No, just tied up in their own little world where everyone loves them.
This made me laugh heartily:
Having heard these "congratulations" myself, you'd have to be pretty delusional to have missed the sarcastic tone with which they were delivered.
Lucky that all our local Tories are really that delusional.
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Why don't you write to your MP?
Next time you hear this, if Tim Loughton is your MP, consider this answer; "because I don't want to receive personal insults from the sanctimonious ba*tard!" Which strangely he seems to think is completely unacceptable if done to him, but fine if he's giving it out.
Well, Timmy Boy, if you think that someone calling you a "lazy, incompetent narcissist intent on self-promotion" is offensive, then feel free to come round my house, because I can do far better than that. Then again you never come round here anyway, council estates are off of your election campaign visit list aren't they?
Why do I want to insult Tim Loughton you ask? Well, I guess that you could call it retribution.
(click to enlarge)
This was the response that I received from him after I wrote to him regarding the council's COC Blacklist. My Email was polite and courteous, but the response was sweary and rather insulting.
I would also point out that I do not actually have "Poisonous Bollocks", and more to the point I have at no point allowed Mr Loughton to taste them to see if they are poisonous or not. I obviously cannot comment on whether he is an expert on that tasting of bollocks to judge their poison content or not, but he clearly seems to know more about it than most of us; maybe this is what all the tories caught in the bushes on Hampstead Heath are actually doing, and the rumours have been wrong all along. It's a definite possibility you know. This could be what he is demonstrating here:
"You must first lift the old fella out of the way like this, then you get a better route of access to ensure a good taste for poison, be sure to spit and never swallow though. After identifying the presence of poison, you can issue the official parliamentary hallmark"
As an expert on such matters Tim even gives seminars on the matter, well done for making sure we're all safe from this unseen menace.
The man is such a hypocrite, he has spent the last few months shouting that he is the victim of a hate campaign, well personally I see it as perfectly justified and if you want to go around insulting people then don't start moaning when you get some back you spineless turd.
I would say that it should have been made public knowledge that while he was courting media attention to support his "victim" status, that he was in fact being investigated by the police for the email that he sent to me. Sadly it appears that although very offensive, it was not considered by the CPS to be grossly offensive and so he got off. Nothing to do with the fact that during the investigation he selected one of his pals to be Police Commissioner, or any of his many calls to the Chief Constable to complain about being investigated for a crime, absolutely nothing to do with any of these things whatsoever, I have been assured. It all apparently comes down to the fact that I am not permitted to define what I find offensive as it is decided by someone else. Personally I'm more offended by the personal insults about my appearance, than I am about the word "Bollocks", but that is not taken into consideration by the law.
So, if you do have to write to Tim Loughton, remember to tell him that he generally talks complete bollocks, and that he smells of wee, after all it's not a crime, so go for it. I'll start the ball rolling;
Dear Tim Loughton,
You don't half talk some bollocks mate, you go all out on whinging about how some bloke called you a narcissist, when you yourself are only too happy to make insults against others. If you live in a glass house (that we all have to pay for) you shouldn't go about throwing stones, it will only make you look jolly silly.
Your arrogance is only rivalled by your ignorance, but you see these things as your strengths, which only goes to prove that you are in fact a narcissist as charged.
By the way, you smell of wee and poo, and your dress sense is as laughable as your attempts to appear to be trendy and down with the kids. Any real young people who aren't members of the "Cameron Youth" think that you're a complete and utter, total .....................................
Enjoy the rst of your day folks.
Well, Timmy Boy, if you think that someone calling you a "lazy, incompetent narcissist intent on self-promotion" is offensive, then feel free to come round my house, because I can do far better than that. Then again you never come round here anyway, council estates are off of your election campaign visit list aren't they?
Why do I want to insult Tim Loughton you ask? Well, I guess that you could call it retribution.
(click to enlarge)
This was the response that I received from him after I wrote to him regarding the council's COC Blacklist. My Email was polite and courteous, but the response was sweary and rather insulting.
I would also point out that I do not actually have "Poisonous Bollocks", and more to the point I have at no point allowed Mr Loughton to taste them to see if they are poisonous or not. I obviously cannot comment on whether he is an expert on that tasting of bollocks to judge their poison content or not, but he clearly seems to know more about it than most of us; maybe this is what all the tories caught in the bushes on Hampstead Heath are actually doing, and the rumours have been wrong all along. It's a definite possibility you know. This could be what he is demonstrating here:
"You must first lift the old fella out of the way like this, then you get a better route of access to ensure a good taste for poison, be sure to spit and never swallow though. After identifying the presence of poison, you can issue the official parliamentary hallmark"
As an expert on such matters Tim even gives seminars on the matter, well done for making sure we're all safe from this unseen menace.
The man is such a hypocrite, he has spent the last few months shouting that he is the victim of a hate campaign, well personally I see it as perfectly justified and if you want to go around insulting people then don't start moaning when you get some back you spineless turd.
I would say that it should have been made public knowledge that while he was courting media attention to support his "victim" status, that he was in fact being investigated by the police for the email that he sent to me. Sadly it appears that although very offensive, it was not considered by the CPS to be grossly offensive and so he got off. Nothing to do with the fact that during the investigation he selected one of his pals to be Police Commissioner, or any of his many calls to the Chief Constable to complain about being investigated for a crime, absolutely nothing to do with any of these things whatsoever, I have been assured. It all apparently comes down to the fact that I am not permitted to define what I find offensive as it is decided by someone else. Personally I'm more offended by the personal insults about my appearance, than I am about the word "Bollocks", but that is not taken into consideration by the law.
So, if you do have to write to Tim Loughton, remember to tell him that he generally talks complete bollocks, and that he smells of wee, after all it's not a crime, so go for it. I'll start the ball rolling;
Dear Tim Loughton,
You don't half talk some bollocks mate, you go all out on whinging about how some bloke called you a narcissist, when you yourself are only too happy to make insults against others. If you live in a glass house (that we all have to pay for) you shouldn't go about throwing stones, it will only make you look jolly silly.
Your arrogance is only rivalled by your ignorance, but you see these things as your strengths, which only goes to prove that you are in fact a narcissist as charged.
