doesn't toe the line when it comes to "the only truth" tm. It was claimed that this was a "request", but in my experience "take it down before tomorrow" is in no way a request of any kind, and to back that up with a claim that if I did not comply then the local police would look to see if any offences had been committed, and in my past experience, whenever anyone upsets ADC, whether an offence has been committed or not, a gang of thugs inevitably turn up on my doorstep and drag me off to Worthing before realising that I have broken no laws.
And don't try and explain community to me, I have to live in it, and all the time that the poor kids are left out of events in favour of the rich brats, and the local authorities apply different rules to people based on their postcodes, don't expect me to be part of your "community".
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Here we go again, Loughton's misrepresentations continue.
Looks like another day in Parliament has brought another round of spurious allusions and downright lies, distributed by my MP Tim Loughton, this time under the guise of protecting children from "Cyber Bullying". What I want to know is, who will protect us from Timmy's "Cyber Bullshitting"?
The Hansard records Timbo's third rant about how he has suffered, even though he forgets to recount the full story and completely omits the death threats sent to me and my family by him and his mates, here's an excerpt from his speech.
Let's first address this "bollocks" about the use of the word "troll", this seems to be the new buzz word for MPs and media to vilify anyone who expresses their own views on the internet, be that an innocuous one off ribbing statement of silliness, to full blown threats of rape and murder, it is a pointless term and is best left in fairy tales. A single word cannot possibly cover the expansive sliding scale that it is being used to cover, imagine if there was only one word in the English language to cover physical violence, we'd see this single word applied equally to someone who gently pushes another, and to someone who murders a dozen children, it just doesn't work.
Anyway, let's look at this further rant in detail, shall we?
As the House has heard, I have my own long-standing troll who continues to post malicious material about my family. For many months, I have been complaining to Google, which hosts his blog. This person has posted pictures of my teenage, under-age daughters on his blog, alongside abusive comments. They have not been removed. When he was spoken to about it, he replaced their faces with horses’ heads, alongside equally abusive comments.
Right, now I wonder why Timmy would choose to describe his daughters as "under-age", after ranting about violent sexual content on the net, is he trying to hint at something here? What a dirty minded pervert he really is, I couldn't care less whether his kids were 9 or 90, the only abuse involved was to him, their photo was irrelevant and was only used after my family, including my stepson were subjected to far worse abuse in person by Loughton and his cronies. I expect Timmy would explode if his kids were cornered by someone and abused in person, or if they opened a Xmas card with a death threat in it, but it's alright for us "trolls" isn't it, we deserve to have our kids suffer. I would add that it was only after my family received this abuse did I include his in the game, otherwise they would have been judged out of bounds, but hey, if one side ditches the rules, then it's an "all in" game.
As for me being "spoken to about it", I simply received a polite request from a representative of Sussex Police after Timmy had been bending their ears for weeks, claiming that a legal act was illegal because it upset him. This request was to obscure or pixelate their faces and concluded with the words "I have no legal power to ask you to do this I know, but...", this is not really being "spoken to" as suggested, merely an appeal to my better nature, and when asked politely I explained the reasons for my choices and then complied having made my point, I then obscured their faces with clip art, this resulted in a "thank you" form the person making this request, (I have all of this recorded in emails and so it is clearly recorded, however I will not disclose names unlike Timmy chooses to do in Parliament).
The horses faces were irrelevant, they only appeared after the original was re-published following Loughton's allusions that they were deviant in some way, during his last Parliamentary tantrum. There was no relevance to them being sexual in any way and so the repeated claims that they were "under-age" is intentionally misleading and only serves to undermine cases where there actually is some kind of deviant behaviour. Clearly Loughton puts his own privacy above the safety of other people's kids who actually are being abused and exploited.
