The right to be consulted before being named in the press is a matter of journalistic integrity, but as the Harald has none of this, they simply pretend that they are able to print any old crap they fancy, without and right to reply from the person repeatedly named within their filthy pages.
Lets break it down.....
Former human being Tim Loughton has unleashed yet another unsubstantiated tantrum, riddled with the usual vitriolic "bollocks".
Let's do some correction as Oli Poole is too much of a coward to answer his phone to receive an honest interview with the person he has chosen to slander. My words in red this time.
The Conservative MP previously told the Commons that the police spent six months investigating him for alleged racist abuse after describing ''nightmare constituent" Kieran Francis as ''unkempt''.
Which is complete and utter crap, I'm getting rather fed up of pointing out the clear facts of this matter, there was no "racist" investigation, look at the law books, malicious communications can not be racially motivated, and as such cannot be an investigation into "racism". However after this investigation Loughton did say this:

Mr Loughton, MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, said his constituent stepped up an "onslaught of vile abuse", mainly against him, including doctoring photographs of his children taken from social media sites plus urging him to commit suicide, after he raised the issue during a Commons debate in March.
Right, so the death threats sent to myself and my family weren't "vile abuse", even when they were opened by a kid on Xmas eve? As for "doctoring photographs of his children taken from" his twitter account, here it is. Is this worse than Loughton and his mates cornering my aspergers stepson in the street and intimidating him after I told him to step away while the local Tories were attacking me, personally I think that posting a silly picture of his horsey faced brats, Eyore and Dobbin, is far less abusive. He chose to bring families into play, if mine are his target, then fair's fair.
As for "urging him to commit suicide", another sensationalist claim, I'm not sure exactly how one would go about trying to encourage someone's suicide, I guess that I would publicly humiliate them with lies, delivered in a forum which could not be challenged, oh no, hang on, that's what this b*stard has been doing to me, what did I do? Well, I did this.....
As you can see, it's incredibly sinister.
During this debate t he one-time education minister said he was " sacking Mr Francis as my constituent", adding that his staff had been instructed to put the phone down on him.
Mr Loughton said he planned to inform Mr Francis of this information in a letter but instead sent a complete Hansard record which included the March 13 debate .
The "sacking", yet another load of old cobblers. You see, when a statement is made in Parliament, it is recorded verbatim in the Hansard. This does not give the statement any power or legal strength, Loughton could have said anything, like sheep can fly, or that he was a really good minister, it doesn't make the statements any less incorrect just by saying them in the Hoc. The official response from Parliament regarding this sacking is this...

I wonder if "sacking" me made Timmy feel a bit like David Camoron, and all important and able to sack people who displease him. Meanwhile, in the real world, Loughton isn't an important politician like a prime minister, or even a junior minister, he's just civil servant with an expense account and delusions of grandeur.
He could have sent me it in a singing telegram, or tattooed on an elephant's scrotum, it wouldn't have made it any more factual. You can see from the official notification from Parliament which was sent to me last month, sadly I still have an incompetent MP who thinks that he can say something and it immediately becomes gospel. Loughton is an MP not a demigod, no matter how much he tries to kid himself.
But the MP said on Wednesday that this action, which he took following advice from a Parliament clerk and believed would be covered by parliamentary privilege, resulted in him receiving a police information notice (Pin) from Sussex Police.
The Pin warned that this action had caused " alarm and distress" to the ex-constituent and warned he would be liable to arrest and prosecution if that kind of behaviour continued, according to Mr Loughton.
Again he claims that the notice only mentions one incident, when any journalist worth their salt would have asked to see a copy of this PIN in order to judge for themselves whether he is being truthful. I asked to be allowed to see the other PINs, and was told that this would only happen if all parties agreed, I made it clear that I had no problem with transparency, as I have nothing to hide, but someone else refused to allow this transparency, I wonder why. As far as I understand, there was far more than one incident listed on the PIN given to Loughton, but until he shows his hand everyone will just have to believe his very public bluff. Well, Timmy I call!
The Tory told the Commons he believed Sussex Police's actions represented a "clear breach" of parliamentary privilege, which grants certain legal immunities for members to allow them to perform their duties without interference from outside the House.
It is not there to allow an MP to air their personal grievances in a very public forum and expect to be protected by some outdated legal vacuum. What duty was he performing here, he definitely doesn't represent his constituents (of which I am one) with this vigour, in fact I don't recall when he has ever directly raised the concerns of any of his constituents in the HoC in the many years that he has been paid to do this.
Mr Loughton said: "If this goes unchecked, any constituent with a grudge against his or her member of Parliament could claim harassment.
Anyone being personally attacked by another should have the right to challenge that person, be they prince, pope or plumber. Sadly this is not a reciprocal arrangement because clearly any Member of Parliament with a grudge against a constituent can claim harassment, and then when it is revealed that the constituent concerned has not broken any laws they have the right to have a public platform from which to launch a retaliatory tantrum which is far more vile than anything that was ever said to them.
"Any MP exposing any dodgy organisation in Parliament could find themselves being questioned by the police and... being given advice as to how to do our job.
What about MPs REPRESENTING dodgy organisations, can they be questioned by the police, because I have a few potential candidates. Maybe if Loughton was capable of doing his job, people wouldn't need to tell him how to do it, he should be grateful for the helpful hints, I assume it was along the lines of ,"when an MP writes to a member of the public, it is probably best if you don't call them names and swear at them, because that isn't very nice. If people do this to you, you expect them to be arrested, if you do it, you should expect the same. Your job title isn't an exemption from the law you know Tim".
