Thursday 28 February 2013

Why don't you write to your MP?

Next time you hear this, if Tim Loughton is your MP, consider this answer; "because I don't want to receive personal insults from the sanctimonious ba*tard!" Which strangely he seems to think is completely unacceptable if done to him, but fine if he's giving it out.

Well, Timmy Boy, if you think that someone calling you a "lazy, incompetent narcissist intent on self-promotion" is offensive, then feel free to come round my house, because I can do far better than that. Then again you never come round here anyway, council estates are off of your election campaign visit list aren't they?

Why do I want to insult Tim Loughton you ask? Well, I guess that you could call it retribution.

(click to enlarge)

This was the response that I received from him after I wrote to him regarding the council's COC Blacklist. My Email was polite and courteous, but the response was sweary and rather insulting.

I would also point out that I do not actually have "Poisonous Bollocks", and more to the point I have at no point allowed Mr Loughton to taste them to see if they are poisonous or not. I obviously cannot comment on whether he is an expert on that tasting of bollocks to judge their poison content or not, but he clearly seems to know more about it than most of us; maybe this is what all the tories caught in the bushes on Hampstead Heath are actually doing, and the rumours have been wrong all along. It's a definite possibility you know. This could be what he is demonstrating here:

"You must first lift the old fella out of the way like this, then you get a better route of access to ensure a good taste for poison, be sure to spit and never swallow though. After identifying the presence of poison, you can issue the official parliamentary hallmark"

As an expert on such matters Tim even gives seminars on the matter, well done for making sure we're all safe from this unseen menace.

The man is such a hypocrite, he has spent the last few months shouting that he is the victim of a hate campaign, well personally I see it as perfectly justified and if you want to go around insulting people then don't start moaning when you get some back you spineless turd.

I would say that it should have been made public knowledge that while he was courting media attention to support his "victim" status, that he was in fact being investigated by the police for the email that he sent to me. Sadly it appears that although very offensive, it was not considered by the CPS to be grossly offensive and so he got off. Nothing to do with the fact that during the investigation he selected one of his pals to be Police Commissioner, or any of his many calls to the Chief Constable to complain about being investigated for a crime, absolutely nothing to do with any of these things whatsoever, I have been assured. It all apparently comes down to the fact that I am not permitted to define what I find offensive as it is decided by someone else. Personally I'm more offended by the personal insults about my appearance, than I am about the word "Bollocks", but that is not taken into consideration by the law.

So, if you do have to write to Tim Loughton, remember to tell him that he generally talks complete bollocks, and that he smells of wee, after all it's not a crime, so go for it. I'll start the ball rolling;

Dear Tim Loughton,

 You don't half talk some bollocks mate, you go all out on whinging about how some bloke called you a narcissist, when you yourself are only too happy to make insults against others. If you live in a glass house (that we all have to pay for) you shouldn't go about throwing stones, it will only make you look jolly silly.

 Your arrogance is only rivalled by your ignorance, but you see these things as your strengths, which only goes to prove that you are in fact a narcissist as charged.

 By the way, you smell of wee and poo, and your dress sense is as laughable as your attempts to appear to be trendy and down with the kids. Any real young people who aren't members of the "Cameron Youth" think that you're a complete and utter, total .....................................

Enjoy the rst of your day folks.

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