Monday 7 October 2013

Worthing Mental Health Awareness Weak?

Yes it is. How dare I question the mental health awareness gurus of Worthing, any issues that are not positive are deemed by them to be "cornering" someone. Well, if you don't have an answer to a simple question then that's not my problem, you've only got yourself to blame.

As we've already seen, Best of Worthing only publicises happy stuff,

they're not interested in the truth about mental health issues and are clearly just pretending in order to boost their pathetic business. We have a word for people like that round here, they're called leeches.

Here's their chief and her views on freedom of truth regarding mental illness:

What a surprise, this appears to be the same woman who regularly attends the freebie events with the Worthing Mayor.

Infectious you say? yes you certainly are, just like herpes you ignorant idiot, and it's tenacious not tinacious stupid.

"Today was about mental health" was it? Not about publicity then, because that's what it looks like to me. You were fully aware that Tim Loughton had published some clearly misleading sh*t via his lobbying group, yet still believed that the publicity he would bring was more important than actually educating people about mental health issues.

 Just to remind you, this is what he claimed:

Poor parenting is not the cause of most of the recognised mental disorders, not even the majority of them, not even a minority either, in fact it is very unlikely to be a cause of any mental disorder unless you stand to make some cash selling recycled, previously dismissed psychological theories in a repackaged form, which strangely this organisation is doing.

If you believe that this event was anything to do with helping people with mental health issues then you're dumber than you look. It's nice that you want to stand up for your freebie delivering mate, but if someone puts publicity above cause, they deserve a few tricky questions, and getting all self righteous about it doesn't impress anyone that actually matters.

Worthing Mental Health Week lost all of it's credibility when it decided to arrange for an abusive hater of all people with mental health conditions to open it, despite being aware of his leanings before hand, but favouring publicity over integrity.

Maybe, as Loughton described me, I am a "well known local nutter", better that than an ignorant self promoting twat. Maybe I'm a little old fashioned, but my credibility cannot be bought for a few shiny buttons, and people who sell theirs so easily in exchange for a few column inches are about as valuable as the magick beans that they crave so greatly.

I hope one day that you suffer the mental torture that Adur and Worthing councils, their MP and other political allies, have dealt out to myself and my family, I hope that you endure with a smile the beatings and death threats sent your way in good faith and don't take them all personally like we did, and when you've suffered enough I'll be sure to send you an Asda "mental patient" costume as a get well soon present.

It wasn't about mental health, it was about pointless self promotion, if you believe that it was you are sadly deluded.