"Indeed, Abu Hamza may well have a case against (Home Secretary Theresa May) for being rightly beastly about him in Parliament and find herself on the receiving end of a police information notice."
Mr Loughton's motion for the Pin to be referred to the Committee of Privileges was passed unopposed in the Commons.
Yes Tim, I'm just like Abu Hamza aren't I? A reported terrorist and preacher of hate. Say that again and I'll tell everyone that in your spare time, you like to dress as a middle aged woman and pretend to be a powerful important person like Teresa May rather than the saggy old sacked minister that you really are. You never know, I might decide not to do that and instead reveal some other dirty secret of yours that is actually true.
Moving the motion, Mr Loughton said he had no communication with his ex-constituent since sending the Hansard record while he claimed Mr Francis had "stepped up an onslaught of vile abuse", which included targeting the leader and chairman of Adur District Council, among others.
Mr Loughton said: "Yesterday he (Mr Francis) was abusing the organisers of Worthing Mental Health Awareness Week, which I have launched, and to date he has posted on his blog or sent tweets to or about me and my council colleagues on well over 200 occasions.
Only 200, that's nothing compared to the thousands of hate filled emails and social media attacks that I received from his extremist pals after his last tirade of lies and abuse, in both Parliament and his direct contact with his mates at the Daily Mail.
"Many come under the heading of political abuse which, however offensive that is, we all know it is part of our job.
"However, what is not part of that job is they have included doctored photographs of my children taken from their social media sites - what a man in his 40s is doing trawling the social media sites of teenage girls I do not know.
Oh, after the terrorist insinuation, we now have a paedophile suggestion, Loughton is really a filthy minded little man isn't he. You would think that someone who is consistently trying to surround themselves with youngsters despite not being a children's minister any more would attract some tricky questions.
Look who's hanging around in a school playground trying to impress the schoolgirls with his ability to dry hump a handrail. Did the idea of youngsters running their hands up and down that railing give you a thrill Tim?
"They were eventually taken down but he then attempted blackmail - to put them up again - against me unless I comply with his demands.
Blackmail is such an ugly word, let's call it, trying to illicit an apology for abusing my family.
"He's posted doctored pictures of the council leader's young children with Nazi insignia.
It was British Union of Fascists insignia actually, and their faces were pixelated, it was for effect, nobody aside from the person taking the photo would have any idea who they were. Again, would not have happened if you lot hadn't directly attacked my stepson.
"He has posted vile contorted accounts of my parents' divorce, forged tweets, posted references to my neighbours, photographs of my home, most recently a direct tweet urging me to commit suicide, along with assorted lies, made-up stories and pure fantasy."
All I said was that Tim's parents were divorced, I thought it was quite important to point this out after his repeated insistence that people who are married stay together forever. There were no "forged tweets" they were all real, if I screen grabbed before you deleted that's your fault, not mine. I have never said anything detrimental about his neighbours, unless of course they're some of the idiots who spouted crap about me or my family after the last speech, because I have no idea who these neighbours are. The photograph (singular) of his home, was a guess, but thanks for confirming that I guessed right, anyway it was a google map image that is in the public domain and is a house that was predominantly paid for by the public purse, so it could be claimed that it was a photo of "our home". I've already covered the "suicide" accusation. Here it is:
Mr Loughton said despite making complaints to the police, Mr Francis had been arrested once and no charges were brought against him.
And that arrest was on questionable "evidence" and is currently being challenged through the correct channels. The reason why no charges were brought is pretty straightforward, despite the false allegations made by Loughton, I had committed no crimes and so could not be charged with any.
He said: "The police have failed to secure any charges and he carries on harassing, bullying, stalking, trolling and abusing me, my family and colleagues."
It's called telling the truth about a politician who is incompetent and continually presents rubbish as proven fact. I have provided plenty of documentary evidence to back up my claims, where's Timbo's evidence, he doesn't seem to want to share that with the press as easily as he shares his gossip and rumour.
On September 4, Mr Loughton said a Pin notice was served against him.
It was way before that, at least a month earlier.
He said: "The notice stated the police had received an allegation of harassment against me by the aforementioned constituent, making me aware if the kind of behaviour described were to continue, then I would be liable to arrest and prosecution.
"And the specific single incident behaviour which gave rise to this Pin was the act of sending a copy of Hansard to my constituent.
Publish the PIN and people will believe that it was in reference to a single incident, otherwise they only have your word for it, and that word was given under privilege, which means it is not able to be challenged and so should not be trusted.
"Apparently this had caused my ex-constituent alarm and distress. That came as a surprise to me and various others, particularly given on his blog on March 14 that ex-constituent had described how he had watched my adjournment (debate) on television with great amusement.
Again with the "Ex", this is absolute rubbish. It's nice to know that Tim reads my blog though, at least he might learn a bit about Shoreham from it, as never having lived here, he hasn't usually got a clue. As for the amusement, it's quite common for people to laugh and be intimidated simultaneously, the best example of this is probably how people react to CLOWNS.
"Apparently Hansard is a cause of alarm and distress. Our deliberations are a potent weapon of abuse if you work for Sussex Police.
Only if they're poisonous, hatred inciting gossip delivered in the style of a true coward, from behind a protective barrier.
The rest of it is just more of the same unsubstantiated rubbish, the kind of rubbish that the Harald just can't get enough of, after all they are the local Tory party's free advertising medium.
Hope that's cleared a few thing up for you all.
Take it easy out there in interweb land, there are a lot of idiots in attendance.