Yes, it has been a while since I updated the blog.
This is because there is a storm brewing, a storm that will hopefully redress the balance, after several years of uneven and extremely invasive attacks on myself and my family, controlled from the camps of certain individuals, who are not afraid to exploit their positions in order to paint themselves to be the victims when in reality they are the aggressors.
Whilst this war is fought, it has been recommended to me that I refrain from distributing information that could allow other parties to predict my next move. This will make the coming storm, even more levelling, and far more effective.
I will update with the full story, as and when I am able, but rest assured, I may be maintaining radio silence, but I am definitely not ready to give up the fight.
Given time, I will publish the concluding paragraphs to this matter, and then slip happily back into obscurity, where I am at my happiest.
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Saturday, 31 May 2014
More Tory propaganda from the Harald.
Well, as usual the Harald has decided to demonstrate it's political allegiance to the local Tory party following last week's local elections with THIS STORY.
Yes, apparently Grand Moff Parkin and his mates aren't worried about losing five seats on Adur Council to the UKIPpers, because they only took the "easy seats".
One question springs to mind though, if these seats are so easy to win, why didn't the Parkin gang win them? Oh, because they didn't want them anyway, just like the spoilt kid who can't have any sweeties.
One thing that is a little misleading, is the claim that "in most wards, the conservative vote actually went up compared to last year", as last year it was County elections rather than District, and so the wards are different, this is like comparing apples with oranges. Admittedly their number of votes did increase from 2012s District elections, but that's only because the turnout was up by around 8% this year, so everyone's vote was up, in reality their percentage of votes, (rather than vote count) is actually down.
What is amusing, is the statement that none of the Tories wanted to stand because they didn't want to lose. What an arrogant approach to democracy, it smacks of "I'm going home, and taking my ball with me", and just shows the mettle of the average Adur Tory, who's only interested in a fight if they're guaranteed to win without putting in any effort, after all once elected they do nothing until it's election time again.
I'm a little confused about the claim that they "couldn't even find anyone for Mash Barn", because they clearly did...
.... and they got trounced by UKIP and the Lib Dems. This is just typical of the Parkin gang, reinventing the truth to fit a propaganda story, they seem to have taken advice from that politician and propaganda minister from the middle of the last century who stated that, "if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will eventually believe it yourself", this appears to be local Tories' mantra, as the amount of porkies that they bandy about in the press when they are clearly untrue cannot possibly be an accident.
This claim is also rather misleading too.
So, when the Tories went head to head with UKIP they won, What like in Mash Barn? There's also Widewater ward, which the Tories have held for the last 15 years at least, where despite a Tory candidate standing, knocking doors and delivering leaflets, they were beaten by UKIP as well.
Now, I should point out that I am far from a supporter of UKIP, in my opinion and experience they are pretty much the same as the local Tories, after all, they all drink together at the conservative club, but it is really funny watching the two factions arguing over immigration issues, when the only immigration we have here in Adur, is people moving over from Brighton, and the two parties are simply fighting for votes on the issue that they have placed in people's minds, rather than any issues of real importance, but I guess that takes us right back to that German minister's methods.
Just in case you were wondering, in Adur we have a less than 1% immigrant population, which hasn't changed in many years, and the majority of those "laws from Europe" were made up by the Daily Mail and don't actually exist. And while we're at it, ADC does not give any council housing to "asylum seekers" or "illegal immigrants", this is dealt with by the immigration services, controlled by central government and the only people making money from the housing of refugees are private landlords, so if they are claiming housing benefit, this cost could be drastically reduced by introducing rent caps, which ironically neither UKIP or the Tories happen to support on any level.
As for shooting foxes, we all know that our local Tories would much rather hunt them with dogs than shoot them:
The fox analogy may work well as a sound bite for a local rag, however in reality it's just another local Tory jumping on the back of a tired metaphor which was meaningless propaganda in the first place.
They shoot horses, don't they?
Yes, apparently Grand Moff Parkin and his mates aren't worried about losing five seats on Adur Council to the UKIPpers, because they only took the "easy seats".
One question springs to mind though, if these seats are so easy to win, why didn't the Parkin gang win them? Oh, because they didn't want them anyway, just like the spoilt kid who can't have any sweeties.
One thing that is a little misleading, is the claim that "in most wards, the conservative vote actually went up compared to last year", as last year it was County elections rather than District, and so the wards are different, this is like comparing apples with oranges. Admittedly their number of votes did increase from 2012s District elections, but that's only because the turnout was up by around 8% this year, so everyone's vote was up, in reality their percentage of votes, (rather than vote count) is actually down.
What is amusing, is the statement that none of the Tories wanted to stand because they didn't want to lose. What an arrogant approach to democracy, it smacks of "I'm going home, and taking my ball with me", and just shows the mettle of the average Adur Tory, who's only interested in a fight if they're guaranteed to win without putting in any effort, after all once elected they do nothing until it's election time again.
I'm a little confused about the claim that they "couldn't even find anyone for Mash Barn", because they clearly did...
.... and they got trounced by UKIP and the Lib Dems. This is just typical of the Parkin gang, reinventing the truth to fit a propaganda story, they seem to have taken advice from that politician and propaganda minister from the middle of the last century who stated that, "if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will eventually believe it yourself", this appears to be local Tories' mantra, as the amount of porkies that they bandy about in the press when they are clearly untrue cannot possibly be an accident.
This claim is also rather misleading too.
So, when the Tories went head to head with UKIP they won, What like in Mash Barn? There's also Widewater ward, which the Tories have held for the last 15 years at least, where despite a Tory candidate standing, knocking doors and delivering leaflets, they were beaten by UKIP as well.
Now, I should point out that I am far from a supporter of UKIP, in my opinion and experience they are pretty much the same as the local Tories, after all, they all drink together at the conservative club, but it is really funny watching the two factions arguing over immigration issues, when the only immigration we have here in Adur, is people moving over from Brighton, and the two parties are simply fighting for votes on the issue that they have placed in people's minds, rather than any issues of real importance, but I guess that takes us right back to that German minister's methods.
Just in case you were wondering, in Adur we have a less than 1% immigrant population, which hasn't changed in many years, and the majority of those "laws from Europe" were made up by the Daily Mail and don't actually exist. And while we're at it, ADC does not give any council housing to "asylum seekers" or "illegal immigrants", this is dealt with by the immigration services, controlled by central government and the only people making money from the housing of refugees are private landlords, so if they are claiming housing benefit, this cost could be drastically reduced by introducing rent caps, which ironically neither UKIP or the Tories happen to support on any level.
As for shooting foxes, we all know that our local Tories would much rather hunt them with dogs than shoot them:
![]() |
From "They work for you" |
They shoot horses, don't they?
Sunday, 25 May 2014
This week's local elections.
Well, we had some elections this week, and as usual it was a Tory fest as usual, even if some tories are now wearing purple ribbons and ditching their transparent façade of acceptance of other lifestyles, cultures, sexuality and ethnicity.
In the run up to the election we were submitted to the usual rhetoric of "what have these people ever done", and "it's about the person, not the party", whilst neglecting to mention that before election nobody knew, or cared who they were, and their political achievements were non existent, not that any of them actually do anything now, because they are controlled by the cabinet system in which they are unable to even discuss something unless their fellow Tory Party members agree.
If the Tories are so keen that we should vote for a person rather than a party, then why don't they stand as independents and not exploit the cash given to the local party from the public purse via Loughton's expenses to rent a desk in their office, to the tune of £700 a month?
So, what dodgy actions did we witness this time?
Well, first off we had this...
Yes, some large banners stuck in the centre of town, within the local "conservation area", without any form of planning permission, which would clearly be required to install any signage within this protected area, even temporary signage.
There was obviously no planning permission sought by the owners of this protected building (The Toll House), and even if there was, there would be a bit of a problem as pretty much all of the planning committee are fellow Tories and so would have to declare an interest and decline to vote on this issue.
These banners were also an unfair advantage in a free and fair democracy, as all of the other candidates were not offered equal signage within the protected conservation area that makes up a large majority of the electoral ward.
The other thing that should be noted is the lack of an "Imprint" on this banner as required by the electoral commission.
This is the law, and needs to be adhered to in order to ensure that an election is fair and transparent, and any breach of this is a criminal act. As you can clearly see from the banner, there is no "imprint" identifying the promoter and printer, and so we have anther breach of the law in order to attain an unfair advantage in a supposedly free and fair election process.
By rights, Mendoza should have been arrested and charged with this offence, and excluded from the election as a result of breaching electoral law. So in effect Mendoza is not truly the elected Councillor for St Mary's ward, and should be stripped of this title immediately, either awarding the post to the second place candidate, or re-running the election for this ward.
But ADC don't bother with little details like this and so he will remain in post for another four years of his homophobia, racism and misogyny in the form of shit "jokes" straight form he 1970s.
Who else got elected? Oh yes, Emma Evans.
So, Evans doesn't have "donors", instead she invites people to her home who give her money to run her election campaign. I think that the word normally used for these people is "donors", as they "donate" money to a prospective councillor, in order to fund a campaign to secure election.
In my opinion, (and to some degree the law states that) these donors should be fully disclosed on a register of interests in order to ensure that the councillor, whose election campaign they assisted in funding, is not involved in any matters concerning them or any business in which they have a direct interest.
Yes, if we don't know who's funding her via her "coffee mornings", we cannot be sure that they are not buying and applying undue influence over our elected representatives. This is a basic cornerstone of democracy, one which ADC seem to discard along with other basic tenets of democracy, like keeping an up to date register of members pecuniary interests.
It's always good to end on a humorous note, so I'll throw in Evans' rant published in the Harald.
Yes, after banging on about people not voting for a party but an individual, she has a pop at people who voted for someone from a different party to her own, no mention on whether the individual concerned had and local policies, or whether she even attempted to look for any, not that if they did have some, that they would be able to do anything under the cabinet system in place, where only Tory party members can speak or have any input into decisions.
So, after winning by a safe majority, she throws her toys out of the pram claiming that her opponent was an "extremist", despite it being her own party who is trying to sell off the NHS and is responsible for the bedroom tax and freezing and starving poor people all over the country, that's pretty "extremist" if you ask me, and this whole rant simply reeks of a spoilt bitch whose majority is diminishing and she doesn't like competition.
Anyway, if it's about "local policies", then where the hell have our local council gone (Worthing), and what's happening to our local hospital, (sold to housing developers by the Tories). These people might care about dog shit and parking on the pavement, but couldn't give a damn about things that actually matter. Oh well, they get their money all the same, s why should they care?
Can't wait for the tantrums at the first council meeting after the loss of five Tory seats though.