The next part is funny,
After about six months, Google got round to doing something. It sent me this response:
This is the same response I got from Google when I raised the issue of Loughton and his mates Cllrs Burns, Parkin and Mendoza, when I was receiving about a hundred emails a week calling me a "Pikey C*nt", and other similar names, and repeated accusations about my being a criminal when I have no convictions for any crimes whatsoever, strangely these idiots also appeared to have some kind of scatological obsession as well, as they seemed to be far more interested in my toilet habits than any normal or reasonable person should be. This left me with no option but to respond in kind.
Loughton has repeatedly been offered the opportunity to resolve this dispute, by meeting with me and explaining his actions and his choice to lie through his teeth in parliament and spread filthy gossip to gullible numpties via his mates at the Daily Fail. He has consistently declined this opportunity, and as far as I am aware, continues to do so. He chose to start the war, yet he seems unable to step outside of his protected bubble of privilege in order to admit that he was indeed the instigator of all of this.
It is reassuring that he has finally admitted that he feels that as an MP, he should receive some kind of special treatment, well, welcome to the real world Timmy, we are all equal here, including you. Earlier in the debate he called said this:
My hon. Friend said that nuisance and annoyance may be covered by new legislation, but we are talking not about that but about downright abuse that can lead some people to commit suicide. Can he tell the House how many people have been prosecuted under the Malicious Communications Act 1988 or the Communications Act 2003 for offences that this House would recognise as forms of cyber-bullying?
It's funny that he's almost suggesting that the Malicious Communications Act needs to be adjusted in order to make prosecutions easier, considering that if there were a lower threshold for prosecution he would have been prosecuted for the abuse that he sent to me, as he only narrowly avoided charges being laid under that very act, (not for racism or any other made up nonsense he distributed later on).
If they do lower the charging threshold for the MCA then Timmy should be a bit careful, as some of the correspondence I've seen that he has sent to other constituents, would leave him open to prosecution.
Moving on...
We also need better sentencing guidelines. There are some bits of legislation, but we have not yet seen people being hauled before the courts. Frankly, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions must do better in this regard. They complain that this is a grey area and that the thresholds are high, but cyber-bullying is cyber-violence and if that violence were committed in person in playgrounds or in pubs, it would be dealt with properly by the police and the courts. Cyber-bullying should be no different.
I agree, it is a real shame that we have not seen people being "hauled before the courts", because one of them would have been Loughton himself. The CPS could do better, I was informed that under the MCA a statement has to be "grossly offensive" as defined by case law precedence and not by the way it is received by the abused, it was pointed out to me that although "incredibly offensive" Loughton's statements were not considered to reach that threshold. Sadly the statements made under privilege would have reached this threshold, however this outdated nonsense protects people like Loughton from prosecution for their "grossly offensive" statements.
There is also the question that, if he is referring to the bullying of kids, why he uses the "Pub" comparison, maybe this is indicative of the fact that he is not concerned for kids at all, but for himself and his Tory party buddies who go around acting like thugs and start whining when they get a bit of it back.
He then states that:
I have spoken to Mr Speaker about this and he is sympathetic to our receiving guidance on how to help ourselves to guard against trolling and cyber-bullying, which we should not have to accept as we try to do our jobs.
I can give far better guidance than the poison dwarf Bercow on this, it's simple. If you don't want people to fight back, then don't start a fight with them, and relying on your exemption from the law will only push others to exploit loopholes in other laws that allow them to fight back on an even footing.
I would understand his claims if his job was being an arrogant and abusive thug, (which it sometimes appears that it is) however it isn't and he should simply do the job he's paid for and if he wants to make false and abusive statements about me, then he should expect a response, and if he is not polite to me, then what kind of response is he expecting?
And just in case you missed the picture, here it is again......
And to correct another point of fact, one of the heads is actually that of a donkey, so again Loughton tells fibs in Parliament, no change there.
The Hansard records Timbo's third rant about how he has suffered, even though he forgets to recount the full story and completely omits the death threats sent to me and my family by him and his mates, here's an excerpt from his speech.