By the way, you smell of wee and poo, and your dress sense is as laughable as your attempts to appear to be trendy and down with the kids. Any real young people who aren't members of the "Cameron Youth" think that you're a complete and utter, total .....................................
Enjoy the rst of your day folks.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
We're gonna need a bigger trough.
There's nothing more that our council leader, Neil Parkin likes more than a good election, but on the days when he can't manage an election he likes to still have a quick shuffle.
Earlier this week at the council meeting, he stood at the front of the chamber, spoke of Cllr Searle, and had a good shuffle in full view of everyone present. He is of course, as leader, entitled to do this whenever he wants, and if he feels that it isn't big enough he can always request an extension.
I am of course referring to Mr Parkin's cabinet, I don't know what you were thinking of.
It seems that Parkin has decided that the best way to display the Tories dedication to the austerity measures is to make the trough longer, possibly to match the dole queues.
You've got to laugh really, the whole idea that we are supposed to care about their very important "cabinet shuffle", it's like they think that they're real politicians or something.
So apparently, Cllr Searle is now to be a Cabinet Member Without a clue Portfolio, as she is far too busy to actually give a damn about Adur, and would rathe just be in charge without having to actually do anything.
Cllr Beresford is to become Cabinet Member responsible for snaffling a few extra quid from the trough for himself, and I think that Cllr Funnell was transferred to the position of Cabinet Member for being really old, or something like that.
Earlier this week at the council meeting, he stood at the front of the chamber, spoke of Cllr Searle, and had a good shuffle in full view of everyone present. He is of course, as leader, entitled to do this whenever he wants, and if he feels that it isn't big enough he can always request an extension.
I am of course referring to Mr Parkin's cabinet, I don't know what you were thinking of.
It seems that Parkin has decided that the best way to display the Tories dedication to the austerity measures is to make the trough longer, possibly to match the dole queues.
You've got to laugh really, the whole idea that we are supposed to care about their very important "cabinet shuffle", it's like they think that they're real politicians or something.

So, we now have more cabinet members drawing allowances and still no sign of democracy or transparent decision making processes. Councils all over the country are dropping this version of governance like a handful of poo, because it is so open to corruption, however our local Tories are loving it because, and this is only my theory by the way, they seem to like having their hands full of poo.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
How to win fiends and irritate people
Having had experienced this little gem of council trickery myself, and having my family's life made unbelievably unpleasant I feel I should expose the truth surrounding the techniques used by our local authority to target people that get up their hooters (UK not US slang, ie. noses not boobies).
Although there are strict legal regulations relating to covert human intelligence sources, this doesn't seem to bother Adur and Worthing Councils. Despite their "intelligence" sources being only comparable to trained espionage operatives if Anthony Blunt is a rhyming slang term that I have missed, they are really annoying to say the least.
The council have quite a predictable way of utilising gullible sheeple as sources ofgossip information in order to make the lives of innocent people a living nightmare. The people they use are pretty much all the same ilk, sad individuals who seem to think that having Cllr before your name grants immediate respect (it is in reality an abbreviation for where in the house their morals lie buried) and believes that by hounding innocent people that they are somehow pleasing their master, like a mentally subnormal labrador, only without the "cute factor".
The first step is usually a letter or email to your neighbours or people that will be nothing more than a face that you see in the street, they will send you one of these too, if you recognise yourself in the accused position get ready for a hellish experience. This correspondence will identify you in all but name, making some pretty direct accusations but making it clear that they don't actually have any evidence to back them up, it will then ask you to be a responsible member of the community, and suggest that you do this by sharpening up your pitchfork and start to gather as much gossip as you can from anyone that may not have received the letter, and report it back to them.
In our case we decided to use our old friend the Data Protection Act to see what was being sent in. It was an eye opener for sure. We got to read some fantastic reports, ours came from our old fiends Stephen Morgan and John Bowd, and contained such gems as:
"Here are the facts about .............." names removed as it is us, this document went on the allege that these "facts" were, "Kevin Hartney told me that," yours truly, "called him a (Anthony Blunt)", and "someone called Ian, I don't know his surname, eavesdropped them saying that they would torch Kevin", along with lots of other third hand gossip portrayed as "facts".
Obviously the authors of these "reports" are lacking somewhat in any form of clue, but that didn't bother ADC, they believed that these statements were sufficient evidence to take us to court, knowing that we could not afford a solicitor. I know that they say that the man who represents himself, has a fool for a lawyer, but I thought that this would still put me head and shoulders above the councils solicitor, bearing in mind that all they had was gossip and hearsay.
I requested disclosure of documents quoted in the legal documents, but after 5 requests, the council's solicitor still refused to provide anything whatsoever. So we turned up in court to be told that if we chose to defend the case, we would need to have at least a grand in order to fight it. Which we did not have, so we had to sign an undertaking in order to not be screwed financially by them as well. I did try and ask the judge why we were not permitted any disclosed documents with which to defend ourselves, but he didn't seem to even know what I was saying, and if he did, he didn't give a crap. The documents were finally disclosed 7 weeks after the hearing. Not too much use then.
We also found within these documents some rather disturbing correspondence from the council, one in particular was from a certain Sasha Bryson (AKA The Bison) to Morgan and others. This email encouraged these members of the public to phone her if myself or my family were seen, and to update them of our activities, she even went as far as to include her mobile number to allow them to call her outside of working hours to report any further information. Somewhat extreme for a family like mine with no criminal convictions or any history of illegal behaviour (apart from my caution for aiding and abetting a motorcycling offence in 1987).
Seems like they forgot to call off their attack labradors though. Every time we are out and about we see these vile little troglodytes grab their phones on spying us and they begin staring intently at us whilst calling their masters and looking like they've just left a little pile on the kitchen floor.
We had this before Xmas; I took the youngling shopping for pressies, and on the way to Portslade (the historic town where Noddy Holder keeps his boat, Port Slade, geddit?) we were spotted by Morgan's wife, Sharon Morgan, Who immediately grabbed her mobile and began to stare at us and make a call, more in the style of Mr Bean than Mr Bond. When we reached our destination we saw our old friend Kevin Davis (Russian spy name Kevski Nobdropov) who persuaded the gullible staff in the charity shop to allow him to go into the back room to make his call, making up some very nasty story about us in order to do so. Now you could put all of this down to paranoia, of course we have a justified reason to be a bit paranoid after all of this rubbish.