Don't believe the lies, & don't trust the liars.
In the run up to the election we were submitted to the usual rhetoric of "what have these people ever done", and "it's about the person, not the party", whilst neglecting to mention that before election nobody knew, or cared who they were, and their political achievements were non existent, not that any of them actually do anything now, because they are controlled by the cabinet system in which they are unable to even discuss something unless their fellow Tory Party members agree.
If the Tories are so keen that we should vote for a person rather than a party, then why don't they stand as independents and not exploit the cash given to the local party from the public purse via Loughton's expenses to rent a desk in their office, to the tune of £700 a month?
So, what dodgy actions did we witness this time?
Well, first off we had this...
Yes, some large banners stuck in the centre of town, within the local "conservation area", without any form of planning permission, which would clearly be required to install any signage within this protected area, even temporary signage.
There was obviously no planning permission sought by the owners of this protected building (The Toll House), and even if there was, there would be a bit of a problem as pretty much all of the planning committee are fellow Tories and so would have to declare an interest and decline to vote on this issue.
These banners were also an unfair advantage in a free and fair democracy, as all of the other candidates were not offered equal signage within the protected conservation area that makes up a large majority of the electoral ward.
The other thing that should be noted is the lack of an "Imprint" on this banner as required by the electoral commission.
This is the law, and needs to be adhered to in order to ensure that an election is fair and transparent, and any breach of this is a criminal act. As you can clearly see from the banner, there is no "imprint" identifying the promoter and printer, and so we have anther breach of the law in order to attain an unfair advantage in a supposedly free and fair election process.
By rights, Mendoza should have been arrested and charged with this offence, and excluded from the election as a result of breaching electoral law. So in effect Mendoza is not truly the elected Councillor for St Mary's ward, and should be stripped of this title immediately, either awarding the post to the second place candidate, or re-running the election for this ward.
But ADC don't bother with little details like this and so he will remain in post for another four years of his homophobia, racism and misogyny in the form of shit "jokes" straight form he 1970s.
Who else got elected? Oh yes, Emma Evans.
So, Evans doesn't have "donors", instead she invites people to her home who give her money to run her election campaign. I think that the word normally used for these people is "donors", as they "donate" money to a prospective councillor, in order to fund a campaign to secure election.
In my opinion, (and to some degree the law states that) these donors should be fully disclosed on a register of interests in order to ensure that the councillor, whose election campaign they assisted in funding, is not involved in any matters concerning them or any business in which they have a direct interest.
Yes, if we don't know who's funding her via her "coffee mornings", we cannot be sure that they are not buying and applying undue influence over our elected representatives. This is a basic cornerstone of democracy, one which ADC seem to discard along with other basic tenets of democracy, like keeping an up to date register of members pecuniary interests.
It's always good to end on a humorous note, so I'll throw in Evans' rant published in the Harald.
Yes, after banging on about people not voting for a party but an individual, she has a pop at people who voted for someone from a different party to her own, no mention on whether the individual concerned had and local policies, or whether she even attempted to look for any, not that if they did have some, that they would be able to do anything under the cabinet system in place, where only Tory party members can speak or have any input into decisions.
So, after winning by a safe majority, she throws her toys out of the pram claiming that her opponent was an "extremist", despite it being her own party who is trying to sell off the NHS and is responsible for the bedroom tax and freezing and starving poor people all over the country, that's pretty "extremist" if you ask me, and this whole rant simply reeks of a spoilt bitch whose majority is diminishing and she doesn't like competition.
Anyway, if it's about "local policies", then where the hell have our local council gone (Worthing), and what's happening to our local hospital, (sold to housing developers by the Tories). These people might care about dog shit and parking on the pavement, but couldn't give a damn about things that actually matter. Oh well, they get their money all the same, s why should they care?
Can't wait for the tantrums at the first council meeting after the loss of five Tory seats though.
Don't believe the lies, & don't trust the liars.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Adur & Worthing's new recycling policy.
This week's Harald has surpassed itself with it's choice to blindly promote the local council in whatever pathetic venture they try to promote, and as usual the only thing they are promoting is themselves.
Story here
Yes, it appears that the council's recycling policy now includes the recycling of shit 70s jokes instead of consigning them to landfill where they truly deserve to be.
The only thing funny about this pair's "act" is that they believe it's funny. Now if this was a character comedy about a couple of old farts who think they're funny when in fact they are just living in a past that never was, that might work, but sadly these two are the real life "Smashie and Nicey" or "Crème Brulee" of the comedy world.
What is funny, is that they seem to think that they are similar to "Morecambe and Wise", well, there are two of them......... No, sorry can't spot any other similarities I'm afraid. These two are more like the embarrassing drunk relative at a family wedding, who seems to believe that the awkward laughter they receive is somehow a sign of their "obvious" comedy genius, when in fact they are still telling the same "jokes" that you never found funny in 1978.
Talking of 1978, I did actually laugh when reading this story, as when it claims that Mendo is using "material...gleamed from constituents' letters", I assume that he hopped in a time machine back to 1978 and plagiarised material from someone like Jasper Carrot (possibly, I think that he did these originally along with the "real" insurance claims) who wrote these jokes the first time around.
Suggesting that people may have heard these "jokes" before is an understatement, as a quick Google search suggests.
Yes, at least 16,400 people have "heard it before", I wonder if they're recycling the one about the man next door's "unsightly erection" or the one about the kid next door who's constantly "banging his balls against the wall"? They were part of the original script if I recall correctly.
The idea of a stand up comedy duo who don't actually write any material and rely on thinking that they are funny, rather tan actually being funny, is a nightmare, and I suggest that anyone booking them make sure to search the audience for tomatoes before they go on, although if Mendoza's history of violence and abuse is anything to go by, I expect that they may well make front page news when a heckler is punched or racially abused.
All that said, there is still room for comedy in politics, I spoke to Dennis Skinner the other week, and the man is a comedy genius (as well as a very well respected politician), check out some of his quotes, you won't be disappointed, and it's all original material too, shot straight from the hip.
Story here
Yes, it appears that the council's recycling policy now includes the recycling of shit 70s jokes instead of consigning them to landfill where they truly deserve to be.
The only thing funny about this pair's "act" is that they believe it's funny. Now if this was a character comedy about a couple of old farts who think they're funny when in fact they are just living in a past that never was, that might work, but sadly these two are the real life "Smashie and Nicey" or "Crème Brulee" of the comedy world.
What is funny, is that they seem to think that they are similar to "Morecambe and Wise", well, there are two of them......... No, sorry can't spot any other similarities I'm afraid. These two are more like the embarrassing drunk relative at a family wedding, who seems to believe that the awkward laughter they receive is somehow a sign of their "obvious" comedy genius, when in fact they are still telling the same "jokes" that you never found funny in 1978.
Talking of 1978, I did actually laugh when reading this story, as when it claims that Mendo is using "material...gleamed from constituents' letters", I assume that he hopped in a time machine back to 1978 and plagiarised material from someone like Jasper Carrot (possibly, I think that he did these originally along with the "real" insurance claims) who wrote these jokes the first time around.
Suggesting that people may have heard these "jokes" before is an understatement, as a quick Google search suggests.
Yes, at least 16,400 people have "heard it before", I wonder if they're recycling the one about the man next door's "unsightly erection" or the one about the kid next door who's constantly "banging his balls against the wall"? They were part of the original script if I recall correctly.
The idea of a stand up comedy duo who don't actually write any material and rely on thinking that they are funny, rather tan actually being funny, is a nightmare, and I suggest that anyone booking them make sure to search the audience for tomatoes before they go on, although if Mendoza's history of violence and abuse is anything to go by, I expect that they may well make front page news when a heckler is punched or racially abused.
All that said, there is still room for comedy in politics, I spoke to Dennis Skinner the other week, and the man is a comedy genius (as well as a very well respected politician), check out some of his quotes, you won't be disappointed, and it's all original material too, shot straight from the hip.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Saint Tim's expenses.
The recent letter to the Harald from our local MP has raised a few questions about expenses, while I'm not making any claims either way as to their legality, there are some serious moral issues in play here.
This is what Loughton claimed in his letter,
so it's a "fact" that the house in Burgess Hill is his "family home" and so one would assume his main home, the one where he lives with his family. So, when he was claiming expenses on this home and signing this declaration, there needs to be some answers forthcoming.
This is what Loughton claimed in his letter,
so it's a "fact" that the house in Burgess Hill is his "family home" and so one would assume his main home, the one where he lives with his family. So, when he was claiming expenses on this home and signing this declaration, there needs to be some answers forthcoming.
This is the declaration signed repeatedly whilst claiming rather substantial expenses on this house as can be seen HERE , yes, since the big furore about MPs expenses Loughton has claimed to be whiter than white, but if we look back a few years we can see that he was lined up at the trough with the best of them.
What is questionable though (although again I am making no statement on legality) is that Timmy's expenses which are "away from (his) only or main home" are in the form of bills in the name of Mrs Elizabeth Loughton, including up to and over £800 a month for heating oil for his Wellhouse Lane pad, along with nearly 200 quid to service and repair his Aga.
There are also some interesting "food" receipts HERE which include about half a dozen toothbrushes and a load of Cheese Strings, among other supposedly necessary items enabling him to carry out important Parliamentary business.
Looks like December 2008 was a particularly expensive month for the taxpayer though, as Timmy and his family got a new bathroom fitted, along with a load of other electrical work including fitting of lights n the kitchen.
In case you were wondering about the "accompanying note", here it is...
Yes, apparently this new bathroom was as a result of the boiler "packing up", which makes me wonder why we're paying nearly 70quid a month on insurance to cover such eventualities and not claiming on it when we are absolutely forced to rip out our shower and fit a new one. Again I make no allegation of impropriety under law, merely raising simple questions, relating to documents that are freely available under the transparency laws that Timmy has always abstained from voting on.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, an essential part of any MPs work, is being able to watch the TV in the kitchen, I assume that this is so you don't miss Eastenders when you nip to the fridge to grab a Cheese String....
I know that this is all a few years old now, but as Timmy seems to want to repeatedly claim to be practically perfect in every way, I felt the need to draw attention to the vast amount of public cash he has snaffled over recent years.
If you, like me, think that Timmy is taking the piss, then think again, he even claimed £116 for someone to do that for him as well.....
This was just one year at random, there are plenty more available online, it is your right as a voter to hold your representatives to account for their actions, and what better time to show this than during an election.
You employ them to work for you, you have more power than they do, it may not appear that this is the case sometimes, but it is the truth. Say no to trough snaffling Tories in Adur, vote for anyone but them, but remember to vote, people died for your right to that.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Loughton, liar or lawbreaker?