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Click for full size version. |
Anyway, let's look at this further rant in detail, shall we?
As the House has heard, I have my own long-standing troll who continues to post malicious material about my family. For many months, I have been complaining to Google, which hosts his blog. This person has posted pictures of my teenage, under-age daughters on his blog, alongside abusive comments. They have not been removed. When he was spoken to about it, he replaced their faces with horses’ heads, alongside equally abusive comments.
Right, now I wonder why Timmy would choose to describe his daughters as "under-age", after ranting about violent sexual content on the net, is he trying to hint at something here? What a dirty minded pervert he really is, I couldn't care less whether his kids were 9 or 90, the only abuse involved was to him, their photo was irrelevant and was only used after my family, including my stepson were subjected to far worse abuse in person by Loughton and his cronies. I expect Timmy would explode if his kids were cornered by someone and abused in person, or if they opened a Xmas card with a death threat in it, but it's alright for us "trolls" isn't it, we deserve to have our kids suffer. I would add that it was only after my family received this abuse did I include his in the game, otherwise they would have been judged out of bounds, but hey, if one side ditches the rules, then it's an "all in" game.
As for me being "spoken to about it", I simply received a polite request from a representative of Sussex Police after Timmy had been bending their ears for weeks, claiming that a legal act was illegal because it upset him. This request was to obscure or pixelate their faces and concluded with the words "I have no legal power to ask you to do this I know, but...", this is not really being "spoken to" as suggested, merely an appeal to my better nature, and when asked politely I explained the reasons for my choices and then complied having made my point, I then obscured their faces with clip art, this resulted in a "thank you" form the person making this request, (I have all of this recorded in emails and so it is clearly recorded, however I will not disclose names unlike Timmy chooses to do in Parliament).
The horses faces were irrelevant, they only appeared after the original was re-published following Loughton's allusions that they were deviant in some way, during his last Parliamentary tantrum. There was no relevance to them being sexual in any way and so the repeated claims that they were "under-age" is intentionally misleading and only serves to undermine cases where there actually is some kind of deviant behaviour. Clearly Loughton puts his own privacy above the safety of other people's kids who actually are being abused and exploited.
The next part is funny,
After about six months, Google got round to doing something. It sent me this response:
“Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us. We have reviewed your request. At this time, Google has decided not to take action. Blogger hosts third-party content. It is not a creator or mediator of that content. We encourage you to resolve any disputes directly with the individual who posted the content.”
That is not an effective way of dealing with clear and obvious abuse, and I am still on at Google—and it is not just Google—to take this sort of abuse seriously. If it is unable to do that for a Member of Parliament who has a platform here, imagine how many of our children must be suffering in silence because they have no means of drawing attention to this deeply abusive, offensive and completely unnecessary form of cyber-bulling.
This is the same response I got from Google when I raised the issue of Loughton and his mates Cllrs Burns, Parkin and Mendoza, when I was receiving about a hundred emails a week calling me a "Pikey C*nt", and other similar names, and repeated accusations about my being a criminal when I have no convictions for any crimes whatsoever, strangely these idiots also appeared to have some kind of scatological obsession as well, as they seemed to be far more interested in my toilet habits than any normal or reasonable person should be. This left me with no option but to respond in kind.
Loughton has repeatedly been offered the opportunity to resolve this dispute, by meeting with me and explaining his actions and his choice to lie through his teeth in parliament and spread filthy gossip to gullible numpties via his mates at the Daily Fail. He has consistently declined this opportunity, and as far as I am aware, continues to do so. He chose to start the war, yet he seems unable to step outside of his protected bubble of privilege in order to admit that he was indeed the instigator of all of this.