We would have put this down to paranoia if it wasn't for the visit from the SS, who work in partnership with the local council don't forget. During their visit they decided to mention our shopping trip to Portslade before Xmas. That was a bit of a coincidence wasn't it? It also coincided with something else happening, but I'm saving that one for another day, I'll tell you all about that when I'VE COLLECTed the rest of the data relating to the accusations surrounding "my" allegedly, "cowardly self", my supposedly, "evil girlfriend" and her reputedly, "wayward son". You'll really enjoy that one, I know I will.
Don't forget to wash behind your ears (there may be a council snitch there, waiting to be washed out)
Although there are strict legal regulations relating to covert human intelligence sources, this doesn't seem to bother Adur and Worthing Councils. Despite their "intelligence" sources being only comparable to trained espionage operatives if Anthony Blunt is a rhyming slang term that I have missed, they are really annoying to say the least.
The council have quite a predictable way of utilising gullible sheeple as sources of
The first step is usually a letter or email to your neighbours or people that will be nothing more than a face that you see in the street, they will send you one of these too, if you recognise yourself in the accused position get ready for a hellish experience. This correspondence will identify you in all but name, making some pretty direct accusations but making it clear that they don't actually have any evidence to back them up, it will then ask you to be a responsible member of the community, and suggest that you do this by sharpening up your pitchfork and start to gather as much gossip as you can from anyone that may not have received the letter, and report it back to them.
In our case we decided to use our old friend the Data Protection Act to see what was being sent in. It was an eye opener for sure. We got to read some fantastic reports, ours came from our old fiends Stephen Morgan and John Bowd, and contained such gems as:
"Here are the facts about .............." names removed as it is us, this document went on the allege that these "facts" were, "Kevin Hartney told me that," yours truly, "called him a (Anthony Blunt)", and "someone called Ian, I don't know his surname, eavesdropped them saying that they would torch Kevin", along with lots of other third hand gossip portrayed as "facts".
Obviously the authors of these "reports" are lacking somewhat in any form of clue, but that didn't bother ADC, they believed that these statements were sufficient evidence to take us to court, knowing that we could not afford a solicitor. I know that they say that the man who represents himself, has a fool for a lawyer, but I thought that this would still put me head and shoulders above the councils solicitor, bearing in mind that all they had was gossip and hearsay.
I requested disclosure of documents quoted in the legal documents, but after 5 requests, the council's solicitor still refused to provide anything whatsoever. So we turned up in court to be told that if we chose to defend the case, we would need to have at least a grand in order to fight it. Which we did not have, so we had to sign an undertaking in order to not be screwed financially by them as well. I did try and ask the judge why we were not permitted any disclosed documents with which to defend ourselves, but he didn't seem to even know what I was saying, and if he did, he didn't give a crap. The documents were finally disclosed 7 weeks after the hearing. Not too much use then.
We also found within these documents some rather disturbing correspondence from the council, one in particular was from a certain Sasha Bryson (AKA The Bison) to Morgan and others. This email encouraged these members of the public to phone her if myself or my family were seen, and to update them of our activities, she even went as far as to include her mobile number to allow them to call her outside of working hours to report any further information. Somewhat extreme for a family like mine with no criminal convictions or any history of illegal behaviour (apart from my caution for aiding and abetting a motorcycling offence in 1987).
Seems like they forgot to call off their attack labradors though. Every time we are out and about we see these vile little troglodytes grab their phones on spying us and they begin staring intently at us whilst calling their masters and looking like they've just left a little pile on the kitchen floor.
We had this before Xmas; I took the youngling shopping for pressies, and on the way to Portslade (the historic town where Noddy Holder keeps his boat, Port Slade, geddit?) we were spotted by Morgan's wife, Sharon Morgan, Who immediately grabbed her mobile and began to stare at us and make a call, more in the style of Mr Bean than Mr Bond. When we reached our destination we saw our old friend Kevin Davis (Russian spy name Kevski Nobdropov) who persuaded the gullible staff in the charity shop to allow him to go into the back room to make his call, making up some very nasty story about us in order to do so. Now you could put all of this down to paranoia, of course we have a justified reason to be a bit paranoid after all of this rubbish.
We would have put this down to paranoia if it wasn't for the visit from the SS, who work in partnership with the local council don't forget. During their visit they decided to mention our shopping trip to Portslade before Xmas. That was a bit of a coincidence wasn't it? It also coincided with something else happening, but I'm saving that one for another day, I'll tell you all about that when I'VE COLLECTed the rest of the data relating to the accusations surrounding "my" allegedly, "cowardly self", my supposedly, "evil girlfriend" and her reputedly, "wayward son". You'll really enjoy that one, I know I will.
Don't forget to wash behind your ears (there may be a council snitch there, waiting to be washed out)
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Aint Karma a be-atch?
I watch the media with great interest for the hilarious soap-esque saga surrounding our beloved MP Tim Loughton and his wrangles with the Department for Education. The one where he insulted them and then didn't like it when they fired back.
Tim re-enacts his favourite scene
from SBC's "Bruno".
(the one where he visits the medium about Milli Vanilli)
It appears that Timmy Boy has got a bit of a monk on about the fact that someone distributed their personal thoughts on him and used their position within the department to add credence to them (a bit like Adur District Council's Blacklist). He then becomes a tad grumpy about the fact that the department concerned claims to have no evidence on which to hold the person responsible to account (a bit like ADC's Blacklist).
He then becomes enraged that personal correspondence between him and the department is distributed far wider than is generally accepted to be justified (a bit like..... you get the picture) this information is made available to the wider public who have no real right to see it before he has been advised of the reply to his correspondence (yep, same again).
The only difference between his situation and the council's blacklist, is that he started it all by making public statements about his personal thoughts relating to his sacking and sour grapes displayed in the following days/weeks/months. People on the blacklist do not have to actually be found guilty of anything near the act that he perpetrated by claiming that they were like an outdated comedy reference in order to be treated far worse than he has been.
I personally think that the only problem here is that when he is part of the gang, it's all well and good to have a pop at others, but when he's on the receiving end of what him and his mates are only too happy to dish out to others, he doesn't like it.