Interesting letter this week in the Harald, from our MP Timmy (The Lought) Loughton. He is again trying to justify his existence and the cash he is snaffling from the trough. He also tells some whopping fibs but that's a matter to be addressed another day.
Here's the interesting part of his epistle to the local rag.
Anyway, there are a few things that stand out in this paragraph, he uses the generic "Sussex" rather than specifying East or West, which are two different counties, so he may as well claim that we are all Hampshire after all.
It's interesting that he claims that the home in Burgess Hill is, and has been his "family home" since before he became an MP. If this is the case, then why, when he became an MP did this become his "Second Home" in order to claim mortgage payments of around £24k a year and about £400 a month in heating oil among other quite excessive expenses payments. Surely if he claims that this is definitely his family home and not his second residence, then he shouldn't have been claiming expenses on it for all the years that he did.
Now the main point of this post is really to address the fact that he claims that his home is "all of 12 minutes" from Shoreham, now let's look at that in detail.
Here's the shortest route between Lought's House and the Civic Centre in Shoreham.
Ok, so we have to accept that Loughton doesn't travel by helicopter, because he claims expenses for his car in order to travel to work in Shoreham, so that would be a journey of 14.635 miles.
So, using a simple time, speed and distance calculation that we all learned in O' Level maths, but needn't have because there's an app for that these days.
In order to make that journey in 12 minutes, as claimed in Timmy's letter, he would have to achieve an average speed of around 73mph, and as this journey goes through Ditchling this average would require some serious "making of time" on the A27. There is the possibility that Timmy prefers a different route to the one pictured (the shortest route), however this would increase the distance therefore increasing the average speed required to complete the journey in 12 minutes as claimed.
As the lowest average speed required to complete this journey is more than the legal speed limit on British roads, in order to average this speed one would have to hit more than 80mph at least once during this journey, and considering that the majority of the journey would be on single carriageway roads where 60mph would be the very maximum speed permitted, Timmy is telling us that every time he visits Shoreham he breaks the law.
There is always the possibility that his claim of "12 minutes" is just as fanciful as all of his other claims and should be taken with a pinch of salt.
You can decide, did he just admit to breaking the law, or did he just lie in a published letter? It has to be one or the other.
Here's the interesting part of his epistle to the local rag.
![]() |
Blurriness due to crap printing at the Harald. |
It's interesting that he claims that the home in Burgess Hill is, and has been his "family home" since before he became an MP. If this is the case, then why, when he became an MP did this become his "Second Home" in order to claim mortgage payments of around £24k a year and about £400 a month in heating oil among other quite excessive expenses payments. Surely if he claims that this is definitely his family home and not his second residence, then he shouldn't have been claiming expenses on it for all the years that he did.
Now the main point of this post is really to address the fact that he claims that his home is "all of 12 minutes" from Shoreham, now let's look at that in detail.
Here's the shortest route between Lought's House and the Civic Centre in Shoreham.
Ok, so we have to accept that Loughton doesn't travel by helicopter, because he claims expenses for his car in order to travel to work in Shoreham, so that would be a journey of 14.635 miles.
So, using a simple time, speed and distance calculation that we all learned in O' Level maths, but needn't have because there's an app for that these days.
In order to make that journey in 12 minutes, as claimed in Timmy's letter, he would have to achieve an average speed of around 73mph, and as this journey goes through Ditchling this average would require some serious "making of time" on the A27. There is the possibility that Timmy prefers a different route to the one pictured (the shortest route), however this would increase the distance therefore increasing the average speed required to complete the journey in 12 minutes as claimed.
As the lowest average speed required to complete this journey is more than the legal speed limit on British roads, in order to average this speed one would have to hit more than 80mph at least once during this journey, and considering that the majority of the journey would be on single carriageway roads where 60mph would be the very maximum speed permitted, Timmy is telling us that every time he visits Shoreham he breaks the law.
There is always the possibility that his claim of "12 minutes" is just as fanciful as all of his other claims and should be taken with a pinch of salt.
You can decide, did he just admit to breaking the law, or did he just lie in a published letter? It has to be one or the other.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
MISSING, Tory Councillors go walkabout.
With all the furore surrounding the flouncing out of the entire Tory contingent of Sompting Parish Council, you could have almost missed the fact that another three Tories have disappeared from Lancing Parish Council as well.
If you live in one of the relevant wards that is no longer represented, you have the right to call for a by-election to replace these councillors before the local Tories replace them with their own mates.
Details HERE.
Looks like this raises a few other questions as well, Here are the minutes from the March 5th meeting of LPC.
Obviously if Cllr Hamblin is having health issues then that is her business, however the other two are also Adur District Councillors. Not that you'd notice as they appear to have only attended two council meetings in the last 18months, (just enough to ensure the continuation of their allowance payments).
So, the bloke who looks a bit like Dara O'Briain and his overtly equine wife appear to have done a bunk, yet the ADC website still lists them as councillors for Mash Barn and Manor wards respectively.
Although the minutes announcing their departure was made only a couple of weeks ago, it is written in the past tense and as they haven't attended a LPC meeting since Nov 13, or an ADC meeting since Oct 13, they could have been gone for months.
Surely it is the responsibility of Adur council and the local Tory party to inform residents when they are no longer represented, they were kind enough to let me know after all, when they decided that their job only involved representing people that weren't me.
Yes, your local council can't even be bothered to inform you when their councillors and fellow party members leave you in the lurch and it demonstrates their clear arrogance when these councillors could do a bunk without so much as a "It's been lovelytaking your money and doing sod all to earn it representing you, but we're sodding off to Essex" letter.
What concerns me is, are they still being paid their allowances? Surely the day they left they ceased to be councillors and payments should have stopped immediately, and by failing to inform ADC of their departure and if they received payments after this date it amounts to fraud, and this should be immediately reported to the police for a full and transparent investigation.
What is more important is, if you live in Manor or Mash Barn wards you are a councillor short now, (although Mrs Horsie was up for election in May anyway so you may want to wait) and have the right to call a by election to replace the deserters. Give the Electoral Services Dept. a call to find out how to do this.
You never know, they may even not know about the missing councillors and may need a little encouragement to see if these people are still taking our money and someone needs to have a word with Mr Plod.
If you live in one of the relevant wards that is no longer represented, you have the right to call for a by-election to replace these councillors before the local Tories replace them with their own mates.
Details HERE.
Looks like this raises a few other questions as well, Here are the minutes from the March 5th meeting of LPC.
Obviously if Cllr Hamblin is having health issues then that is her business, however the other two are also Adur District Councillors. Not that you'd notice as they appear to have only attended two council meetings in the last 18months, (just enough to ensure the continuation of their allowance payments).
So, the bloke who looks a bit like Dara O'Briain and his overtly equine wife appear to have done a bunk, yet the ADC website still lists them as councillors for Mash Barn and Manor wards respectively.
Although the minutes announcing their departure was made only a couple of weeks ago, it is written in the past tense and as they haven't attended a LPC meeting since Nov 13, or an ADC meeting since Oct 13, they could have been gone for months.
Surely it is the responsibility of Adur council and the local Tory party to inform residents when they are no longer represented, they were kind enough to let me know after all, when they decided that their job only involved representing people that weren't me.
Yes, your local council can't even be bothered to inform you when their councillors and fellow party members leave you in the lurch and it demonstrates their clear arrogance when these councillors could do a bunk without so much as a "It's been lovely
What concerns me is, are they still being paid their allowances? Surely the day they left they ceased to be councillors and payments should have stopped immediately, and by failing to inform ADC of their departure and if they received payments after this date it amounts to fraud, and this should be immediately reported to the police for a full and transparent investigation.
What is more important is, if you live in Manor or Mash Barn wards you are a councillor short now, (although Mrs Horsie was up for election in May anyway so you may want to wait) and have the right to call a by election to replace the deserters. Give the Electoral Services Dept. a call to find out how to do this.
You never know, they may even not know about the missing councillors and may need a little encouragement to see if these people are still taking our money and someone needs to have a word with Mr Plod.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Sompting wicked this way comes.
Sorry for the obscure film reference there, and it is more a case that the freakshow has left Sompting rather than arrived, but hey, it is just a blog post title.
I know that Sompting is the other side of the river from me, but we're all part of Adur, and so I should be inclusive even if our local Tories seem to have a problem with lovely little leafy Sompting.
This week saw the "resignation" of three councillors from Sompting Parish Council, along with a selection of Loughton based digs about it being like "Dibley Parish Council", (which although fictional, was Tory controlled).
Here's the "resignation" letter, (explanation for quotes to come). Find it here.
Well, obviously when the entire Tory contingent of any organisation ceases to be active, this is a cause for celebration, but just like everything else Tory, this is not quite as simple as it first appears (or as they wish it to appear).
You see, just like when Loughton claimed to have "sacked" me as a constituent, even though he had no ability to do so, these councillors are essentially doing the same thing, except rather than resigning, one of them had already been de selected by the council (for not bothering to ever turn up) and the other two were in the process of the same, so one of them resigned after he was sacked and the other two resigned because they were about to be sacked. They didn't tell you that did they?
The whole thing stinks of the standard Tory spin machine, (the only thing about the Tories that is truly transparent), but people of Sompting should really think about what actually happened here.
Three councillors have, after not bothering to attend meetings for a period of more than six months, deserted their posts and their constituents, be that by their choice or the electoral commissions rules.
These three, are as far as I am aware, standing in the May elections despite clearly only being interested in being councillors in an environment which is controlled by their fellow party members, as Sompting is the only council within Adur that is not controlled by a Tory majority and also the only one not chaired by a Tory. Draw from that what you will, I don't do spin, just honesty and allowing people to judge for themselves after being given all of the facts.
Like everything else spread by the local Tories, they are only giving you half of the story, like the claimed "above inflation" increase in SPCs precept, yes, this may be above inflation but as it is such a tiny percentage of the overall council tax bill, this increase will equate to pennies over the year in real terms. They forget to tell you that these councillors also sit on Lancing Parish Council, the council that Loughton claimed in Parliament a couple of months back, had increased their precept by 28% last year. This increase was approved by these same councillors, who are now attempting to lambast another council for a smaller increase than the one they had instigated 12 months previous. But they wouldn't tell you that either.
I think they must enjoy giving us a laugh, because after complaining that they don't like other councillors taking the rise out of the fact that they're barely out of short trousers, and likening the meetings to children's birthday parties, they counter these problems by taking their ball and running off home to tell Timmy all about how mean the bigger kids are being to them. I think they proved their point well, don't you?
Remember the names though, because if they are successful in their attempts to make Adur District Council, how can you be sure that they won't have another hissy fit and desert the role of district councillor with as little care as they have deserted the role of parish councillor, they obviously are only there to further their own interests and not ours.