It is reassuring that he has finally admitted that he feels that as an MP, he should receive some kind of special treatment, well, welcome to the real world Timmy, we are all equal here, including you. Earlier in the debate he called said this:
My hon. Friend said that nuisance and annoyance may be covered by new legislation, but we are talking not about that but about downright abuse that can lead some people to commit suicide. Can he tell the House how many people have been prosecuted under the Malicious Communications Act 1988 or the Communications Act 2003 for offences that this House would recognise as forms of cyber-bullying?
It's funny that he's almost suggesting that the Malicious Communications Act needs to be adjusted in order to make prosecutions easier, considering that if there were a lower threshold for prosecution he would have been prosecuted for the abuse that he sent to me, as he only narrowly avoided charges being laid under that very act, (not for racism or any other made up nonsense he distributed later on).
If they do lower the charging threshold for the MCA then Timmy should be a bit careful, as some of the correspondence I've seen that he has sent to other constituents, would leave him open to prosecution.
Moving on...
We also need better sentencing guidelines. There are some bits of legislation, but we have not yet seen people being hauled before the courts. Frankly, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions must do better in this regard. They complain that this is a grey area and that the thresholds are high, but cyber-bullying is cyber-violence and if that violence were committed in person in playgrounds or in pubs, it would be dealt with properly by the police and the courts. Cyber-bullying should be no different.
I agree, it is a real shame that we have not seen people being "hauled before the courts", because one of them would have been Loughton himself. The CPS could do better, I was informed that under the MCA a statement has to be "grossly offensive" as defined by case law precedence and not by the way it is received by the abused, it was pointed out to me that although "incredibly offensive" Loughton's statements were not considered to reach that threshold. Sadly the statements made under privilege would have reached this threshold, however this outdated nonsense protects people like Loughton from prosecution for their "grossly offensive" statements.
There is also the question that, if he is referring to the bullying of kids, why he uses the "Pub" comparison, maybe this is indicative of the fact that he is not concerned for kids at all, but for himself and his Tory party buddies who go around acting like thugs and start whining when they get a bit of it back.
He then states that:
I have spoken to Mr Speaker about this and he is sympathetic to our receiving guidance on how to help ourselves to guard against trolling and cyber-bullying, which we should not have to accept as we try to do our jobs.
I can give far better guidance than the poison dwarf Bercow on this, it's simple. If you don't want people to fight back, then don't start a fight with them, and relying on your exemption from the law will only push others to exploit loopholes in other laws that allow them to fight back on an even footing.
I would understand his claims if his job was being an arrogant and abusive thug, (which it sometimes appears that it is) however it isn't and he should simply do the job he's paid for and if he wants to make false and abusive statements about me, then he should expect a response, and if he is not polite to me, then what kind of response is he expecting?
And just in case you missed the picture, here it is again......
And to correct another point of fact, one of the heads is actually that of a donkey, so again Loughton tells fibs in Parliament, no change there.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
All in the trough together.
Earlier in November ADC released this press release:
We are repeatedly told by both national and our local governments that we are having to cut back and that our public services need to be raped in the name of austerity. On a local level we are used to the mantra "it's all the previous Labour government's fault", yet throughout the time that Labour were in power in central government, Adur has been run by the Tories, who were the ones who were actually spending the money on a local level, which they claim that they now need to claw back.
Some might say that it was irresponsible of the Labour government to give so much money to Adur's Tories to p*ss up the wall on frivolous luxuries, all the time their buildings were falling into disrepair and no thought was ever given to any long term plan to sustain the local economy. So inevitably, when the cut to their funding came, the local Tories did what their kind always do, sell the family jewels, in order to obtain short term financial stability (which they haven't achieved). I'm sure that we are not alone in this and that it is happening all over the country.
On a local level we are sick of the "consultations" that only give us the choice between being screwed over or screwing someone less well off/older/more disabled than ourselves over. With the powers entrusted to local authorities we should be able to prepare and sustain ourselves far better than these people appear to have done in recent times, all the time, blaming it on a central government that left office 3 years ago.
