Saturday 7 December 2013

AdurCalling, one year in.

Well, it's been a year since I began this blog. It began as a simple means of sharing my experiences with a few close friends after more than a year of trying to fight the corruption locally, through the channels available formally. These channels were impossible to access freely and any chance of success was an unobtainable goal because as soon as you beat ADC, they would change the policies or invent new ones in order to continue to behave however the hell they want.

Anyone who has ever put in a valid formal complaint against ADC will be fully aware that as soon as you make it, they have already decided that they were right and you were clearly the problem for daring to challenge them, the most you could possibly hope for was a letter apologising for your feelings, "We're sorry that you feel that we may not have......" you know the one. I figured that if you couldn't beat them on their playing field, play elsewhere.

In my first year, I have had more than 30,000 visitors, and hundreds of pieces of correspondence, ranging from death threats to congratulations, I have been stopped in the streets and thanked for putting the truth out there, and also stopped in the streets and assaulted by ADCs thugs, it has been quite a year.

Here's the figures:

Like I have said before, I never advertised the blog, it was not intended to be that kind of thing, but it appeared to take on it's own life and I was simply taken along with it. You can see from the graph above that there are 3 distinct peaks, these are no coincidence. In March, our MP Tim "The Lought" Loughton, hosted a parliamentary debate to spread lies about me and the content and purpose of the blog, he also personally fed the story to the Daily Fail to ensure the widespread distribution of his lies about me, leaving me with no choice but to respond.

He, again had another go in Parliament in June, where he told another bunch of lies, there goes another peak, and his most recent attack was in October, making it pretty clear that the best form of advertising is an arrogant MP who uses his privileged position to spread lies and unfounded accusations about someone, which then leads them to try and find out the truth about those lies.

It's been quite a year to be honest, 3 parliamentary tantrums, several physical assaults on myself, half a dozen fictional newspaper stories, a police raid on my home, a dozen visits to the police station, 24hrs in a cell, 10 weeks on bail, death threats through the post, online and by phone, doorstepping by tabloid slugs, 3 fraudulent reports to social services and NO charges ever brought, NO prosecutions and NO crimes committed by myself either through this blog or elsewhere. It appears that despite the misleading name, "Free Speech" isn't actually "Free" by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth the cost involved. The truth and freedom are always the most important things, and they are definitely worth fighting corrupt politicians and their pet police officers for.

It has taken a lot of strength to get through this year, and my family, friends, supporters and this blog has made it all worthwhile. I couldn't have cared less if anyone read it a year ago, that was not the point of it, but now I feel like I have a responsibility to continue in order to help others in similar situations to myself, if only to let them know they are not alone.

Lastly, I'd like to thank all the b*stards who have tried to stop me from speaking freely and telling the truth, your repeated attacks only made me stronger and more determined to do so, and this is far from over...........

Even if you have to resort to unconventional means, your freedom is yours, take it.