Luckily for him, he still has all of his sad, misguided, fawning twitter minions to reinforce his allegedly narcissistic thought processes, and that seems to give him comfort and reassurance.
I've personally, always viewed the online community as "imaginary friends" so listening to their opinions should always be taken with a pinch of salt as they have little real value, and taking anonymous online nonsense seriously is pointless, I include myself and this blog in the same way, if I speak to you in person and say something it is real, on here and elsewhere on the interweb it is nothing more that internal dialogue externalised, something which should never really be taken too seriously, and definitely not relied on to make serious life choices or judgements. If you are reading this, I am merely a figment of your imagination and no different from the Koala called Colin that told you to burn the shed down when you were 8 years old. If you believe otherwise, then you are sadly deluded, but I promise that I won't hold that against any of my readers.
I have to go now, the penguins have just warned me that the evil emperor is about to arrive.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
AdurCalling Naughty Step: Jeremy Sergeant
Welcome to the first in the series of Naughty Step placements.
This register contains details of the naughtiness perpetrated by Adur Council staff which has resulted in them being identified as a Worker Administering Naughty Knowledge Entailing Residents, we are yet to work out a suitable abbreviation to attribute to the individuals identified, maybe you could help us find a suitable acronym.
This entry relates to Mr Jeremy Sergeant, Allotment manager at Adur and Worthing Council.
Click on pics to enlarge, and enjoy. Bear in mind that not all of the information contained is actually factual but it is facting funny. Watch out for him, he's a "nasty piece of work"
Run for local council or the hills, it's your choice......
This register contains details of the naughtiness perpetrated by Adur Council staff which has resulted in them being identified as a Worker Administering Naughty Knowledge Entailing Residents, we are yet to work out a suitable abbreviation to attribute to the individuals identified, maybe you could help us find a suitable acronym.
This entry relates to Mr Jeremy Sergeant, Allotment manager at Adur and Worthing Council.
Click on pics to enlarge, and enjoy. Bear in mind that not all of the information contained is actually factual but it is facting funny. Watch out for him, he's a "nasty piece of work"
Run for local council or the hills, it's your choice......
Monday, 11 February 2013
Another Sussex Tory lines up at the trough.
Well, it appears that the people of Sussex have been fibbed to yet again. We were told that the Sussex Police and Crime Panel are responsible for ensuring that the Commissioner behaves herself and follows the rules.
Looks like this is yet another panel with advisory powers but no teeth, as we are told that they recommended not to appoint Steve Waight to the position of DeputyDawg Police Commissioner. Our PCC decided to ignore this and reserve him a place at the trough anyway.
Steve Waight is already a West Sussex County Councillor and a Worthing Borough Councillor, and rakes in £20k a year for those two, this position will knock that up to a cool £65k, not bad work if you can get it.
There are clearly questions of outside interests involved here, I wonder if this decision was even made by the Commissioner or if it was on orders from the party. The fact thatThe Bourne Supremacy has ignored the Panel that she supposedly answers to, suggests that she is dancing to someone else's fiddle.
The story we're being told is that Bourneof Satan himself worked out the the workload was going to be too much for her without a Deputy, yet all we have seen her do in the last three months is a draft policy proposal that could be written on the back of a postage stamp, and a couple of media engagements with her fellow party members, oh and not forgetting the Farcebook Q&A session which resulted in lots of Qs but very few As.
Maybe she needs a deputy to help her understand the instructions to the Lego police station she's building in order to prove how much she knows about policing.
It's time for the Police and Crime Panel to all resign in protest, as they are clearly serving no purpose and are wasting their time by making valid points about appointing someone to a powerful and well paid position who clearly cannot do the job as they already have too many fingers in the pie.
Go on, I dare you...........
Looks like this is yet another panel with advisory powers but no teeth, as we are told that they recommended not to appoint Steve Waight to the position of Deputy
Steve Waight is already a West Sussex County Councillor and a Worthing Borough Councillor, and rakes in £20k a year for those two, this position will knock that up to a cool £65k, not bad work if you can get it.
There are clearly questions of outside interests involved here, I wonder if this decision was even made by the Commissioner or if it was on orders from the party. The fact that
The story we're being told is that Bourne
Maybe she needs a deputy to help her understand the instructions to the Lego police station she's building in order to prove how much she knows about policing.
It's time for the Police and Crime Panel to all resign in protest, as they are clearly serving no purpose and are wasting their time by making valid points about appointing someone to a powerful and well paid position who clearly cannot do the job as they already have too many fingers in the pie.
Go on, I dare you...........
SOLD, to the highest bidder.
The Argus has today revealed the election spend for the candidates in last years Police and Corruption Commissioner, and surprise surprise, the Tories went all out pissing cash at it like it was a poor person on fire.It appears that Bourne spent £37k on her election campaign, eight times more than the nearest competitor. That's a hell of a lot of cash to throw about the place, but I guess four years at £85k a year is substantially more. The Argus puts £20k of this as a personal investment by Bourne herself, and yes investment is the right word, the rest came from Sussex Tories, some quite large investments made by local business people, it makes you wonder what return they may be expecting from their investment.
Much respect must be given to the only independent bidder, who spent just over 1% of the amount that Bourne invested and managed to come third. Close but no cigar..... or brandy on the terraces of Westminster for you I'm afraid.
While many residents in Sussex cannot afford to heat their homes or feed their kids, Bourne thinks that it is acceptable to throw £37k about the place, in my book that makes her definitely the last person you want responsible for the administration of justice.
I expect that throwing in £20k of her own cash didn't hurt on her tax returns either.
Yes, Katy Bourne was the winner, sadly the people of Sussex lose.........
"I thoroughly endorse this ..............." (insert product or campaign as required)
Sometimes I wonder whether people in the public eye actually care about the issues that they lend their face and name to, and whether they even have the faintest idea about what it is their publicising. That is of course if you take out of the equation that what they are actually publicising is themselves.
I always wondered if the people concerned made themselves available to organisations promoting something or if it was the organisation that approached the person, or if it was a case of a publicity officer seeking out photo opportunities for their client.