I know that Sompting is the other side of the river from me, but we're all part of Adur, and so I should be inclusive even if our local Tories seem to have a problem with lovely little leafy Sompting.
This week saw the "resignation" of three councillors from Sompting Parish Council, along with a selection of Loughton based digs about it being like "Dibley Parish Council", (which although fictional, was Tory controlled).
Here's the "resignation" letter, (explanation for quotes to come). Find it here.
Well, obviously when the entire Tory contingent of any organisation ceases to be active, this is a cause for celebration, but just like everything else Tory, this is not quite as simple as it first appears (or as they wish it to appear).
You see, just like when Loughton claimed to have "sacked" me as a constituent, even though he had no ability to do so, these councillors are essentially doing the same thing, except rather than resigning, one of them had already been de selected by the council (for not bothering to ever turn up) and the other two were in the process of the same, so one of them resigned after he was sacked and the other two resigned because they were about to be sacked. They didn't tell you that did they?
The whole thing stinks of the standard Tory spin machine, (the only thing about the Tories that is truly transparent), but people of Sompting should really think about what actually happened here.
Three councillors have, after not bothering to attend meetings for a period of more than six months, deserted their posts and their constituents, be that by their choice or the electoral commissions rules.
These three, are as far as I am aware, standing in the May elections despite clearly only being interested in being councillors in an environment which is controlled by their fellow party members, as Sompting is the only council within Adur that is not controlled by a Tory majority and also the only one not chaired by a Tory. Draw from that what you will, I don't do spin, just honesty and allowing people to judge for themselves after being given all of the facts.
Like everything else spread by the local Tories, they are only giving you half of the story, like the claimed "above inflation" increase in SPCs precept, yes, this may be above inflation but as it is such a tiny percentage of the overall council tax bill, this increase will equate to pennies over the year in real terms. They forget to tell you that these councillors also sit on Lancing Parish Council, the council that Loughton claimed in Parliament a couple of months back, had increased their precept by 28% last year. This increase was approved by these same councillors, who are now attempting to lambast another council for a smaller increase than the one they had instigated 12 months previous. But they wouldn't tell you that either.
I think they must enjoy giving us a laugh, because after complaining that they don't like other councillors taking the rise out of the fact that they're barely out of short trousers, and likening the meetings to children's birthday parties, they counter these problems by taking their ball and running off home to tell Timmy all about how mean the bigger kids are being to them. I think they proved their point well, don't you?
Remember the names though, because if they are successful in their attempts to make Adur District Council, how can you be sure that they won't have another hissy fit and desert the role of district councillor with as little care as they have deserted the role of parish councillor, they obviously are only there to further their own interests and not ours.
Friday, 14 March 2014
I'd rather stick PINs in my eyes.....
.... than have to listen to another bleeding heart, pile of shite news story, sought out by Loughton and his Tory pals.
Sadly I don't get this choice because little butt-hurt Timmy just can't let it drop, who was it again that referred to him as a self-promoting narcissist?
So, today Timmy found out that he was to get an apology for being sent a PIN, (Police Information Notice, I wish that these people would stop with the "PIN Notice" thing, that would be PINN and would have one too many notices to make any bloody sense, I bet they also refer to their cashpoint PIN as a PIN number, what is the point of an acronym if you also use part of the full title? Grrrrrrr!) and wanted to exploit this to full effect by getting some more self absorbed, media exposure.
The police released this statement, (also using the extra "Notice"):
They make a simple statement, which is really more politics than policing, but hey, that's what this is all about after all. I like the clear fact that York had no input into the various investigations, and so an apology from him is worthless in the real world, he is merely apologising for the people who knew all the facts and who refused to apologise to Loughton, they still have not apologised, but if a corporate apology is acceptable to Timmy then he obviously doesn't understand moral obligation and responsibility very well. This is a publicity exercise, and so in real apology terms is worthless, I could say sorry on behalf of my previous blogging incarnation, and it would be just as meaningless, maybe that's why I am not a politician, I have my roots in reality and humanity and not corporate liability.
How did Timmy take this meaningless, and "forced hand" apology? He lapped it up, of course.....
He is relieved that the "new management" of Sussex Police have apologised to him, but does he still remember that the management at the time of the investigation are not sorry for anything they did to him? I remember, it's there in black and white, they refused point blank to apologise to Loughton, and as they have both retired, they will never apologise to Loughton, never, yes never, they're not sorry Timmy, and they never will be.......
It is interesting that he claims that parliamentary privilege is some kind of safeguard to our freedom of speech, it is nothing of the sort, MPs are protected in the same way that you or I are protected, but they have this extra layer of immunity that allows them to libel and slander with impunity, this is nothing to do with free speech it is more to do with a privileged few operating outside of the laws that we have to adhere to, it is wrong, it is outdated, and it has been exploited by Loughton to within an inch of it's life. Yet he still feels that he has to arrange yet another parliamentary debate to have another "get out of jail free" rant. You can rest assured that when he does, I shall be exercising my right to free speech by responding to his "whinging, self-serving bollocks" without having to resort to an outdated privilege rule, I'll just be bound by the truth instead.
I'm not sure that the public confidence in Sussex Police has been affected in any way during this whole affair, but it has opened a lot of people's eyes to the way that Tory Timbo likes to throw his toys from the pram, and hopefully will come to highlight the way in which he has lied, manipulated and abused his position in order to get his own way, like a spoiled child.
He didn't even mention the removal of, and apology for, the PIN issued to myself by Sussex Police, surely this is far more important, because I actually was the victim of harassment at the hands of Lought and his pals, and the removal of their PINs makes it clear that they simply got away with the abuse they directed at myself and my family. How did they do this? By media manipulation, political corruption and good old bullshit.
He goes on an on about how he was mistreated, and how he has suffered as a result. Well I didn't see him at the neurological hospital waiting for treatment for the injuries he sustained during this investigation, his injuries consisted of a severe bruise to his "How dare they" reflex, and a nasty strain of his "Do you know who I am" muscle. Did they turn over his home and lock him in a cell? No, he got to make an appointment and spend half an hour having a nice cup of tea and a chat. Did they release his personal details to the press? No, they didn't actually investigate him properly because he did a MacAlpine and used the publicity machine to ensure that his real crimes never surfaced. Did he get a serious beating? No, but I couldn't think of a more deserving recipient.
They apologised to me for giving me a piece of sodding paper, despite all of the other abuse of power. I have been investigated for the lies told by Loughton on more than one occasion, over a longer period of time, utilising more resources and far more officers than the two involved in his minor half-arsed investigation, and after all of this, I have never been charged with any crime
Edit.... There was about 3 more pages that appear to have gone astray somewhere, bugger.
Update, I shall try and remember the other points made in the missing section......
Right, back to business hopefully.
This does indeed have implications regarding the use of PINs by Sussex Police, it makes them worthless, imagine the number of victims who are now aware that the police didn't actually do anything to address their concerns. I am talking of real victims, not pretend ones like Loughton who is, as usual, exploiting others misery for his own selfish ends, he either hasn't thought through the ramifications of his actions here, or he just doesn't give a rat's arse, (probably the latter) as he has now set a precedence for the removal of PINs, which were previously unchallengeable.
He talks of a vexatious and shambolic investigation being a waste of money and resources, when the truth of the matter is, the investigation into him cost around £2-3k, (unofficial figure given to me by SP) a drop in the ocean compared to the vexatious complaints he made against me afterwards, which resulted in no charges being made against me, probably as I have not committed a crime, (free speech is also a protected privilege), add to that the increasing costs of investigations into investigations and now the IPCC and another raft of Parliamentary tantrum based investigations. The final bill will probably end up in the millions, rather than the mere couple of grand that this would have cost if Timmy hadn't thrown his toys out of the pram.
The claim that Loughton now gets to contribute to an investigation into the use of pins is laughable, Hey Chief Constable, can I have some input into this, because I was actually the victim of crime here, not Loughton, he was the accused? Do you often take advice from people that you investigate for crimes?
I expect that Mr York has now secured his future in the top job by bowing down and taking a political one in the mouth from Tim's mate Kate. This is just another nail in the coffin of a free and independent police force, as it is now clear that politicians are able to interfere in operational decisions at ground level, interference that is legally, morally and ethically wrong. This is a publicity decision and not a policing one, it is wrong and will lead to the suffering of real victims of crime like myself and my family, who have received numerous incidents of abuse, threats, assaults and other attacks on the incitement of Loughton, and now the police apologise to him for daring to try and prevent the continuation of his abuse, thus giving him further impetus to continue his attacks. Well done you have now proved that politicians are exempt from the law, and worse than that you have now included a corrupt politician in the decision making process of Sussex Police. If Timbo thinks that people have lost faith in Sussex Police because of this farce up until now, just imagine how they'll feel when the whole story gets out......
Sadly I don't get this choice because little butt-hurt Timmy just can't let it drop, who was it again that referred to him as a self-promoting narcissist?
So, today Timmy found out that he was to get an apology for being sent a PIN, (Police Information Notice, I wish that these people would stop with the "PIN Notice" thing, that would be PINN and would have one too many notices to make any bloody sense, I bet they also refer to their cashpoint PIN as a PIN number, what is the point of an acronym if you also use part of the full title? Grrrrrrr!) and wanted to exploit this to full effect by getting some more self absorbed, media exposure.
The police released this statement, (also using the extra "Notice"):
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Click to make big and readable. |
How did Timmy take this meaningless, and "forced hand" apology? He lapped it up, of course.....
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Clicky clicky, Biggy biggy. |
It is interesting that he claims that parliamentary privilege is some kind of safeguard to our freedom of speech, it is nothing of the sort, MPs are protected in the same way that you or I are protected, but they have this extra layer of immunity that allows them to libel and slander with impunity, this is nothing to do with free speech it is more to do with a privileged few operating outside of the laws that we have to adhere to, it is wrong, it is outdated, and it has been exploited by Loughton to within an inch of it's life. Yet he still feels that he has to arrange yet another parliamentary debate to have another "get out of jail free" rant. You can rest assured that when he does, I shall be exercising my right to free speech by responding to his "whinging, self-serving bollocks" without having to resort to an outdated privilege rule, I'll just be bound by the truth instead.
I'm not sure that the public confidence in Sussex Police has been affected in any way during this whole affair, but it has opened a lot of people's eyes to the way that Tory Timbo likes to throw his toys from the pram, and hopefully will come to highlight the way in which he has lied, manipulated and abused his position in order to get his own way, like a spoiled child.
