Friday 15 November 2013

What a nice MP we have.

Following my recent post on voting or rather the lack of it, it appears that our MP has a bit of a problem expressing himself in a polite and courteous manner.

Today saw the posting of this Tweet from Timbo:
Yes, our MP chooses to refer to people as "cretins" in a rather offensive and obnoxious manner. Personally, I can assure you that I have never even been to Crete, so he clearly cannot be referring to me.

I did a quick scan of Twitter for the Tweets that he is referring to, and there were only two, these two:

I can't see any name calling in either of these Tweets, they were both phrased as questions and so the "cretin" post is obviously the answer to these questions. Now, I'm not surprised by this, as it appears that whenever Loughton is posed a question that he doesn't want to answer, and when ignorance isn't appropriate in his mind, then personal insults are the order of the day.

His choice of insults is particularly unsavoury as usual, remember this one?
This time he chose to use "cretins", which is a rather outdated insult, with some pretty nasty overtones, you see, "Cretin" is a term that was used to describe sufferers of certain types of hypothyroidism,  or cretinism as it was referred to in less enlightened times.

Here's the definition from the dictionary:

Not a particularly polite choice of insult for someone who claims to abhor discrimination, to use. But then again, if you believe that Timmy doesn't like a bit of discrimination, then you must have been born yesterday.

Sleep Well