I think I got the answer to this last week. After seeing the publicity pic (below, adapted to protect the charity concerned)
I asked the organisation concerned why they had allowed the person pictured to publicise their cause, and supplied them with evidence that suggested that this individual did not share the views and beliefs of their charity to the degree that one would expect.
I received this in response: (again redacted)
" Whilst the MP in question, Tim Loughton, expressed his support for us in terms of ***** *****, in no way does he represent the views of The ******** ***** ***********"
Now it makes you wonder why organisations don't vet their public representatives a little better or if they simply believe that certain public figures lend credence to their very worthy cause, or are simply naive to put their trust in public figures on the say of that person or their representing press agency. Obviously I do not hold the organisation concerned responsible in any way for being duped, and support them myself wholeheartedly, in fact I support them even more after the lovely letter they sent to myself and my family in response to this.
I think that someone acquired a red wooly hat under false pretences there, and should give it back until such time as he displays the same compassion as the organisation involved and doesn't simply exploit charities for his own narcissistic gain.
Saturday, 9 February 2013
How safe are your kids, and how much do the authorities care?
I ask this after realising that the authorities concerned have little or no interest in extremely dodgy behaviour in and around the institutions that they supposedly govern.
Here's just one example:
We all know that residents in caretakers cottages on school grounds are the paragon of trust and there has never been any problem regarding child safety with regards to anyone living in said accommodation. While you think about that, I shall continue.
When myself and my partner raised the issue of why a bloke of 70 odd wanted to film kids that he encouraged to go into his fenced in enclosure and shed with a bed, we thought that we were being responsible parents, without passing judgement on the intentions behind this old gits motives we tried to be grown up about it and reported it as a child safety issue to ADC. Shortly after doing this, the vandalism started, then the rumours about us, then the abuse, the assault by the allotment manager and finally the eviction and decimation of our shed greenhouse and plants.
The main conspirators were strangely the people that one would expect to support child safety issues, namely the council leader, the school governor (John Bowd), and a person who lives in a school. It is the last of these whom I will now address.
Eastbrook Primary School (formally Manor Hall Road School) in Southwick is site managed by Mrs Sharon Morgan, and she and her family reside within school grounds in a small cottage. Her husband Stephen Morgan is the allotment holder who seemed to appoint himself defender of Kevin Hartney against anyone who dared to question his behaviour (we have been told by previous tenants that they were hounded off the site after asking questions as well). Imagine our surprise when a quick scout round the internet revealed this......
Here's just one example:
We all know that residents in caretakers cottages on school grounds are the paragon of trust and there has never been any problem regarding child safety with regards to anyone living in said accommodation. While you think about that, I shall continue.
When myself and my partner raised the issue of why a bloke of 70 odd wanted to film kids that he encouraged to go into his fenced in enclosure and shed with a bed, we thought that we were being responsible parents, without passing judgement on the intentions behind this old gits motives we tried to be grown up about it and reported it as a child safety issue to ADC. Shortly after doing this, the vandalism started, then the rumours about us, then the abuse, the assault by the allotment manager and finally the eviction and decimation of our shed greenhouse and plants.
The main conspirators were strangely the people that one would expect to support child safety issues, namely the council leader, the school governor (John Bowd), and a person who lives in a school. It is the last of these whom I will now address.
Eastbrook Primary School (formally Manor Hall Road School) in Southwick is site managed by Mrs Sharon Morgan, and she and her family reside within school grounds in a small cottage. Her husband Stephen Morgan is the allotment holder who seemed to appoint himself defender of Kevin Hartney against anyone who dared to question his behaviour (we have been told by previous tenants that they were hounded off the site after asking questions as well). Imagine our surprise when a quick scout round the internet revealed this......
If you are having trouble reading this tiny pic, it is a posting my Mr Morgan on a web forum in which he suggests the 10 best places in the world to visit. Number one is "the shower room at Roedean's private school for girls" and other favourites include naked sex cruises, peep shows and Thai brothels. Well I don't know about you, but I would have a bit of an issue if someone living in a school appeared to display a predilection for the Thai sex industry and appeared to harbour fantasies involving school children and showers.
Well, yes it would appear that it is just me that thinks that this is a bit wrong, as when this information was passed to the relevant authorities, the only action taken was to let him know that it could be a bit iffy and he deleted the post in question, luckily I saved a couple of copies for you.
I noticed the other week that this same individual had decided to take the lead of his mate at the allotment and fit a couple of CCTV cameras himself. These cameras are on the grounds of the cottage and overlook the kids coming and going to school. Not really that comfortable with this idea I thought that the responsible thing to do was ask the school why they had CCTV cameras that appeared to be operating outside of the data laws (ie. the owner of the camera is not required to be safety checked or any images captured kept secure).
This was the eventual response:
CCTV is absolutely nothing to do with the school and solely the responsibility
of the Caretaker on her grounds. It does not cover the school playground and has
not been offered to the school as security or used as security by the school. We
knew nothing about this until it was spotted last week.
Caretaker’s house is the property of the Local Authority and not the school. We
are not responsible for the upkeep of that property.
have spoken to our Caretaker about the CCTV and use for her awareness.
P Bird
Not that reassuring is it? They had no idea that their staff member's other half had set up cameras overlooking the school entrance and feel that it's not their problem anyway, as the cottage is the property of the local authority, just like the school itself is. I did ask the local authority, but they couldn't give a damn either.
So the lesson is learned, if someone wants to film your kids on local authority land, be it school or allotment, no bugger is going to stop them.
Take care, and control
Friday, 8 February 2013
Who pays the piper?
Well, it looks very much to me that the answer to that one is, Adur District Council.
I say this because attempting to report any crime that they commit is akin to trying to sell bacon in Israel. The local police are simply not interested in anything involving the council, councillors, or any of their little cabal.
We have suffered harassment for years from a small core group of miscreants associated to the vile organisation, and yet nothing, not a bleedin' sausage. Well, I say nothing, obviously if I do anything in return I get heartily mistreated despite not actually committing any crimes.
