Yes, during a day of swanning around our area, dressed in a sweat shop outfit, our MP found time in his day to be repeatedly photographed by the press whilst pretending to be Santa at the school that serves one of our most deprived local communities, so the representative of the government that will result in a lot of these kids being cold and hungry this winter, is trying to masquerade as their saviour.
He also found time to have another go at promoting his self serving new crusade on "cyber-bullying", in order to try and change the law in order to restrict anyone from disagreeing with him and his vile actions. Here's the story :
Anyway, back to this pathetic crusade in order to award himself victim status, when in fact it is he who is the biggest online abuser that myself and my family have ever experienced.
Starting with his initial abusive email sent in reply to a perfectly polite request from a constituent to address the systematic abuse of the local council's blacklist against myself, who has committed no crime (this is an unquestionable fact). Following him being questioned regarding his abusive act, which was never investigated as a "racist incident", despite his insistence on this clear lie, told by himself in order to attack equal opportunities legislation so that he could be racist if he chose to do so, (which he has many time in my opinion and that of others). During this investigation, which was conducted in secret, so the only people aware of it were myself and my family, the police, and Loughton and whoever he chose to recruit to abuse us on his behalf. This abuse began last December, months before Loughton's publication of his questioning under caution.
The abuse began with almost a dozen death threats sent to both my home and that of my partner and her son, (who actually opened one of these filthy epistles thinking that it was a Xmas card).

This campaign was started by Loughton and his pals, long before anyone else was even aware of this whole scenario, they were posted from the post office in the same road as his constituency office and my contact informs me that Loughton was a visitor to this post office very close to the time that they were posted, (Xmas post made it tricky to pin down a definite day). Yes these vile threatening letters and funerary cards sent by Loughton or his mates are obviously imaginary, and are definitely not threatening that my days are numbered if I continue to provide the police with information regarding this matter (insert sarcastic smiley here). They were also written by an illiterate, (and potentially illegitimate) individual who was aware of more than the general public at this time, who was also intent on ensuring that Loughton was not to be prosecuted for his abuse, without these threats and other abuse there is always the chance that he would have actually been prosecuted, but I obviously have to protect my family from pathetic, cowardly thugs like these.
It is quite funny that Loughton has a big problem with my blog, when he didn't seem to concerned by his mate's blog, which was deleted just short of my being able to track down the author, (work still goes on regarding this, and you will receive retribution for your attack) a certain Jakob1, (or Jakob Duktion as he threateningly referred to himself). Here's some of his work, remember that he is a local Tory supporter (potentially a senior member of the party) when you read his filth.
Yes, we have someone who is also able to access the imaginary information distributed by Loughton during his parliamentary crusade to attack my family, who on earth would have access to Timmy's records?
And by the way, I'm not "Roma" you dumb arse, this is as narrow minded a statement as we have come to expect from the rest of your ilk who seem to think that everyone from the Indian sub-continent is from Pakistan. Your choice to try and correct my "sudden heritage", which is very well documented, however I have no interest in sharing until you publish your birth certificate, is actually a very offensive move, and just demonstrates the extremist right wing generalisation made by our local fascist leadership.
There also seems to be a suggestion that if I should choose to run for local office, (which I haven't decided yet) that this individual will attempt to distribute their lies in order to prevent me from having a chance. Maybe they should read the Electoral Commission's rules on this, because any attempt to spread lies such as these would result in the disqualification of their candidate.
This idiot is indicative of the general membership of the local Tory party, He is not alone in his belief that he knows everything about me, simply because he can use Google but is not particularly good at differentiating between two individuals with similar names.
The rest of the local tory gang also got on board with this filth, here's another of the local Tory gang, I know who this one is though, (the spelling mistakes gave it away) but I'm saving a very special exposure for them.
The poster here, is obviously in need of an intervention to prevent his drug addled brain from imposing any further inconvenience on the rest of us.
For your information, I have worked very hard throughout my life, I have also found time in my busy schedule to fight against narrow minded turds like the author of this crap, who should simply do humanity a favour and remove himself and his kin from the gene pool.
What other crap was knocking about? Let me see, how about this one?
Yes, then came the "Pikey" based abuse, this one from a self confessed "Dog Worrier" also appears to advocate murder of minority groups. This type of Loughton supporter is the most dangerous, and potentially the most cowardly. How about just one of these cowards grow a pair big enough to stand in front of me and call me a "Pikey", I can assure you that I would enjoy that immensely, you however would not, I can promise you that much.
It is amusing that none of these fascistic Tory scum have the balls to use their real names. I have admittedly used anagrams of my own name (that a 10 yr old could decipher), and have only not posted my real face online in order to protect my family from having to witness me being physically attacked in front of them again by Loughton and his mates, pathetic ignorant racist supporters.
Here's another example of the level of intelligence shared by the average Loughton supporter, surely we all have "a gender" don't we?
Interesting theory that anyone who doesn't support Loughton is either a minority, unemployed or a "Pikey", and to be honest the author of this piece of filth is representative of the local Tory supporters and seems to share the same views as the rest of the gang.
As for proof of the preference for "Pikey" abuse, here's another example, this time from Loughton himself;
Yes, the man who complains of online abuse, and claims to be the victim of such decided to refer to myself as a "Pikey Cunt" himself, yet he still seems to want to claim that it is I who is the "troll".
Well Timmy, you need to get back under your bridge, you could always try the new Footbridge, on a strong outgoing tide, the people of Shoreham would like that. I welcome Timmy to try and call me a "Pikey Cunt" to my face, but I obviously couldn't guarantee that he would ever get past the first word.
This is just a tiny proportion of the incoming abuse received by myself and my family, spearheaded by Crusader Tim and carried out by his ignorant fascistic pals. I was receiving dozens a day every time this numpty decided to get his mate at the Daily Mail to spread his cancer. There is far more, each piece of it just as unimaginative as the last. If Timmy wants to stop online abuse, it's easy, he just needs to turn off his iphone and shut his gob, the two things he seems unable to do proficiently, along with telling the truth, however this is taken as read, he is a Tory after all.