He didn't even mention the removal of, and apology for, the PIN issued to myself by Sussex Police, surely this is far more important, because I actually was the victim of harassment at the hands of Lought and his pals, and the removal of their PINs makes it clear that they simply got away with the abuse they directed at myself and my family. How did they do this? By media manipulation, political corruption and good old bullshit.
He goes on an on about how he was mistreated, and how he has suffered as a result. Well I didn't see him at the neurological hospital waiting for treatment for the injuries he sustained during this investigation, his injuries consisted of a severe bruise to his "How dare they" reflex, and a nasty strain of his "Do you know who I am" muscle. Did they turn over his home and lock him in a cell? No, he got to make an appointment and spend half an hour having a nice cup of tea and a chat. Did they release his personal details to the press? No, they didn't actually investigate him properly because he did a MacAlpine and used the publicity machine to ensure that his real crimes never surfaced. Did he get a serious beating? No, but I couldn't think of a more deserving recipient.
They apologised to me for giving me a piece of sodding paper, despite all of the other abuse of power. I have been investigated for the lies told by Loughton on more than one occasion, over a longer period of time, utilising more resources and far more officers than the two involved in his minor half-arsed investigation, and after all of this, I have never been charged with any crime
Edit.... There was about 3 more pages that appear to have gone astray somewhere, bugger.
Update, I shall try and remember the other points made in the missing section......
Right, back to business hopefully.
This does indeed have implications regarding the use of PINs by Sussex Police, it makes them worthless, imagine the number of victims who are now aware that the police didn't actually do anything to address their concerns. I am talking of real victims, not pretend ones like Loughton who is, as usual, exploiting others misery for his own selfish ends, he either hasn't thought through the ramifications of his actions here, or he just doesn't give a rat's arse, (probably the latter) as he has now set a precedence for the removal of PINs, which were previously unchallengeable.
He talks of a vexatious and shambolic investigation being a waste of money and resources, when the truth of the matter is, the investigation into him cost around £2-3k, (unofficial figure given to me by SP) a drop in the ocean compared to the vexatious complaints he made against me afterwards, which resulted in no charges being made against me, probably as I have not committed a crime, (free speech is also a protected privilege), add to that the increasing costs of investigations into investigations and now the IPCC and another raft of Parliamentary tantrum based investigations. The final bill will probably end up in the millions, rather than the mere couple of grand that this would have cost if Timmy hadn't thrown his toys out of the pram.
The claim that Loughton now gets to contribute to an investigation into the use of pins is laughable, Hey Chief Constable, can I have some input into this, because I was actually the victim of crime here, not Loughton, he was the accused? Do you often take advice from people that you investigate for crimes?
I expect that Mr York has now secured his future in the top job by bowing down and taking a political one in the mouth from Tim's mate Kate. This is just another nail in the coffin of a free and independent police force, as it is now clear that politicians are able to interfere in operational decisions at ground level, interference that is legally, morally and ethically wrong. This is a publicity decision and not a policing one, it is wrong and will lead to the suffering of real victims of crime like myself and my family, who have received numerous incidents of abuse, threats, assaults and other attacks on the incitement of Loughton, and now the police apologise to him for daring to try and prevent the continuation of his abuse, thus giving him further impetus to continue his attacks. Well done you have now proved that politicians are exempt from the law, and worse than that you have now included a corrupt politician in the decision making process of Sussex Police. If Timbo thinks that people have lost faith in Sussex Police because of this farce up until now, just imagine how they'll feel when the whole story gets out......
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Politics and Policing, and politics in policing.
We are repeatedly told that the introduction of policing and crime commissioners have no bearing on policing matters, we are also told that the PCC has no interaction with operational policing, it appears that this isn't quite the truth......
The recent tantrum held in parliament by our MP, Timbo Loughton has proved that our police are now controlled by politicians, whether they admit this or not.
I understand that a potential candidate for the position of Chief Constable, has a fair amount at stake by ignoring the thoughts of the PCC, but this is clearly politicalcorrectness control of our police force, gone mad
The recent outcome of the committee for over privileged politicians, made it clear that Loughton's PIN should not contain any "protected" abuse, but could clearly be amended to include the numerous other infringements of our civil liberties, bu tit appears that Sussex police have decided just to remove it altogether.
Timmy will be happy! Oh, wait a minute, he might not be that happy, because he seems to think that I should have been sent to a gulag or something for daring to wrote my personal thoughts in a blog, expressing my right to freedom of speech (which is like a kind of parliamentary privilege for the hoi polloi).
You see, Sussex police have also revoked the pin issued to myself as well.
While I appreciate the acknowledgement that I have committed no crime by retaliating against the abuse and lies distributed by Loughton and his mates, the PIN itself was of no real consequence, as it is nothing more than a placebo.
It is nice that Sussex Police accept that even and fair treatment is the right thing to do, it's just a shame that they didn't consider this when they made an appointment to speak to Loughton for half an hour, yet they sent a gang of yobs to my home to beat and arrest me, ransack my home and treat me like a criminal. I think that they expect me to be grateful for an apology for this "inconvenience", I don't think so somehow.
The letter makes it patently clear that the PCCs decision to involve herself in matters outside of her remit, has played a part in the decision to review the use of threatening letters sent to innocent people.
Nobody has even thought to ask why these "harassment" letters were sent during an investigation into Malicious Communications, as they are two very different laws. Not that I'm suggesting for a minute that Loughton shouldn't have received a warning for his abysmal behaviour and the abuse he clearly instigated and was responsible for, but a letter that a normal person would receive was a step in the right direction.
Now the question that needs to be asked is what they intend to do now. Because these letters and the mediation offer was Sussex Police's way of bringing this matter to a close, and with the removal of these letters, and the fact that Loughton was too chicken to sit in front of me and explain why he is such a liar, there is clearly no line remaining and so this continues. I expect to continue to receive abuse from Loughton and his pathetic little acolytes, and in return I will blog, as is my right. Free speech is not quite the same as parliamentary privilege, but as long as it is clear that everything I write is merely my thoughts and opinions there should be no problems, it would be nice to have the ability to lie through my teeth and make up stories about the local Tory Scum but that would be wrong apparently, that said, they all appear to be dodgy enough that I will have no need to create completely fabricated stories like Timmy has done.
I'm expecting Loughton to not distribute this piece of news, quite as widely as he has previously, because of the fact that I am now clearly free from blame, with regard to all of his pretend allegations, as clearly if I had done anything even borderline illegal, my PIN would not have been revoked.
Maybe Loughton should now issue me with an apology for all of his unfounded allegations of illegal acts, because clearly I have committed none. I assume that he would love to do this, but after "sacking" me, he is unable to send this apology. It's ok Timbo, I will take your unspoken apology as read and get back to you to let you know whether I'm prepared to accept it or not.
The recent tantrum held in parliament by our MP, Timbo Loughton has proved that our police are now controlled by politicians, whether they admit this or not.
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Who's in bed with who? |
I understand that a potential candidate for the position of Chief Constable, has a fair amount at stake by ignoring the thoughts of the PCC, but this is clearly political
The recent outcome of the committee for over privileged politicians, made it clear that Loughton's PIN should not contain any "protected" abuse, but could clearly be amended to include the numerous other infringements of our civil liberties, bu tit appears that Sussex police have decided just to remove it altogether.
Timmy will be happy! Oh, wait a minute, he might not be that happy, because he seems to think that I should have been sent to a gulag or something for daring to wrote my personal thoughts in a blog, expressing my right to freedom of speech (which is like a kind of parliamentary privilege for the hoi polloi).
You see, Sussex police have also revoked the pin issued to myself as well.
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Click to read in full. |
While I appreciate the acknowledgement that I have committed no crime by retaliating against the abuse and lies distributed by Loughton and his mates, the PIN itself was of no real consequence, as it is nothing more than a placebo.
It is nice that Sussex Police accept that even and fair treatment is the right thing to do, it's just a shame that they didn't consider this when they made an appointment to speak to Loughton for half an hour, yet they sent a gang of yobs to my home to beat and arrest me, ransack my home and treat me like a criminal. I think that they expect me to be grateful for an apology for this "inconvenience", I don't think so somehow.
The letter makes it patently clear that the PCCs decision to involve herself in matters outside of her remit, has played a part in the decision to review the use of threatening letters sent to innocent people.
Nobody has even thought to ask why these "harassment" letters were sent during an investigation into Malicious Communications, as they are two very different laws. Not that I'm suggesting for a minute that Loughton shouldn't have received a warning for his abysmal behaviour and the abuse he clearly instigated and was responsible for, but a letter that a normal person would receive was a step in the right direction.
Now the question that needs to be asked is what they intend to do now. Because these letters and the mediation offer was Sussex Police's way of bringing this matter to a close, and with the removal of these letters, and the fact that Loughton was too chicken to sit in front of me and explain why he is such a liar, there is clearly no line remaining and so this continues. I expect to continue to receive abuse from Loughton and his pathetic little acolytes, and in return I will blog, as is my right. Free speech is not quite the same as parliamentary privilege, but as long as it is clear that everything I write is merely my thoughts and opinions there should be no problems, it would be nice to have the ability to lie through my teeth and make up stories about the local Tory Scum but that would be wrong apparently, that said, they all appear to be dodgy enough that I will have no need to create completely fabricated stories like Timmy has done.
I'm expecting Loughton to not distribute this piece of news, quite as widely as he has previously, because of the fact that I am now clearly free from blame, with regard to all of his pretend allegations, as clearly if I had done anything even borderline illegal, my PIN would not have been revoked.
Maybe Loughton should now issue me with an apology for all of his unfounded allegations of illegal acts, because clearly I have committed none. I assume that he would love to do this, but after "sacking" me, he is unable to send this apology. It's ok Timbo, I will take your unspoken apology as read and get back to you to let you know whether I'm prepared to accept it or not.
Saturday, 8 March 2014
MSM Press ethics, missing presumed dead.
Again this week I experienced the closed and ignorant nature of the main stream media, and their desire to exercise their believed right to accept profit without responsibility.
Many moons ago, there was a generally accepted, unwritten rule amongst credible journalists, that if someone was named in their story, this person would be offered a right to comment on any allegations. These days are dead and gone, I have now read my name, distributed for financial gain, on more than a dozen occasions where either I was not even asked for comment, or it was claimed that I was unavailable for comment despite n attempt made to contact me. I even experienced completely fictitious comments attributed to myself, probably because "fuck off and stop phoning me, and don't print my name in your pathetic Tory propaganda shite, written by pricks and read by c*nts", doesn't make for exciting enough reading, but hey, that's the Daily Snail for you.
