I couldn't find a photo of our Police and Crime Commissioner, so this one will have to do, sorry.

Our local PCC Katy Bourne appears to have told a little fib to us all when she claimed that she would not appoint a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, apparently sending out all of those standard form letters claiming that any correspondence is not within her remit has become a bit too much for her, she is only getting 85k a year plus expenses after all, that sort of trifling figure only goes so far.
So she has decided that she now needs a deputy, I wonder if part of his job description will involve polishing her sheriff's badge? How on earth would a PCC appoint a DPCC? It appears that they would look to their political party to provide one.
It looks like Steve Waight is the chosen one, in the same way that Ms Bourne has decided to still hold the position of councillor, Mr Waight has the potential to go one better. As a member of both Worthing Borough Council and West Sussex County Council he already gets more than 20k a year of public cash for what is essentially a part time job, now he looks set to grab another 45k from this cushy little number.
Even worse than the whole nose in the trough mentality, is the question of whether it is acceptable to have two politicians running our police force. In my humble opinion they should both be forced to step down from other council positions to avoid conflict of interests and if I am honest, the fact that they are both active members of a political party makes them unsuitable for a law enforcement role as far as I'm concerned.
We have seen recently how trustworthy politicians are and to put them in charge of a police force is like giving a kid the keys to a sweet shop. While we're all wondering how we're going to pay the heating bills, these people are filling their pockets with our cash, and doing very little for it, and still they seem to expect us to believe that by giving their mates an easy yet highly rewarded job they are somehow saving us money.
Are we all really that gullible? I know I'm not. The idea of politicians overseeing the police force is an idea so crazy that you'd have to be mad to accept it as a good idea, unless of course the position of deputy was given to the runner up in order to ensure an even political balance. but that's just crazy talk........
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