Sunday 17 November 2013

Crackdown on Tory paranoia.

Today's news brings us proof that the paranoia that seems rife within our local Tories, is shared by the entire party, and that their choice of aggressive bullying tactics to counteract what they claim is bullying being carried out by far fewer and less powerful people than themselves, is the standard response.

I'm referring to this story:
Obviously I chose to reference the Daily Fail to demonstrate the extreme reporting of this matter, other news sources are far more conventional and even handed in their coverage of this matter, but as I know from prior experience, (and documented proof) that the Mail is fed it's stories directly by Tory MPs, then I have no doubt that this is the angle on "The Truth" tm, that they intend to be distributed to us minions.

It appears to me that whenever anyone challenges a Tory, they are a "bully-boy", and a small group fighting for their rights against a far larger, more affluent and powerful group in order to obtain their right to equal treatment, are clearly the bully in the situation.

I personally experienced this with the local Tories, it was claimed that I, a little nobody with no cash or power, was bullying, harassing, and even stalking these ignorant thugs who are so far from the archetypal victim stereotype than is possibly imaginable even by the more avid fairytale readers of the world.

There have been numerous times where I have been accused of "confronting" these people by merely walking through town or by performing seditionist acts like shopping for groceries, and I was even accused of trying to disrupt a charity event by eating a cheese and onion roll on a bench in the same town as the event, (the town in which I live).

They seem intent on repeatedly claiming that people who do not agree with them, who challenge them in order to obtain their rights, are simply trying to force them into a situation where they have no other option but to attack these people and claim that the person using non violent means, deserves to be met with violence and aggression for merely not agreeing, or as they see it, forcing the Tories hands into violent and disproportionate, pre-emptive attacks.

I personally have experienced this, in the form of PINs from the police for upsetting the local Tory party, and even a large scale assault on my home by the police, (controlled by a Tory commissioner selected by the MP with the aggression problem (Loughton)) which resulted in a serious spinal injury, a dislocated shoulder, and the removal of my freedom, liberty and rights, as well as half a dozen rozzers rooting through my home in search of imaginary items, which only existed in the minds of the local paranoid Tories.

I hinted at wrongdoing, corruption, criminal cover-ups, dodgy family connections, and a certain level of deviance and infidelity on their parts, and the result was a thorough search of my home for "evidence" that they believed proved that I was "stalking" them. The funny thing is, this would pretty much suggest that I must have hit a nerve somewhere, and that my suspicions were at least partially on the mark.

Anyway, back to the "Independent" inquiry.

This bit worries me greatly:
After having my home ransacked, being violently attacked in my own hallway, being locked in a police cell, and being placed under bail conditions that removed all of my democratic rights, despite no crime ever having been committed by myself, already suggests to me that the police powers are already too extreme when it comes to representing the powerful against their critics.

The idea that we could end up in a state where, in the name of preventing people being upset by others disagreeing with them and their policies, that the dissenters could be targeted before they express their freedom of movement, speech or protest and prevented from doing so, merely because it would upset the people who are taking the food from their plates, and the heat from their homes.

The ironic twist is that the Tory party would expect support from the police, whilst they are facing the same cuts as the rest of us, and could easily be on the other side of the fence if the cuts to their service continue along the same vein as they have since the current government came to power.

I may appear be contradicting myself a bit, but my belief that there should be no further powers offered to the police in regards to protecting the powerful against uprisings by the people, and my support of the police as public sector workers are not mutually exclusive.

The idea that the current government would expect unquestioned support from police officers whose futures they have put at risk with their sweeping cuts, when it comes to robbing others of their future, just shows how out of touch these people really are, especially considering that the police federation have already flexed their muscles against Tory politicians in recent events.

You can't screw over a whole country and expect to be supported by the people you are holding in a state of limbo over their futures, just because you have a few mates who stand to make a wad of cash out of exploiting them. Democracy works for the many, not the few, and not voting merely creates a democratically elected dictatorship chosen by the minority, in the same vein as other countries whose public are not permitted to vote freely. Spoiling ballots will not prevent this from continuing, your only option is to get involved, challenge the selection process and encourage others to do the same, if you can't change the candidates create new ones, and work towards making people into politicians, because trying to make politicians into people has clearly failed.