Right, this week's ignorant arsehole hack is a little gobshite by the name of David Hughes, and this is not the first time that he and his gang have decided to bypass any remaining journalistic morals by printing my name, (even though it was redacted from official documents, making this "news" essentially gossip) he has done this twice before, so I still owe him a couple of strikes.
Here's the bile he spewed this week....
The problem with David Hughes, (among other personal unpleasantries) is that he works for the Press Association, (Who I have decided should actually be called the Press Assholiation instead, it's far more apt) this is a gang of hacks that spread their bile to all kinds of local rags who are too lazy/incompetent/illiterate to write their own stories and are looking for fillers in order to fill up their pages and websites. So he and his mates essentially take profit from writing any old shit that will be distributed due to contractual obligation rather than content.
Right, My name is again thrown in, this is extremely annoying because I am now receiving further abuse from Loughton supporting organisations, who seem to believe that I want to personally experience the workings of their tiny right wing minds, I must say though, it is interesting how these people can actually type the occasionally correctly spelled word, considering that it's a miracle that they can equate the pressing of the "on" button with the magic, "everyone wants to hear my fascistic bullshit" shiny picture box in front of them, springing to life.
Let's throw some meat on the bones of this shitty piece of alleged journalism, shall we. Right this "long running dispute" he mentions, one would think that I had actually sent him more than a dozen of emails and met him more than twice in the time he's been an MP. Oh, I forgot, Loughton has claimed that I sent him "over 300", now people should be made aware that he said this under parliamentary privilege, the rule which makes lies impossible to be challenged. I assume that this figure of 300 was reached by the same method he used to claim that I have "300 edged weapons", you know the method, the same one that these Tory idiots expect us to believe when they tell us we're better off, probably about "300" better off.
I can only assume that the exchange rate between Tory numbers and real numbers equates to 300 being 15, (concluded from photographic evidence of previous experience of the use of 300), so when Loughton professes to have an IQ of 150, he really means 7.5, which, although appearing to be pretty low, equates to 2 Tory local councillors or seven and a half DM hacks.
Back to this shit, yes Loughton was given a PIN, (a toothless tiger and no more) and he believes that it is unacceptable to punish him for sending a copy posh meeting minutes to my home. In that case Sussex Police should have also included the sending of an offensive email to my home, the sending of death threats to my home, (because they know full well that if they did not come from Loughton himself, they definitely came from within his camp), or the sending of hacks to my home, or maybe the sending of his thug mates to attack me. Maybe then he wouldn't be shouting this loud about it, because it would draw attention to the way that he really conducts his business.
In a way I agree with the finding, they should withdraw the PIN for sending the Hansard, and replace it with a PIN detailing all of the other shit that he did. At least that way they would have the ability to open the door on the real Loughton, and dispel all of the rumours that he spread from within his protective cocoon.
With freedom of speech comes responsibility, this applies to every single person in this country, and the only proviso is that this may be called to court to be justified. I fail to see why any special protection is required in Parliament, surely if it's not true they shouldn't say it, whether they are inside a magic castle or not, it's pretty simple. It's just another divisive, outdated rule that should have been removed years ago.
The response from this committee is, in itself rather aggressive and nothing short of bullying, when it claims that if SP roll over and do what they're told, we'll say no more about it. The commissioner, Tim's mate Kate, has also now included herself in this matter, despite telling me for the last two years that this is an "operational matter" and therefore outside her remit. So seeking her opinion is akin to asking any Tory party member what they think about it, i.e. a load of old cobblers and nothing more.
Again the "Sacking" is just as much a pile of shite as everything else surrounding this situation, this is not permitted by any rule or law in any democratic society, what he is essentially saying by this is, "I only represent people in my constituency who agree with me", which will come as no surprise to any constituent of his that has written to him about anything done by the Tory Government, and never received a reply, or received an offensive letter instead, (I've seen loads of Loughton abuse letters since starting this blog, he sends them out on a regular basis).
The police are essentially feeling a bit silly that they believed him when he told them that this was allowed by parliament and acted upon it without checking, they now know that he mislead them, I know this because a senior officer actually told me that he clearly wanted to give the impression that MPs could formally sack constituents, and that if it was said in parliament, then privilege made it true. They've already said that they didn't fully understand PP, one of the main reason for this was because Loughton had repeatedly told them lies about it, in order to get what he wanted, i.e. Me to be arrested for exercising my right to free speech, in the same way as he was exercising PP. Both perfectly lawful, however Loughton like all Tories, hates even playing fields.
I guess that it all comes down to how big the polices' balls are, If they roll over and remove Loughton's PIN, this would give me an equal right to a civil challenge for the same, a challenge which I certainly intend to make, because no matter what our job titles are, in a democracy we are all equally afforded rights.
What should also be noted, was that as well as the PIN issue being decided by the Gold Group, it was decided that mediation between myself an Loughton be arranged, something which I have agreed to from day one, and something that Loughton still refuses to accept, I can only assume that this is because he would be forced to discuss his lies in an environment where he isn't afforded an advantageous position, either that or he's just a pathetic, cowardly little chicken, just like all bullies really are, especially the ones that shout the loudest.
If the police bow down and kiss arse, then they will need to put together another offer to myself in order to make up for the abuse and harassment towards myself and my family by this vile man, abuse that continues and is repeated every time some dumbass little bollocks like David Hughes chooses to accept a paycheque in exchange for placing myself and my family in the right wing firing line. I hope that he spends the cash he earned from this story on a dodgy batch of cocaine and dies horrifically as a result.
Take care, and control
Many moons ago, there was a generally accepted, unwritten rule amongst credible journalists, that if someone was named in their story, this person would be offered a right to comment on any allegations. These days are dead and gone, I have now read my name, distributed for financial gain, on more than a dozen occasions where either I was not even asked for comment, or it was claimed that I was unavailable for comment despite n attempt made to contact me. I even experienced completely fictitious comments attributed to myself, probably because "fuck off and stop phoning me, and don't print my name in your pathetic Tory propaganda shite, written by pricks and read by c*nts", doesn't make for exciting enough reading, but hey, that's the Daily Snail for you.
Right, this week's ignorant arsehole hack is a little gobshite by the name of David Hughes, and this is not the first time that he and his gang have decided to bypass any remaining journalistic morals by printing my name, (even though it was redacted from official documents, making this "news" essentially gossip) he has done this twice before, so I still owe him a couple of strikes.
Here's the bile he spewed this week....
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Click to biggify. |
Right, My name is again thrown in, this is extremely annoying because I am now receiving further abuse from Loughton supporting organisations, who seem to believe that I want to personally experience the workings of their tiny right wing minds, I must say though, it is interesting how these people can actually type the occasionally correctly spelled word, considering that it's a miracle that they can equate the pressing of the "on" button with the magic, "everyone wants to hear my fascistic bullshit" shiny picture box in front of them, springing to life.
Let's throw some meat on the bones of this shitty piece of alleged journalism, shall we. Right this "long running dispute" he mentions, one would think that I had actually sent him more than a dozen of emails and met him more than twice in the time he's been an MP. Oh, I forgot, Loughton has claimed that I sent him "over 300", now people should be made aware that he said this under parliamentary privilege, the rule which makes lies impossible to be challenged. I assume that this figure of 300 was reached by the same method he used to claim that I have "300 edged weapons", you know the method, the same one that these Tory idiots expect us to believe when they tell us we're better off, probably about "300" better off.
I can only assume that the exchange rate between Tory numbers and real numbers equates to 300 being 15, (concluded from photographic evidence of previous experience of the use of 300), so when Loughton professes to have an IQ of 150, he really means 7.5, which, although appearing to be pretty low, equates to 2 Tory local councillors or seven and a half DM hacks.
Back to this shit, yes Loughton was given a PIN, (a toothless tiger and no more) and he believes that it is unacceptable to punish him for sending a copy posh meeting minutes to my home. In that case Sussex Police should have also included the sending of an offensive email to my home, the sending of death threats to my home, (because they know full well that if they did not come from Loughton himself, they definitely came from within his camp), or the sending of hacks to my home, or maybe the sending of his thug mates to attack me. Maybe then he wouldn't be shouting this loud about it, because it would draw attention to the way that he really conducts his business.
In a way I agree with the finding, they should withdraw the PIN for sending the Hansard, and replace it with a PIN detailing all of the other shit that he did. At least that way they would have the ability to open the door on the real Loughton, and dispel all of the rumours that he spread from within his protective cocoon.
With freedom of speech comes responsibility, this applies to every single person in this country, and the only proviso is that this may be called to court to be justified. I fail to see why any special protection is required in Parliament, surely if it's not true they shouldn't say it, whether they are inside a magic castle or not, it's pretty simple. It's just another divisive, outdated rule that should have been removed years ago.
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TIM LOUGHTON, I'm so outraged I could leave a door open. |
Again the "Sacking" is just as much a pile of shite as everything else surrounding this situation, this is not permitted by any rule or law in any democratic society, what he is essentially saying by this is, "I only represent people in my constituency who agree with me", which will come as no surprise to any constituent of his that has written to him about anything done by the Tory Government, and never received a reply, or received an offensive letter instead, (I've seen loads of Loughton abuse letters since starting this blog, he sends them out on a regular basis).
The police are essentially feeling a bit silly that they believed him when he told them that this was allowed by parliament and acted upon it without checking, they now know that he mislead them, I know this because a senior officer actually told me that he clearly wanted to give the impression that MPs could formally sack constituents, and that if it was said in parliament, then privilege made it true. They've already said that they didn't fully understand PP, one of the main reason for this was because Loughton had repeatedly told them lies about it, in order to get what he wanted, i.e. Me to be arrested for exercising my right to free speech, in the same way as he was exercising PP. Both perfectly lawful, however Loughton like all Tories, hates even playing fields.
I guess that it all comes down to how big the polices' balls are, If they roll over and remove Loughton's PIN, this would give me an equal right to a civil challenge for the same, a challenge which I certainly intend to make, because no matter what our job titles are, in a democracy we are all equally afforded rights.
What should also be noted, was that as well as the PIN issue being decided by the Gold Group, it was decided that mediation between myself an Loughton be arranged, something which I have agreed to from day one, and something that Loughton still refuses to accept, I can only assume that this is because he would be forced to discuss his lies in an environment where he isn't afforded an advantageous position, either that or he's just a pathetic, cowardly little chicken, just like all bullies really are, especially the ones that shout the loudest.
If the police bow down and kiss arse, then they will need to put together another offer to myself in order to make up for the abuse and harassment towards myself and my family by this vile man, abuse that continues and is repeated every time some dumbass little bollocks like David Hughes chooses to accept a paycheque in exchange for placing myself and my family in the right wing firing line. I hope that he spends the cash he earned from this story on a dodgy batch of cocaine and dies horrifically as a result.