Anyway, what do you think that the local councillors have done to share our suffering? Well, they've given themselves enough cash to cover the shortfall that the rest of us have to shoulder. If we take a look at what the leader and vice leader were getting in 2010-2011, by way of allowances....
... and compare it to what they were receiving two years later in 2012-2013...
... we can see just how much they're cutting back.
There have been no figures published for 2013-2014, but Worthing have approved a 1% pay rise, backdated to April 2013, so I expect that ADC will receive that and more besides, as they have repeatedly claimed that they need to brought up to the same rates as WBC despite representing far fewer people and being a far smaller council, covering a far smaller area. I expect that this will also be backdated to April as well, just as soon as they appoint another "independent" allowances panel after the last one resigned after their findings being ignored by the councillors who wanted a bigger slice of the pie than was recommended.
The new advisory panel on allowances should be in place soon, after sneaking in the minimum advertising of the posts for which applications closed a couple of weeks back. I've been keeping an eye out for these ads but seem to have missed them, although I expect that the people who are likely to play ball were told personally by their mates in council to apply though, so expect more rises to be announced just as soon as some more puppets are in place.
As an aside, I have in recent years, been applying for every "layperson" or "independent person" post that I have seen advertised, and even chased some that weren't advertised, and it appears that it is incredibly difficult to be "independent" without already being preselected by a senior executive for the post. Try it yourself, you're guaranteed to come up against a brick wall, it seems like living in an area for nearly 40 years and receiving services from the relevant service provider, whilst not being a member of any political party didn't make me suitably independent, maybe I was doing something wrong all these years and you will be judged to be independent enough, you never know.
Good luck with it, because if you're not in the gang, you won't get to play.
We are repeatedly told by both national and our local governments that we are having to cut back and that our public services need to be raped in the name of austerity. On a local level we are used to the mantra "it's all the previous Labour government's fault", yet throughout the time that Labour were in power in central government, Adur has been run by the Tories, who were the ones who were actually spending the money on a local level, which they claim that they now need to claw back.
Some might say that it was irresponsible of the Labour government to give so much money to Adur's Tories to p*ss up the wall on frivolous luxuries, all the time their buildings were falling into disrepair and no thought was ever given to any long term plan to sustain the local economy. So inevitably, when the cut to their funding came, the local Tories did what their kind always do, sell the family jewels, in order to obtain short term financial stability (which they haven't achieved). I'm sure that we are not alone in this and that it is happening all over the country.
On a local level we are sick of the "consultations" that only give us the choice between being screwed over or screwing someone less well off/older/more disabled than ourselves over. With the powers entrusted to local authorities we should be able to prepare and sustain ourselves far better than these people appear to have done in recent times, all the time, blaming it on a central government that left office 3 years ago.
Anyway, what do you think that the local councillors have done to share our suffering? Well, they've given themselves enough cash to cover the shortfall that the rest of us have to shoulder. If we take a look at what the leader and vice leader were getting in 2010-2011, by way of allowances....
... and compare it to what they were receiving two years later in 2012-2013...
... we can see just how much they're cutting back.
There have been no figures published for 2013-2014, but Worthing have approved a 1% pay rise, backdated to April 2013, so I expect that ADC will receive that and more besides, as they have repeatedly claimed that they need to brought up to the same rates as WBC despite representing far fewer people and being a far smaller council, covering a far smaller area. I expect that this will also be backdated to April as well, just as soon as they appoint another "independent" allowances panel after the last one resigned after their findings being ignored by the councillors who wanted a bigger slice of the pie than was recommended.
The new advisory panel on allowances should be in place soon, after sneaking in the minimum advertising of the posts for which applications closed a couple of weeks back. I've been keeping an eye out for these ads but seem to have missed them, although I expect that the people who are likely to play ball were told personally by their mates in council to apply though, so expect more rises to be announced just as soon as some more puppets are in place.
