Saturday 28 December 2013

Blah, Blah, Blurns

Here we go again, Cllr Darren Burns just can't keep it shut, can he?

Let's see, "Franchesca" is it? The idea that taking my name and changing it into a feminine form, is somehow supposed to be offensive, says far more about these people than they care to admit.

So Burns and his pals think that female is somehow a derogatory term then? It demonstrates exactly how their Tory roots are showing for all to see.. It is also amusing that they feel that anyone who is more intelligent and articulate than they are should "P*ss off out of Adur", because they obviously don't think that this is a viable area in which these qualities can thrive. I have to agree, with these monkeys in charge, there is no chance, and he doesn't need me to make him boring, he does that very competently all by himself.

The idea that I should leave Adur, is just another of their attempts to not be challenged by anyone capable of the task. I have been a resident of Adur for longer than the Council Leader, The Chairman, and the MP combined, so if it's time for anyone to leave, it ain't me. As for running for Council, maybe one day, after all I have thousands of regular readers, if that could be transferred into voters then I'd have no problem, plus there's little doubt that if I did, these monkeys couldn't keep their mouths shut long enough to avoid being disqualified under the electoral commission rules, thus making the task even more achievable.

As for putting my skills to a positive use, I can't imagine a more positive use of any skill, than deposing this gang of fools from their self appointed positions, and by exposing them for what they really are, this task becomes far easier.

"Making elected representatives lives a nightmare" am I? Well, I think that it is their actions that are doing that very well by themselves. I have merely stood my ground, and despite numerous attempts by these people to abuse their positions of power in order to bring me down, I'm still standing firm, and I have far more dirt on these people that they'll ever know, and believe me, some of them are far naughtier than you'd think.

You can call me "Franchesca" all you like, (even though it's usually spelled with a C, rather than CH) you could call me Francine if you like, or how about Karen? It just demonstrates the traditional Tory disrespect for the entire female gender every time that you do, and makes you look like even more like the pathetic childish fascists that you truly are, no matter how much you want people to believe otherwise.