Take care, and control
Friday, 7 March 2014
Scientology scum invade Worthing.
Yes, it's that time of year again, when our local dignitaries welcomingly invite crazy, alien worshipping, child abusing freaks into our community and then get the local rag to tell us how fantastic it was.
This story from the Harald is happily telling us that these creepy weirdoes are somehow providing a service to our area, and there to welcome them is, well documented supporter of all things scientology, Mike Mendoza, who looks like he has chosen Barry Chuckle to be his date for the evening.
The quality of reporting is up there with the best, as usual. Was it an intentional decision to claim that this gaggle of freaks came from Tunbridge Wells, or just bad reporting?
They certainly are not based in Tunbridge Wells, they are from Saint Hill, which is the other side of East Grinstead from Tunbridge Wells and home to no end of gullible fools, abused kids and manipulative recruiters like this alleged band.

Here's their contact details if you have any doubts about where these freaks are based, and no doubt there was plenty of dianetics leaflets handed out at this event along with their death inducing drugs rehabilitation programme, Narconon or "Say no to drugs" as it has become since the realisation that saunas and niacin do not assist with drug withdrawal and sometimes result in liver failure instead, which in some ways does cure drug addiction, as it's pretty tricky to get high when you're dead.
So remember to thank Adur and Worthing councils when your kids come home and tell you that they've signed a billion year contract to serve an alien prince who lives in a volcano, they won't be talking to you ever again as they need to dedicate their life to a made up process to get rid of millions of tiny critters that have attached themselves to their body. When they do this, you'll wish that they had done something marginally more sensible and started taking drugs.
Say yes to drugs, Say no to Scientology.
This story from the Harald is happily telling us that these creepy weirdoes are somehow providing a service to our area, and there to welcome them is, well documented supporter of all things scientology, Mike Mendoza, who looks like he has chosen Barry Chuckle to be his date for the evening.
The quality of reporting is up there with the best, as usual. Was it an intentional decision to claim that this gaggle of freaks came from Tunbridge Wells, or just bad reporting?
They certainly are not based in Tunbridge Wells, they are from Saint Hill, which is the other side of East Grinstead from Tunbridge Wells and home to no end of gullible fools, abused kids and manipulative recruiters like this alleged band.

Here's their contact details if you have any doubts about where these freaks are based, and no doubt there was plenty of dianetics leaflets handed out at this event along with their death inducing drugs rehabilitation programme, Narconon or "Say no to drugs" as it has become since the realisation that saunas and niacin do not assist with drug withdrawal and sometimes result in liver failure instead, which in some ways does cure drug addiction, as it's pretty tricky to get high when you're dead.
So remember to thank Adur and Worthing councils when your kids come home and tell you that they've signed a billion year contract to serve an alien prince who lives in a volcano, they won't be talking to you ever again as they need to dedicate their life to a made up process to get rid of millions of tiny critters that have attached themselves to their body. When they do this, you'll wish that they had done something marginally more sensible and started taking drugs.
Say yes to drugs, Say no to Scientology.
A privilege used, is a privilege abused.
Yesterday saw the publication of the review by the privileged, of the privileged, for the privileged.
As expected, it was a load of old cobblers, which basically justified the telling of lies under the excuse of the little known "Do you know who I am" rule. This rule is generally exploited by corrupt politicians in order to publicly pillory people that have offended them, however Loughton has taken this to a whole new level.
The outcome is pretty much that these over privileged w*nkers think that their mate Timmy can be as much as an arsehole as he likes, simply because of his job title, and anyone who dares o try and apply the same rules as we are expected to live by, to them, is clearly wrong and needs to apologise, or else. I was always told when growing up, that a forced apology means nothing, as it is essentially a placebo in order to placate a person who you detest and in truth you feel no remorse whatsoever for your actions.
The claims presented to this toytown panel were just as farcical.
This timeline is even dodgy, there was no report by me about Loughton's rant in March being "racist", I simply reported a high level of bullshit and abuse, which was delivered under an outdated rule which allows MPs to be arseholes with impunity, and the fact that Loughton had provided the Daily Mail with my home address in order for them to send a gutter slug to harass me in my home.
I am a little confused as to why it should be recorded that I responded to these lies in a series of blog entries, is this now a crime? Believing that I should have a right to reply to a very public assault containing a number of complete fabrications, what was I thinking eh.
They seem to have missed a couple of things here, I'll fill them in......
-Constituent is chased to the shops by tabloid filth, sent by Loughton.
-Said tabloid filth, writes a load of old shit and publishes it in a comic for racists favoured by Tory voters.
- Tim Loughton states online that he wishes that he had called the constituent "a pikey cunt".
- Constituent receives death threats and abuse from Loughton's supporters within groups like Stormfront, EDL, National Front and other Timbo loving organisations.
There's plenty more.....
Anyway, on to the best bit, they say that no action was taken against me, due to "the high evidential threshold", what they actually mean is, no action was taken because I didn't break the f*cking law. The threshold they refer to, when it is passed the law is broken, until that point the person concerned is not committing any unlawful act. You can dress it up with all the bullshit you like, if the law was broken the case would have been passed to the CPS for prosecution, this did not happen, but if they actually told the truth, (which MPs seem unable to manage) it wouldn't paint me as the bad guy to a suitable level to induce the faux outrage required by these pathetic propaganda groups.
They also forget to mention that the only victim of crime in this whole thing was myself and my family, due to the level of harassment both directly from Loughton and on his encouragement, by his little gang of Tory drunkards, philanderers and thugs.
I can't really be bothered to go into detail about the level of old school tie bullshit in operation here, however I should make it clear that I requested to be permitted to make submission to this committee, but was flatly refused and told that they could bypass my right to reply if they did not identify me as the party concerned.

That went to shit pretty quickly, when Loughton's buddy Robert Buckland chose to ignore this and identify me by my initials.
This Buckland fella appears to be another worthless Tory bigot, who I'm led to believe is that bloke what does the Nationwide Building Society Adverts, and who has a surname that sounds like a theme park for Tories to enjoy young muscular rent boys, I'm sure that it would be extremely popular with his colleagues if he did open one, he could always get a tracker mortgage from Nationwide to open it if he couldn't fiddle his expenses that far.
This complete arsehole then allowed the Press ASSociation to spread this shit further which again resulted in further abuse from right wing wankers and more abuse towards myself and my family.
These people have no shame, they are mindless thugs obsessed with power and are willing to do anything to get it, I for one am not prepared to take any more of their shit.
Loughton is directly responsible for all of the abuse towards myself and my family, if he hadn't chosen to exploit his privileged position in order to lie through his teeth and send a vile tabloid to my home, nobody would even know who I am. He is the cause of all of this, and I will not rest until he has paid dearly for his abuse, in equal terms to that suffered by myself and my family, and I hope that one day his kids get to open a lovely Xmas card threatening death, they deserve to experience what it's like for the people targeted by their ignorant bigoted father.
This report also claims that the threats weren't from Loughton, but considering that the only people who knew about the investigation mentioned within them were myself, the police and Loughton, it's pretty clear where they came from. I can only assume that this is why the police refuse to apologise to him, just because the CCTV footage of the person posting them was strangely "lost" on the day that Timmy went to the post office, there wasn't the evidence to prove that he was behind them, but believe me, they definitely originated from within his little gang, there is absolutely nowhere else that they could have possibly come from, and the police clearly know this.
Loughton doesn't deserve an apology, he needs locking up, he is supposed to represent Adur but he spends more time elsewhere, he has never lived here for a single day in his sad overly prolonged life, He was offered several ways to conclude this situation, I have been willing to compromise but no further than a point that affords me the basic human and democratic rights offered to every British citizen, however he's just too much of a coward to actually bring this to an end. He would rather assume that he is in charge and anyone who challenges him is automatically wrong, well I've got news for Timmy, he needs to grow himself a pair of balls because I'm not rolling over for some pathetic Tory Toff wannabe, and no matter how many of his mates he sends round here, there will never be a time when I will stop telling them to f*ck off, and anyone who attacks me within my home or in open ground is fair game and will regret ever trying to defend Timmy's honour, because he has none, he's the political equivalent to a recurrent arse boil, only much uglier.
Isn't it time that we stormed parliament and dragged all of these shits out into the gutter where they belong.
It's time to "Eat the Rich".
As expected, it was a load of old cobblers, which basically justified the telling of lies under the excuse of the little known "Do you know who I am" rule. This rule is generally exploited by corrupt politicians in order to publicly pillory people that have offended them, however Loughton has taken this to a whole new level.
The outcome is pretty much that these over privileged w*nkers think that their mate Timmy can be as much as an arsehole as he likes, simply because of his job title, and anyone who dares o try and apply the same rules as we are expected to live by, to them, is clearly wrong and needs to apologise, or else. I was always told when growing up, that a forced apology means nothing, as it is essentially a placebo in order to placate a person who you detest and in truth you feel no remorse whatsoever for your actions.
The claims presented to this toytown panel were just as farcical.
This timeline is even dodgy, there was no report by me about Loughton's rant in March being "racist", I simply reported a high level of bullshit and abuse, which was delivered under an outdated rule which allows MPs to be arseholes with impunity, and the fact that Loughton had provided the Daily Mail with my home address in order for them to send a gutter slug to harass me in my home.
I am a little confused as to why it should be recorded that I responded to these lies in a series of blog entries, is this now a crime? Believing that I should have a right to reply to a very public assault containing a number of complete fabrications, what was I thinking eh.
They seem to have missed a couple of things here, I'll fill them in......
-Constituent is chased to the shops by tabloid filth, sent by Loughton.
-Said tabloid filth, writes a load of old shit and publishes it in a comic for racists favoured by Tory voters.
- Tim Loughton states online that he wishes that he had called the constituent "a pikey cunt".
- Constituent receives death threats and abuse from Loughton's supporters within groups like Stormfront, EDL, National Front and other Timbo loving organisations.
There's plenty more.....
Anyway, on to the best bit, they say that no action was taken against me, due to "the high evidential threshold", what they actually mean is, no action was taken because I didn't break the f*cking law. The threshold they refer to, when it is passed the law is broken, until that point the person concerned is not committing any unlawful act. You can dress it up with all the bullshit you like, if the law was broken the case would have been passed to the CPS for prosecution, this did not happen, but if they actually told the truth, (which MPs seem unable to manage) it wouldn't paint me as the bad guy to a suitable level to induce the faux outrage required by these pathetic propaganda groups.
They also forget to mention that the only victim of crime in this whole thing was myself and my family, due to the level of harassment both directly from Loughton and on his encouragement, by his little gang of Tory drunkards, philanderers and thugs.