So far, I have had a local tory school governor by the name of John Bowd, distribute lies and false accusations stated as fact about me to a number of gullible sheeple. I attempted to report this as harassment, and was told that it was definitely not so. Well, I assumed that the law was for all and so copied his lies and bile, replaced my name for his and sent this to the headmaster of the school where he pretends to be important (seaside primary in Lancing), now despite using his own words and only passing this to one person rather than three dozen, within 48 hours I had a knock at the door from the schools liaison officer responsible for his school and her trout faced PCSO sidekick, they served ME with a notice to cease harassment. Following this there was a second visit because the half witted piscine tried to get me into trouble for having a rubber gun in my hallway, but that's another funny story of persecution by these idiots, (I'll do a full post with pics and everything later).
Then there was the illegal camera that did not belong to Sussex Police, even though they lied and pretended that it did, and when I unplugged it, I was arrested by a local copper who seemed to actually forget that the arrest was totally unlawful but that was OK because he made sure to delete the footage of him breaking the law, and decided it was better to just pretend that I was the criminal and not him. I obviously won't name him but ironically his name rhymes with merciful. Not to worry though, one can have these things fully investigated, only problem is, making a complaint against a crooked cop is harder than reporting a crime in the first place. So the investigation involved asking him if he was naughty, he claimed he wasn't, footage was destroyed, statements altered and everything goes back to hunky dory land again.
I did ask the Sussexhorse faced bint Police Commissioner to explain why this was allowed to happen, the response? they looked at the doctored evidence and decided to ignore everything else. What else would you expect her to do for 85k a year, work honestly and with integrity? Yeah right.
This is a couple of recent ones, there are plenty more, but that should give you a taster. Anyway, this brings me to the most recent attempt to get the powers that be to actually stop crimes.
For the last three years or so Kevin Davis a total twunt that lives on the floor below my partner and across the hallway, this is Mr Camera, in so much as he had a camera fitted to monitor our numerous imaginary crimes, he has also photographed us every time we enter or leave the building, has bill posted personal documents relating to us to the wall in the public hallway and various other acts of complete arsery. He has also to our knowledge reported us to the benefits agency for claiming benefits that we actually aren't claiming, and to the Social Services on no fewer that five separate occasions. All with lots of imaginary crap. Now if this isn't harassment then I'm the Queen of Sweden. Well my subjects it appears that I'd better get myself a crown and head for Stockholm then, because apparently this is all just harmless fun and not harassment at all.
Funny thing is, my unplugginghis CCTV camera that he fitted to monitor us the official police camera, when he was in a different town, apparently WAS harassment and so I got another notice to cease harassment against Cryin' Kev.
Now it is not lost on me that clearly the intention of serving me all of these pathetic pieces of paper, and the make believe arrest is nothing more than attempting to create a criminal history that doesn't actually exist in the real world, but without this they would not be able to persecute us so freely and be able to claim that it is justified. But they seem to forget, I am actually not in reality a criminal and further to that I'm not stupid enough to fall into the trap of giving one of these people the back hander that they so richly deserve in order for them to prove that I am.
I assume that they think that I am like the people that they employ, like Jeremy Sergeant, the allotment manager who instead of answering a tricky question with a witty retort, decided that punching me was the best reply, he didn't have to worry though, there were enough corrupt council officials, including the chief executive, to ensure that he got a nice expensive barrister to ensure that he got of on the fact that there were two different but similar words used in two separate statements and on semantics they managed to bamboozle with bullpoo and get the magistrates (who they appointed in the first place) to find an excuse to let him off, I wonder if this is the same technique they used to get their councillor off the hook after he got a bit shovey with a lady who didn't comply with his wishes.
One thing that is worrying me though, while the SS are wasting their time investigating the made up stories by Kevin Davis, kids are being abused and so he is directly responsible not only for abusing our kid, but nameless, faceless others who are not able to be helped by the SS because they are constantly haranguing us on his behest, supported by ADC. So in short both Kevin Davis and ADC are allowing kids to be abused in the same way that someone who makes a crank call to the fire service is responsible for the potential deaths of victims of fire. Well done you should be proud of yourselves.
Anyway, with what we have got planned, Kevin Davis shouldn't be bothering us for much longer anyway...............
You know what they say, you can't make an omelette without breaking legs. Or something like that anyway. Goodnight children everywhere.
I say this because attempting to report any crime that they commit is akin to trying to sell bacon in Israel. The local police are simply not interested in anything involving the council, councillors, or any of their little cabal.
We have suffered harassment for years from a small core group of miscreants associated to the vile organisation, and yet nothing, not a bleedin' sausage. Well, I say nothing, obviously if I do anything in return I get heartily mistreated despite not actually committing any crimes.
So far, I have had a local tory school governor by the name of John Bowd, distribute lies and false accusations stated as fact about me to a number of gullible sheeple. I attempted to report this as harassment, and was told that it was definitely not so. Well, I assumed that the law was for all and so copied his lies and bile, replaced my name for his and sent this to the headmaster of the school where he pretends to be important (seaside primary in Lancing), now despite using his own words and only passing this to one person rather than three dozen, within 48 hours I had a knock at the door from the schools liaison officer responsible for his school and her trout faced PCSO sidekick, they served ME with a notice to cease harassment. Following this there was a second visit because the half witted piscine tried to get me into trouble for having a rubber gun in my hallway, but that's another funny story of persecution by these idiots, (I'll do a full post with pics and everything later).
Then there was the illegal camera that did not belong to Sussex Police, even though they lied and pretended that it did, and when I unplugged it, I was arrested by a local copper who seemed to actually forget that the arrest was totally unlawful but that was OK because he made sure to delete the footage of him breaking the law, and decided it was better to just pretend that I was the criminal and not him. I obviously won't name him but ironically his name rhymes with merciful. Not to worry though, one can have these things fully investigated, only problem is, making a complaint against a crooked cop is harder than reporting a crime in the first place. So the investigation involved asking him if he was naughty, he claimed he wasn't, footage was destroyed, statements altered and everything goes back to hunky dory land again.
I did ask the Sussex
This is a couple of recent ones, there are plenty more, but that should give you a taster. Anyway, this brings me to the most recent attempt to get the powers that be to actually stop crimes.
