I awaited with great anticipation, your second attempt to stand in Parliament and talk what you would refer to as"bollocks", and I definitely wasn't disappointed. You succeeded in doing this, to a degree that I never thought possible.
I would again like to remind you that as you do not employ me (unlike your wife) you do not have the ability to "sack" me, but as you are a public servant, in practice it is you that can be "sacked" by me, please try and get it right in future.
You should be aware that under parliamentary rules, there is actually no procedure by which an MP can actually sack a constituent. The only way that you will cease to be my representative in Parliament is if either I move out of Shoreham, or you resign or are voted out, I can assure you that I am not planning on moving out any time soon, so you'd better get used to the fact that until this nation replaces democracy with another political practice, you are required to do your job, and that is to represent the constituents of East Worthing and Shoreham, of which I am one, whether you like it or not.
Just in case you are unaware of this fact, here is a statement from the House of Commons, where you are supposed to work not act like a five year old...
I hope that this official response is clear, and if you continue to refer to myself as an "ex-constituent" I will have to accept that as a statement of your resignation.
As the police officers that you chose to attack alongside myself, are to be permitted to defend themselves in a formal and independent setting, I shall let them do so, and assist if necessary. I sadly am not permitted this right, and as my MP has decided to abandon his post, I have no choice but to respond in this manner.
I'm not sure quite where to start with your second attack on myself, as it was both incredibly abusive and factually inaccurate in equal measure. Let's start with the most offensive and work from there, shall we?
I assume that this is a clear attempt to allude to me having an unhealthy interest in teenage girls, or to suggest that I am some kind of paedophile, This is a new low, even for you. Some might think that a man in his 50's spending an inordinate time in schools and youth clubs, despite not being a minister responsible for that area any more, is incredibly questionable, some might even question why a man who clearly doesn't respect the thoughts of children would want to surround himself with them. This is a despicable suggestion and I hope that by responding in kind, you now understand that fully.
You also compared myself to Abu Hamza, which is equally unpleasant, and equally unfounded. You may think that terrorists pose the biggest threat to this nation, I personally feel that the biggest threat to this country comes from yourself, your party, and your government, and all the time that you waste parliamentary time on your personal tantrums instead of serving the public, I see no reason to adopt any other view.
Again, you know full well that the tweet in question was encouraging you to actually do something for a very worthwhile childrens charity, who were holding a charity abseiling event. Here it is.
If you think that raising money for a kids charity is a valid target for you to twist and exploit for your own sick pleasure, it only goes to show what a nasty individual you really are. This is clearly not an incitement to encourage your suicide as well you know. If someone was to tell you to "take a long walk off a short pier" would you report that to Sussex Police and insist that they are arrested? You wouldn't think that it would be wasting police time and resources, a thing that you seem to want to pretend is high on your agenda, when you are the worst offender of this. I expect that you will also report this letter to the police and insist that I am arrested for writing to my MP (not my ex-MP as you are pretending).

The reason that this was disclosed, was simply because you chose to identify myself and my address and provide this to the Daily Mail in order for them to stake out my home and harass me on your behalf. If my address is spread to the world, then I see no reason why people shouldn't know that you live in Wellhouse Lane, if they didn't know already from widely published public documents.
Would this be the one time that I have actually seen you in person in the last year or more? You remember, the time that I was out shopping with my stepson and you sent over your extremely overweight and aggressive Chairman to assault me and tell me that I needed to move out of Shoreham, a town in which I have lived for almost 40 years and which you have never lived? I simply assumed that as you had opened dialogue, albeit in an unorthodox manner, that you were prepared to interact, surely if you didn't want to speak to me, you wouldn't have sent your friend over to introduce himself. I thought that the street surgeries were for residents and constituents to ask questions of their elected representatives, as I am both resident and constituent, I felt that I had every right to ask why you had lied under parliamentary privilege, and why you consistently complain about my one report of crime was a complete waste of resources, and yet your repeated accusations of imaginary incidents are somehow valid. As usual you refused to answer simple questions asked in a polite manner with no sign of the kind of language that you spoke so freely with on the Matt Forde podcast. I guess that anyone asking questions could be "disrupting" your street surgeries, as they seem to be more of a social for the local Tories to get together in public and ignore any questions asked of them by anyone who isn't a middle classed Tory voter.
Your attack on myself was not only completely fictitious and extremely childish, it was also delivered in the most cowardly manner imaginable, from behind a screen of privilege, which you appear to want to extend to all angles of your public and personal life in order to place yourself above the laws that we all, as British citizens are expected to follow. The idea that you are among the people who make the laws for us to adhere to, yet you seem to believe that you should be able to operate outside of them, is sickening and only proves that you are not of suitable moral standing to hold this position.
If you are still convinced that I am an "ex-constituent", despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, then please could you provide me with a clear reference to the specific act of parliament that allows you to claim this, and explain how I can obtain a suitable democratic representative, one who will adhere to the laws and procedures of parliament and not exploit their position in order to wreak his (or her) twisted revenge for the inconvenience of having to answer for their extremely childish and very damaging actions.
If only you were so vehement in your support of constituents as you are when you are trying to get yourself out of a situation which you were solely responsible for placing yourself in, you could be a great MP, but sadly you are only interested in self-promotion and misleading anyone who is gullible enough to listen to your unsubstantiated allegations against myself, and that makes you a particularly bad MP and an even worse human being.
The idea that you hold the careers of two senior police officers of so little value that you choose to undermine the many years of service that they have provided Sussex (far more than you yourself have) for 90 minutes of inconvenience to you, just goes to prove that your claims of supporting law and order are nothing more than hot air and that you value others far below the value that you attribute to yourself, however misplaced.
After being arrested myself on fabricated evidence and false allegations I am not over keen on Sussex Police myself, but I wouldn't want someone who has worked hard in public service for many years to have their reputation ruined for a single insignificant incident, that someone has blown out of all proportion in a very public forum.
I expect that you will be reporting this letter to these officers and be expecting them to come and arrest me again, even though you are clearly trying to ruin their careers, and I expect that if they feel that I have broken the law (which I haven't, because writing a polite but firm and informative letter to my MP is not actually a crime), they will do this, and support you, despite your attacks on them both personally and professionally. I think that this clearly shows difference between you and the rest of us.
I hope that I have made it clear to you that your actions this week have been irresponsible, immature, unprofessional and most of all very dangerous, as you have placed myself and my family in danger of attack from your misguided supporters for a second time, and I will hold you personally responsible for any actions that result from your distribution of disinformation about myself.
Yours Insincerely
Kieran Francis.