Tuesday 10 December 2013

Same old ADC bullyboy tactics again.

Now I'm not one known for outspoken support of UKIP, but I am very much for speaking out when our local Tories choose to play their, very well practiced abuse tactics, against someone speaking out for the community in which they reside.

This comes courtesy of The Harald and an account of the incident is also published on The Local UKIPpers Website .

This is no surprise, all of the local Tories tactics are in clear view. I am not commenting on the validity of any issues raised or any party political angles here, merely the common factors seen time and again, reported by anyone who disagrees with ADCs ruling cabal.

Aside from this there is one salient point missed, purely because our councillors would prefer to ignore it, and that is that it is way beyond time to start recording and broadcasting ADC meetings in a manner other than by a few minutes. The technology is there, the encouragement to do this (from central Gov) is there, and yet there is still resistance. One might think that this is because things like this will always be left to judgement rather than evidence, and that judgement is always made by ADC.

Anyway, back to the point. Someone (whomever they may be or whatever party they are a member of) who is a resident, questioned the validity of a very standard "smoke and mirrors" ADC consultation, which was heavily weighted in favour of a preferred outcome, which even when that outcome wasn't attained, was ignored and the councillors decision was accepted in spite of this rather pricey consultation. This is not the first time this has happened, and will not be the last all the time we have this stupid "cabinet" system in place, as we the people only have a chance to change our representatives every four years, and that's plenty time enough to do a fair amount of damage to our locale.
The story continues......

The similarities between my experience of this incident, and numerous others are striking. The local Tories never work alone, they always attack in pairs or a large enough group to outnumber any victim of their abuse, that way they can always claim the upper hand if it ever gets to an investigation, which is always carried out by themselves, or people appointed by themselves, the lack of independence is astounding, and with the self regulation rules in place, there is no right to appeal any decision that they choose to make.

There is an amusingly recurrent theme here, anyone challenging them is always acting for "political gain" in some way, and there is always a "verbal attack". The real world translation of these things is, someone didn't agree with "the gospel according to Parkin", and used words and phrases that were challenging and as the local Tories had no answers, these words became somehow threatening, not threatening is the real world, just threatening their belief in total power and control of Adur.

As can be seen from the Harald and Dr Hilsum's account, there appears to have been a very traditional response, he refers to "sniggers", this is a standard response from the local Tories as they like to believe that they hold all the cards and arrogantly laugh at anyone who dares to outwit them and provide evidence to prove this point beyond doubt to all but them. They then claim that their response was merely "robust", like the time one of theirs was "robust" with the poor lady who refused them entry to a private old folks home, and when they were "robust" when a gang of them cornered myself and the boy in town and sucker punched me in the back and singled out the lad for his first introduction to Tory bullying.

I can already predict the outcome of the complaint regarding the breach of Code of Councillors Conduct, that is if it isn't prevented from even reaching that stage, as most of these issues usually are, (without right of appeal outside Judicial Review). It will be judged to have no evidential value, as there are more councillors than there are Hillsums, and the only record is controlled by ADC, and the minutes of any meeting are usually very brief.

Here's the recorded information regarding this incident:

Not much to see, is there? The outcome will be the same as any other person who questions the fascistic rule of the local Tories, they did nothing wrong, there is no evidence, and the person complaining will become a marked man (or woman) and may well end up on the council's blacklist, as clearly Dollemore has made the claim that this bloke "invaded (his) personal space and verbally attacked (him)", and that's enough for these idiots to get a rubber stamp on, and distribute to every member of council staff, contractors and other outside agencies that the person making the accusation is some kind of dangerous threat, thus undermining any valid concerns that they may have raised, or may wish to raise in the future. This manoeuvre must come from the "Big Blue Tory Book of Screwing Over The Public", as it seems to be working for Andrew Mitchell and Tim Loughton at the moment.

Next May, we have a chance to put the people in charge of Adur again, so please remember to vote, anyone but Tory will do, that way we have a chance of removing the total power these people have afforded themselves, which was again done by ignoring a public consultation, which didn't agree with what Parkin and his mates wanted, so they overruled it and went with the 1936 German model of governance instead, and we are now stuck with it until they are outnumbered in ADC. It's only a small inconvenience, you can even do it by post these days, and by doing so, we may still have an Adur in another five years, otherwise Adur will only exist on paper, and we will be a suburb of Worthing.