For the last three years or so Kevin Davis a total twunt that lives on the floor below my partner and across the hallway, this is Mr Camera, in so much as he had a camera fitted to monitor our numerous imaginary crimes, he has also photographed us every time we enter or leave the building, has bill posted personal documents relating to us to the wall in the public hallway and various other acts of complete arsery. He has also to our knowledge reported us to the benefits agency for claiming benefits that we actually aren't claiming, and to the Social Services on no fewer that five separate occasions. All with lots of imaginary crap. Now if this isn't harassment then I'm the Queen of Sweden. Well my subjects it appears that I'd better get myself a crown and head for Stockholm then, because apparently this is all just harmless fun and not harassment at all.
Funny thing is, my unplugging
Now it is not lost on me that clearly the intention of serving me all of these pathetic pieces of paper, and the make believe arrest is nothing more than attempting to create a criminal history that doesn't actually exist in the real world, but without this they would not be able to persecute us so freely and be able to claim that it is justified. But they seem to forget, I am actually not in reality a criminal and further to that I'm not stupid enough to fall into the trap of giving one of these people the back hander that they so richly deserve in order for them to prove that I am.
I assume that they think that I am like the people that they employ, like Jeremy Sergeant, the allotment manager who instead of answering a tricky question with a witty retort, decided that punching me was the best reply, he didn't have to worry though, there were enough corrupt council officials, including the chief executive, to ensure that he got a nice expensive barrister to ensure that he got of on the fact that there were two different but similar words used in two separate statements and on semantics they managed to bamboozle with bullpoo and get the magistrates (who they appointed in the first place) to find an excuse to let him off, I wonder if this is the same technique they used to get their councillor off the hook after he got a bit shovey with a lady who didn't comply with his wishes.
One thing that is worrying me though, while the SS are wasting their time investigating the made up stories by Kevin Davis, kids are being abused and so he is directly responsible not only for abusing our kid, but nameless, faceless others who are not able to be helped by the SS because they are constantly haranguing us on his behest, supported by ADC. So in short both Kevin Davis and ADC are allowing kids to be abused in the same way that someone who makes a crank call to the fire service is responsible for the potential deaths of victims of fire. Well done you should be proud of yourselves.
Anyway, with what we have got planned, Kevin Davis shouldn't be bothering us for much longer anyway...............
You know what they say, you can't make an omelette without breaking legs. Or something like that anyway. Goodnight children everywhere.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Tory stranglehold on law and order increases.
I couldn't find a photo of our Police and Crime Commissioner, so this one will have to do, sorry.

Our local PCC Katy Bourne appears to have told a little fib to us all when she claimed that she would not appoint a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, apparently sending out all of those standard form letters claiming that any correspondence is not within her remit has become a bit too much for her, she is only getting 85k a year plus expenses after all, that sort of trifling figure only goes so far.
So she has decided that she now needs a deputy, I wonder if part of his job description will involve polishing her sheriff's badge? How on earth would a PCC appoint a DPCC? It appears that they would look to their political party to provide one.
It looks like Steve Waight is the chosen one, in the same way that Ms Bourne has decided to still hold the position of councillor, Mr Waight has the potential to go one better. As a member of both Worthing Borough Council and West Sussex County Council he already gets more than 20k a year of public cash for what is essentially a part time job, now he looks set to grab another 45k from this cushy little number.
Even worse than the whole nose in the trough mentality, is the question of whether it is acceptable to have two politicians running our police force. In my humble opinion they should both be forced to step down from other council positions to avoid conflict of interests and if I am honest, the fact that they are both active members of a political party makes them unsuitable for a law enforcement role as far as I'm concerned.
We have seen recently how trustworthy politicians are and to put them in charge of a police force is like giving a kid the keys to a sweet shop. While we're all wondering how we're going to pay the heating bills, these people are filling their pockets with our cash, and doing very little for it, and still they seem to expect us to believe that by giving their mates an easy yet highly rewarded job they are somehow saving us money.
Are we all really that gullible? I know I'm not. The idea of politicians overseeing the police force is an idea so crazy that you'd have to be mad to accept it as a good idea, unless of course the position of deputy was given to the runner up in order to ensure an even political balance. but that's just crazy talk........
Blacklist in operation in Adur (and Worthing too)
Despite being incredibly questionable in most legal circles, blacklists are still in use by many local authorities, Adur being apparently very proud of theirs.
They bypass the obvious identification of their blacklist by referring to it as the Customer Of Concern register, and within house they abbreviate this to COC and referring to people placed upon it as COCs. Which isn't very nice is it now?
They claim that this blacklist is there purely to protect their staff from dangerous individuals within the community, when in fact it is simply a list of people that their staff have taken a dislike to for one reason or another. In my case, it is because the staff member concerned didn't like the fact that he was nicked for assaulting me, and so decided to mitigate his situation by making false claims that obviously the police would not entertain due to the simple fact that they were rubbish, however this did not prevent him from being able to make up a nice little story and distribute it freely amongst thousands of people that I have never even met.
This list contains a list of crimes, which the council staff member gets to select by ticking a box and at the point that this form is rubber stamped by their manager the person concerned has been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of these crimes without even being aware that they have even been accused. The only notification given is after the decision to appoint these crimes (ranging from assault to sexual harassment) is a letter stating that the accused is responsible for the accused actions and this allegation is placed on a document which identifies the accused as "perpetrator" and is then distributed to every member of staff within Adur and Worthing Councils and any other outside agency that they see fit to inform, this can range from libraries and GP surgeries to the police force.
Surely there is some form of trial involved before they are allowed to distribute that you have committed a crime? Although this is included in the HRA the council have decided that their staff and mates human rights are more important than the innocent people that they choose to target. The only right the accused (who has already been found guilty) is to ask the council to reconsider their decision. Although this is an option, a FOI request has shown that this appeals process has a 0% success rate, yes that's 0%, nobody who has challenged this blacklist has ever been removed.
This may have something to do with the method adopted to make a decision on this challenge. This is judged by what is essentially a tribunal of 3 senior council staff, one of whom is responsible for the final rubber stamping of the placement on the blacklist, the tribunal hears from the member of staff who made the original accusation, they then take submissions from that person's manager, and then a decision is made. No I didn't miss anything out there, there is no right for any submission to be made by the person challenging the blacklist, and they are not even permitted to know when this tribunal is taking place let alone make any representation. No written records are kept of the tribunal and only the final decision is recorded, no independent persons are allowed to attend either.
