Tuesday 29 October 2013

Adur's Homophobic Chairman, Mike Mendoza.

A bit of a re-visit this one, but I missed it first time around and it made me chuckle, so I thought that I'd share it around.

You all know about Mickey "The Mound" Mendoza, and his homophobic tendencies despite having simply hundreds of gay friends, (don't they all). I missed this one from Pink News.

What is funny about his outburst, is the fact that at no point did I ever confront him in person about being a "homophobic radio Z-lister", I obviously took that as read. What actually happened was that HE confronted myself, in a rather aggressive and physically violent manner by shoving me and even sucker punching me in the back, because he's a spineless coward, just like the rest of the local Tories. He did this not because of anything I had said about him, but because his mate Tim Loughton, pointed me out and sent him and another thug over to assault me, because Loughton is even more of a spineless coward than Mendoza is. We've all seen how much he loves abusing his parliamentary privilege in order to avoid being personally accountable for being an "arsehead".

This story was fabricated and fed to the Argus by Mendo, in order to cover the real story, and that is, they attacked myself whilst I was out shopping, and expected me to be intimidated by a couple of fat blokes. When they realised that this wasn't going to happen, they created this mythical tale in order to claim that it was myself who approached them. Let's face it, why would I need to go up to a "homophobic radio z-lister" merely in order to call him a "homophobic radio z-lister", it would be like someone going up to Martin Luther King Jr. and reminding him that he was black, It makes no sense. But hey, when people make up fairy tales, they aren't ever that believable.

Anyway, what made me chuckle were the responses, I especially liked this one.
Although laughing at someone because of their fatness is a bit of a cheap shot, but then so is a punch in the back when you outnumber your opponent 5 to 1, so it's open season as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway here's a couple more comments that made me chuckle.

Yep, he certainly is a prime example of a typical homophobic, Tory bigot, that's for sure.