Thursday 14 February 2013

Aint Karma a be-atch?

I watch the media with great interest for the hilarious soap-esque saga surrounding our beloved MP Tim Loughton and his wrangles with the Department for Education. The one where he insulted them and then didn't like it when they fired back.

Tim re-enacts his favourite scene
from SBC's "Bruno".
(the one where he visits the medium about Milli Vanilli)
It appears that Timmy Boy has got a bit of a monk on about the fact that someone distributed their personal thoughts on him and used their position within the department to add credence to them (a bit like Adur District Council's Blacklist). He then becomes a tad grumpy about the fact that the department concerned claims to have no evidence on which to hold the person responsible to account (a bit like ADC's Blacklist).
He then becomes enraged that personal correspondence between him and the department is distributed far wider than is generally accepted to be justified (a bit like..... you get the picture) this information is made available to the wider public who have no real right to see it before he has been advised of the reply to his correspondence (yep, same again).
The only difference between his situation and the council's blacklist, is that he started it all by making public statements about his personal thoughts relating to his sacking and sour grapes displayed in the following days/weeks/months. People on the blacklist do not have to actually be found guilty of anything near the act that he perpetrated by claiming that they were like an outdated comedy reference in order to be treated far worse than he has been.
I personally think that the only problem here is that when he is part of the gang, it's all well and good to have a pop at others, but when he's on the receiving end of what him and his mates are only too happy to dish out to others, he doesn't like it.
Luckily for him, he still has all of his sad, misguided, fawning twitter minions to reinforce his allegedly narcissistic thought processes, and that seems to give him comfort and reassurance.
I've personally, always viewed the online community as "imaginary friends" so listening to their opinions should always be taken with a pinch of salt as they have little real value, and taking anonymous online nonsense seriously is pointless, I include myself and this blog in the same way, if I speak to you in person and say something it is real, on here and elsewhere on the interweb it is nothing more that internal dialogue externalised, something which should never really be taken too seriously, and definitely not relied on to make serious life choices or judgements. If you are reading this, I am merely a figment of your imagination and no different from the Koala called Colin that told you to burn the shed down when you were 8 years old. If you believe otherwise, then you are sadly deluded, but I promise that I won't hold that against any of my readers.
I have to go now, the penguins have just warned me that the evil emperor is about to arrive.

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