Now, we are supposed to have certain rights as a human being residing in this country, however ADC would rather ignore this completely and do whatever the hell they fancy, why change the habit of a lifetime eh?
The DPA allows individuals to question information that is excessive or incorrect, and if you try and point this out to ADC they seem to think that it doesn't apply to them, just like all the other laws to protect individual's rights and freedom from oppression, the DPA also allows the person to correct the distributed information if it is incorrect, however they didn't like that one either so simply ignored it.
I have now taken my position on the blacklist up with the ICO, despite the suggestion made by the council that I should go to the LGO, obviously they suggested this because the lgo only deals with whether they followed their own policy and not the law, so holds no fear to these people.
It appears that the council seem to think that the data laws in this country are irrelevant and they can do whatever the hell they please, they even had the audacity to claim in response to my complaint to the ICO, that as their staff member was found not guilty at court that his victim was obviously guilty of the crime that he was acquitted of, by some kind of magick default process. The fact that he was found not guilty was however not down to the fact that he was, but more to the fact that senior council officials whose employers are responsible for appointing the magistrates stood up in court and gave "evidence" to an incident that they were not even present at, and spent hours slating the victim and witnesses as liars. That's not even going into the witness intimidation by council staff and members both inside and outside of the court.
The fact is simple, blacklists are not lawful and distributing lies about people is both legally and morally wrong, but ADC don't seem to be too bothered about that as they believe that they are above the law and clearly have no morals.
They bypass the obvious identification of their blacklist by referring to it as the Customer Of Concern register, and within house they abbreviate this to COC and referring to people placed upon it as COCs. Which isn't very nice is it now?
They claim that this blacklist is there purely to protect their staff from dangerous individuals within the community, when in fact it is simply a list of people that their staff have taken a dislike to for one reason or another. In my case, it is because the staff member concerned didn't like the fact that he was nicked for assaulting me, and so decided to mitigate his situation by making false claims that obviously the police would not entertain due to the simple fact that they were rubbish, however this did not prevent him from being able to make up a nice little story and distribute it freely amongst thousands of people that I have never even met.
This list contains a list of crimes, which the council staff member gets to select by ticking a box and at the point that this form is rubber stamped by their manager the person concerned has been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of these crimes without even being aware that they have even been accused. The only notification given is after the decision to appoint these crimes (ranging from assault to sexual harassment) is a letter stating that the accused is responsible for the accused actions and this allegation is placed on a document which identifies the accused as "perpetrator" and is then distributed to every member of staff within Adur and Worthing Councils and any other outside agency that they see fit to inform, this can range from libraries and GP surgeries to the police force.
Surely there is some form of trial involved before they are allowed to distribute that you have committed a crime? Although this is included in the HRA the council have decided that their staff and mates human rights are more important than the innocent people that they choose to target. The only right the accused (who has already been found guilty) is to ask the council to reconsider their decision. Although this is an option, a FOI request has shown that this appeals process has a 0% success rate, yes that's 0%, nobody who has challenged this blacklist has ever been removed.
This may have something to do with the method adopted to make a decision on this challenge. This is judged by what is essentially a tribunal of 3 senior council staff, one of whom is responsible for the final rubber stamping of the placement on the blacklist, the tribunal hears from the member of staff who made the original accusation, they then take submissions from that person's manager, and then a decision is made. No I didn't miss anything out there, there is no right for any submission to be made by the person challenging the blacklist, and they are not even permitted to know when this tribunal is taking place let alone make any representation. No written records are kept of the tribunal and only the final decision is recorded, no independent persons are allowed to attend either.
Now, we are supposed to have certain rights as a human being residing in this country, however ADC would rather ignore this completely and do whatever the hell they fancy, why change the habit of a lifetime eh?
The DPA allows individuals to question information that is excessive or incorrect, and if you try and point this out to ADC they seem to think that it doesn't apply to them, just like all the other laws to protect individual's rights and freedom from oppression, the DPA also allows the person to correct the distributed information if it is incorrect, however they didn't like that one either so simply ignored it.
I have now taken my position on the blacklist up with the ICO, despite the suggestion made by the council that I should go to the LGO, obviously they suggested this because the lgo only deals with whether they followed their own policy and not the law, so holds no fear to these people.
It appears that the council seem to think that the data laws in this country are irrelevant and they can do whatever the hell they please, they even had the audacity to claim in response to my complaint to the ICO, that as their staff member was found not guilty at court that his victim was obviously guilty of the crime that he was acquitted of, by some kind of magick default process. The fact that he was found not guilty was however not down to the fact that he was, but more to the fact that senior council officials whose employers are responsible for appointing the magistrates stood up in court and gave "evidence" to an incident that they were not even present at, and spent hours slating the victim and witnesses as liars. That's not even going into the witness intimidation by council staff and members both inside and outside of the court.
The fact is simple, blacklists are not lawful and distributing lies about people is both legally and morally wrong, but ADC don't seem to be too bothered about that as they believe that they are above the law and clearly have no morals.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Important scientific breakthrough.
Yesterday, the light bulb in my bathroom blew.
After scouting around for a replacement, the only available bulb that I could find was a spare bulb from the fridge, by this I obviously mean a lamp that is designed to go inside the fridge, not that I keep spare light bulbs in the fridge, I'm not that mad you know.
Imagine my shock when I closed the bathroom door, and the light stayed on........
I believe that my experiment conclusively proves beyond doubt that the fridge light clearly does no go out when you close the door, and any claims that this does happen are merely speculation.
Now where's that Tory party membership form, I can only assume that my amazing breakthrough has proved that I have what it takes to be a fantastic and productive party member.
After scouting around for a replacement, the only available bulb that I could find was a spare bulb from the fridge, by this I obviously mean a lamp that is designed to go inside the fridge, not that I keep spare light bulbs in the fridge, I'm not that mad you know.
Imagine my shock when I closed the bathroom door, and the light stayed on........
I believe that my experiment conclusively proves beyond doubt that the fridge light clearly does no go out when you close the door, and any claims that this does happen are merely speculation.
Now where's that Tory party membership form, I can only assume that my amazing breakthrough has proved that I have what it takes to be a fantastic and productive party member.
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