As an aside, I have in recent years, been applying for every "layperson" or "independent person" post that I have seen advertised, and even chased some that weren't advertised, and it appears that it is incredibly difficult to be "independent" without already being preselected by a senior executive for the post. Try it yourself, you're guaranteed to come up against a brick wall, it seems like living in an area for nearly 40 years and receiving services from the relevant service provider, whilst not being a member of any political party didn't make me suitably independent, maybe I was doing something wrong all these years and you will be judged to be independent enough, you never know.
Good luck with it, because if you're not in the gang, you won't get to play.
Adur Police take over......
In the Harald we have yet more evidence of Adur District Council's Tory cabal infecting the local police in order to ensure special treatment and immunity from prosecution.
This week apparently Shoreham police station was "taken over" by kids, not just any kids though, by local councillors kids.
Yes, dressed in police uniforms, which I'm led to believe is actually an offence, we have some of the Tory Youth, in particular that progeny of Cllr E*** E****, another member of the vile D** clan. Don't worry though because mum was there too, just to ensure that the next generation of the family are not challenged by the local police team for anything that they do, just like the rest of the gang.
Yes, the local Tories are always looking for ways to give themselves and their kin an advantage over the rest of the local community, and sadly the local police team are only too willing to play ball in order to enhance their "working partnership" with these corrupt "politicians".
What was interesting about this story is this part:
The idea that a gang of schoolchildren including local councillors kids were allowed to attend a police briefing is outrageous, what about the Data Protection Act, and legal privilege, not to mention the potential for these kids to gossip about potential crimes, that are yet to be investigated, with their parents or school friends, when we are supposed to have restrictions on such things.
It's no surprise that the local policing team support the councillors, after all, they're only too happy to babysit for them. No wonder that they all get the right to be exempt from the law when applied by the local officers.
If we don't stand up to the vile local tory council by voting against them, we will simply have the same families ripping us off just like their parents and grandparents have done for years.
These pariahs have just released their allowance figures for the year, and don't worry about them having to go without, they're having their pay rise backdated to April after telling us that they didn't think that it was appropriate that they take a pay rise when others in the organisation are not given the same. I guess that they thought that if they did it later, we'd never notice that they are really a big bunch of fibbers who are robbing us all blind in order to pay for their kids horses that like to crap all over our roads (and possibly bridges too).
This week apparently Shoreham police station was "taken over" by kids, not just any kids though, by local councillors kids.
Yes, dressed in police uniforms, which I'm led to believe is actually an offence, we have some of the Tory Youth, in particular that progeny of Cllr E*** E****, another member of the vile D** clan. Don't worry though because mum was there too, just to ensure that the next generation of the family are not challenged by the local police team for anything that they do, just like the rest of the gang.
Yes, the local Tories are always looking for ways to give themselves and their kin an advantage over the rest of the local community, and sadly the local police team are only too willing to play ball in order to enhance their "working partnership" with these corrupt "politicians".
What was interesting about this story is this part:
The idea that a gang of schoolchildren including local councillors kids were allowed to attend a police briefing is outrageous, what about the Data Protection Act, and legal privilege, not to mention the potential for these kids to gossip about potential crimes, that are yet to be investigated, with their parents or school friends, when we are supposed to have restrictions on such things.
It's no surprise that the local policing team support the councillors, after all, they're only too happy to babysit for them. No wonder that they all get the right to be exempt from the law when applied by the local officers.
If we don't stand up to the vile local tory council by voting against them, we will simply have the same families ripping us off just like their parents and grandparents have done for years.
These pariahs have just released their allowance figures for the year, and don't worry about them having to go without, they're having their pay rise backdated to April after telling us that they didn't think that it was appropriate that they take a pay rise when others in the organisation are not given the same. I guess that they thought that if they did it later, we'd never notice that they are really a big bunch of fibbers who are robbing us all blind in order to pay for their kids horses that like to crap all over our roads (and possibly bridges too).
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