Friday 1 November 2013

Adur Councillors, Staff and Local Police, keep a little secret from us all.

I've known of this little gem for some time, and have decided that the time is right to make public, the little secret that I was told to keep covered by numerous local powers that be. This will hopefully let you know the type of things that they'd rather we didn't know, and the effect of being in a position to expose them.

I wonder if this little discovery had anything to do with the onslaught of abuse that began (by complete coincidence) around the time that I questioned this matter.

My partner and stepson were moved by ADC into Rock Close in Southwick, shortly before this, another person moved in, and please be aware that this person no longer lives there, so please don't cause any of the residents any grief because the person I am talking about has now been moved by ADC to another location.

The Whiterock Residents group, was around for a few years and was chaired by ADC councillor David (DonaldDuck) Donaldson, the vice chair had a very interesting past.

Here's some of their minutes:
Yes, we are looking at John Chambers. Very good friend of Kevin Davis, Cllr Jim Funnell and Cllr Donaldduck. What can I tell you about John Chambers you ask? Well, not much, because that's not his real name. The local Tories do seem to like hanging out with people who prefer pseudonyms. Why on earth would someone be using a pseudonym? Usually it is because they are either hiding from something, or they're hiding something. In this case it's a dirty secret.

Let's go back a few meetings from this one:
Yes, the Cllrs friend, is actually called John Cadman. Why on earth would he choose to change his name, well it's quite simple, it was because his parole conditions were relaxed after five years out on life licence.

What's that, a person out on life licence allowed to be vice chair of a residents group how could this happen? Well, if you wonder that, imagine how he managed to get himself on the neighbourhood watch committee as well, surely the person keeping an eye on you and your family would be an upstanding member of the community, and neighbourhood watch groups are all good law abiding citizens.

Not Quite. Here's a page from the Daily Scum...
Yes, despite the local Tories repeatedly claiming that they abhor the Human Rights Act, and all that it stands for, they seem to be supporting one of their mates who is only on our streets due to exploiting the HRA. Yes, after being given a longer sentence than Myra Hindley, Cadman was out in 19 yrs due to a clerical error by the secretary of state, and a canny lawyer. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the rehabilitation of offenders, however there are some cases when Life should mean life, and callously murdering three octogenarians in their beds is one of those cases.
I think that it's quite scary that this person was allowed to represent the local council run community group and visit the homes of elderly and vulnerable residents. I did speak to him a few times, and got the opinion that he was seriously institutionalised, and not someone that I would trust for a moment. The fact that he boasted of having a hunting bow and arrows in his hall cupboard just concerned me further. It didn't seem to worry the other members of the community group, the neighbourhood watch or the local PCSO and council staff that much though, maybe they didn't know they were in the home of a serial killer with a deadly weapon between them and the front door though, they say ignorance is bliss......
Here's a few details of the case, as reported by The (then, Evening) Argus:
These were two of his victims, in what were know at the time as the "Saltdean Grim Reaper Murders", This was because after murdering their victims Cadman and his fellow murderer had grim reaper tattoos with RIP emblazoned across them.
 Here's the report of the third victim to be discovered but the first one they murdered.
This was around the time of the "babes in the wood" murders, which were receiving so much press coverage that these two villains didn't attract the national disgust and vilification that they richly deserved. However now it's a different story, he could be keeping an eye on your grandma, with the blessing of the local council and PCSO.
 He's the one on the right by the way.
 Now what is strange, we tried numerous times to get a photo of him as he looks now, however he was very evasive whenever he spotted a camera, I wonder why.....
 Like I said earlier, he no longer resides in Rock Place, he was moved by the council earlier this year, he still looks very similar to the photo above, only much fatter, he drives a red Renault Megane and has a small white fluffy dog named "Moppy", which he used to walk regularly on Southwick Rec, you probably met him, you wouldn't know that he is probably one of the most vile criminals walking our streets today, and being supported by the local Tories and ADC. And remember he is now calling himself John Chambers.
 He was moved from Rock Place around April/May time, so if someone fitting this description moved in next to your grandparents, be afraid, because the reoffending rates of serial killers are not that reassuring (more than 60% apparently). I am in no way encouraging any vigilante action of any kind, because that would make you as bad as him, I simply want people to be aware of the dangers that the councillors, council and local policing team would rather you didn't know about. Forewarned is forearmed and all that, not that I'm suggesting that you arm yourself, and if you do, follow his example and use the legal loophole of hunting bows, because they aren't technically weapons until used as one, (please don't go out and buy a hunting bow, you're more likely to hurt yourself with it than anyone else, they're bloody tricky to use proficiently).
 Above all, don't trust the local Tories, they aren't interested in your safety like I am.

 In fact, the last time we spotted Cadman, he was with his little dog, having a lovely chat with his mate Dave DonaldDuck and laughing and joking with none other than Tim Loughton, he really does keep some lovely company.
Take care out there in InterwebLand, it's a jungle.