I can't really be bothered to go into detail about the level of old school tie bullshit in operation here, however I should make it clear that I requested to be permitted to make submission to this committee, but was flatly refused and told that they could bypass my right to reply if they did not identify me as the party concerned.

That went to shit pretty quickly, when Loughton's buddy Robert Buckland chose to ignore this and identify me by my initials.
This Buckland fella appears to be another worthless Tory bigot, who I'm led to believe is that bloke what does the Nationwide Building Society Adverts, and who has a surname that sounds like a theme park for Tories to enjoy young muscular rent boys, I'm sure that it would be extremely popular with his colleagues if he did open one, he could always get a tracker mortgage from Nationwide to open it if he couldn't fiddle his expenses that far.
This complete arsehole then allowed the Press ASSociation to spread this shit further which again resulted in further abuse from right wing wankers and more abuse towards myself and my family.
These people have no shame, they are mindless thugs obsessed with power and are willing to do anything to get it, I for one am not prepared to take any more of their shit.
Loughton is directly responsible for all of the abuse towards myself and my family, if he hadn't chosen to exploit his privileged position in order to lie through his teeth and send a vile tabloid to my home, nobody would even know who I am. He is the cause of all of this, and I will not rest until he has paid dearly for his abuse, in equal terms to that suffered by myself and my family, and I hope that one day his kids get to open a lovely Xmas card threatening death, they deserve to experience what it's like for the people targeted by their ignorant bigoted father.
This report also claims that the threats weren't from Loughton, but considering that the only people who knew about the investigation mentioned within them were myself, the police and Loughton, it's pretty clear where they came from. I can only assume that this is why the police refuse to apologise to him, just because the CCTV footage of the person posting them was strangely "lost" on the day that Timmy went to the post office, there wasn't the evidence to prove that he was behind them, but believe me, they definitely originated from within his little gang, there is absolutely nowhere else that they could have possibly come from, and the police clearly know this.
Loughton doesn't deserve an apology, he needs locking up, he is supposed to represent Adur but he spends more time elsewhere, he has never lived here for a single day in his sad overly prolonged life, He was offered several ways to conclude this situation, I have been willing to compromise but no further than a point that affords me the basic human and democratic rights offered to every British citizen, however he's just too much of a coward to actually bring this to an end. He would rather assume that he is in charge and anyone who challenges him is automatically wrong, well I've got news for Timmy, he needs to grow himself a pair of balls because I'm not rolling over for some pathetic Tory Toff wannabe, and no matter how many of his mates he sends round here, there will never be a time when I will stop telling them to f*ck off, and anyone who attacks me within my home or in open ground is fair game and will regret ever trying to defend Timmy's honour, because he has none, he's the political equivalent to a recurrent arse boil, only much uglier.
Isn't it time that we stormed parliament and dragged all of these shits out into the gutter where they belong.
It's time to "Eat the Rich".
Monday, 24 February 2014
Adur Council's tax reduction, the truth...
The Harald, again has run to the aid of the local Tories propaganda machine, this time regarding their council tax reduction of a whole 1%.
Here's the story:
Admittedly this looks good on the surface, however as with all Tory decisions, this one has a nasty sting in the tail for the poorer members of society, so when Parkin claims that "as a conservative controlled council we believe in low taxes", he should have added "for the rich, paid for by the poor.".
The sting, is that the same cabal of Tories have decided to increase rents on council owned properties by 6.4%, more than double the current rate of inflation, so people living in council housing will actually be worse off than they were last year.
The 1% cut is not quite as simple as it appears either, this is only applicable to ADC's part of the bill, so an increase by WSCC or Sussex Police will wipe this reduction out completely, so in the real world, the only substantial savings will be made by people in the top council tax bands, and this will only come as a reduced increase to the whole bill, rather than the reduction that is being touted by these propagandists.
But what is the truth behind this sudden need for Adur's Tories to actually care about residents? Well, the truth is, that they won't be paying for it, yes that's right, they aren't giving us a cut in taxes at all, this is a central Tory propaganda incentive, in time for the local elections in a couple of months.
Yes, as covered in This story from the Independent this cut is being funded from central government in the form of an increase of 1% to their funding in exchange for reducing council tax by 1% in order to make the Tories look like they give a damn, when we all know that they couldn't care less about us all. Here's the proof:
So, in effect ADC are giving us nothing, and shouting from the rooftops about how great they are for doing sod all, aside from trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
What do the councillors think of this cut?
So, there you have it, it's "not a big deal in real terms", so why exactly was there need for a huge press campaign to promote something that isn't a big deal? Oh yes, we're back to propaganda again.
The question should be then asked, if ADC aren't short of cash, then why the 6.4% rent increase?
The claim that they are providing the same level of service is a load of old cobblers too, since the merger, (what merger?) with Worthing, we have seen services decimated, local offices sold off, cash offices closed, computer systems that are repeatedly crashing, and a telephone system that I have been led to believe isn't fit for purpose either, there are plenty of other cuts too, one of which I'll get on to in a bit.
What does the Chair think?
Well, a chair could probably harbour better thoughts than this idiot, and could probably form a better sentence too. Anyway, this makes it pretty clear that the intention was to attract positive publicity for what is essentially a placebo, designed to make you look the other way while they rob you blind.
I'm not too sure about this "best rubbish collection services in the country" either, I can't find any ratings system for this, or any documented, (or other) proof that this is anything aside from another load of old Tory hot air.
What is more worrying about Mendo's statement, is that he claims that ADC have been stockpiling cash reserves whilst trying to convince us all that we are all having to suffer cuts and rent increases because of the last Labour government, (that old gem). They claim that they don't need our money, yet they still seem to want to repeatedly increase their allowances and now admit to having plenty put aside, when they still claim that the Civic Centre is falling down due to not having enough cash for renovations. It's all bullsh*t, and the people of Adur swallow it willingly, and are expected to be grateful for a few crumbs thrown, that aren't even from the local council's table.
In reality, this cut is not coming from local sources, it is coming from our schools and hospitals (the ones that haven't been sold off already), because the cuts to these services are why central government can afford to offer a carrot to any willing propagandists, whilst beating the poor with the stick.
As for ADC's rubbish collection service, it really is a RUBBISH collection service. Maybe the affluent areas of town get looked after but down here in Sh*tsville, it's business as usual......
Here's the story:
Admittedly this looks good on the surface, however as with all Tory decisions, this one has a nasty sting in the tail for the poorer members of society, so when Parkin claims that "as a conservative controlled council we believe in low taxes", he should have added "for the rich, paid for by the poor.".
The sting, is that the same cabal of Tories have decided to increase rents on council owned properties by 6.4%, more than double the current rate of inflation, so people living in council housing will actually be worse off than they were last year.
The 1% cut is not quite as simple as it appears either, this is only applicable to ADC's part of the bill, so an increase by WSCC or Sussex Police will wipe this reduction out completely, so in the real world, the only substantial savings will be made by people in the top council tax bands, and this will only come as a reduced increase to the whole bill, rather than the reduction that is being touted by these propagandists.
But what is the truth behind this sudden need for Adur's Tories to actually care about residents? Well, the truth is, that they won't be paying for it, yes that's right, they aren't giving us a cut in taxes at all, this is a central Tory propaganda incentive, in time for the local elections in a couple of months.
Yes, as covered in This story from the Independent this cut is being funded from central government in the form of an increase of 1% to their funding in exchange for reducing council tax by 1% in order to make the Tories look like they give a damn, when we all know that they couldn't care less about us all. Here's the proof:
So, in effect ADC are giving us nothing, and shouting from the rooftops about how great they are for doing sod all, aside from trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
What do the councillors think of this cut?
So, there you have it, it's "not a big deal in real terms", so why exactly was there need for a huge press campaign to promote something that isn't a big deal? Oh yes, we're back to propaganda again.
The question should be then asked, if ADC aren't short of cash, then why the 6.4% rent increase?
The claim that they are providing the same level of service is a load of old cobblers too, since the merger, (what merger?) with Worthing, we have seen services decimated, local offices sold off, cash offices closed, computer systems that are repeatedly crashing, and a telephone system that I have been led to believe isn't fit for purpose either, there are plenty of other cuts too, one of which I'll get on to in a bit.
What does the Chair think?
Well, a chair could probably harbour better thoughts than this idiot, and could probably form a better sentence too. Anyway, this makes it pretty clear that the intention was to attract positive publicity for what is essentially a placebo, designed to make you look the other way while they rob you blind.
I'm not too sure about this "best rubbish collection services in the country" either, I can't find any ratings system for this, or any documented, (or other) proof that this is anything aside from another load of old Tory hot air.
What is more worrying about Mendo's statement, is that he claims that ADC have been stockpiling cash reserves whilst trying to convince us all that we are all having to suffer cuts and rent increases because of the last Labour government, (that old gem). They claim that they don't need our money, yet they still seem to want to repeatedly increase their allowances and now admit to having plenty put aside, when they still claim that the Civic Centre is falling down due to not having enough cash for renovations. It's all bullsh*t, and the people of Adur swallow it willingly, and are expected to be grateful for a few crumbs thrown, that aren't even from the local council's table.
In reality, this cut is not coming from local sources, it is coming from our schools and hospitals (the ones that haven't been sold off already), because the cuts to these services are why central government can afford to offer a carrot to any willing propagandists, whilst beating the poor with the stick.
As for ADC's rubbish collection service, it really is a RUBBISH collection service. Maybe the affluent areas of town get looked after but down here in Sh*tsville, it's business as usual......
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
CSI Lancing.
So, it appears that ADC wish to extend their dodgy behaviour to my family now.
Today, their creative evidential gathering reached a new low.
Yes, I'm talking rubbish again, just like their last attempt to claim that we are fly tipping, when I helped the other half take out a couple of bin bags, and as I did not live there, they claimed that this was somehow illegal, (this was captured on camera and reported by their mate, and good pal of the local serial killer and Tory Cllr, Kevin Davis).
Obviously as members and supporters of the travelling community, they have already made sweeping assumptions about our toilet habits and obviously want to tick off another box in their "Observer pocket book of discrimination". Sadly for them, most of their assumptions are as close to truth, as their belief that they are not corrupt.
This morning a "Refuse Compliance Officer", (another name for "Bin Inspector") from ADC, was hammering on my partner's front door and shouting through the letterbox. He was waving a piece of junk mail addressed to her which had been placed in the recycling bin, and claiming that this had been found in a pile of five bin bags placed at the edge of the kerb on bin collection day.
These bags had not been opened and the bin inspector wasn't even wearing gloves, whilst claiming to have been rooting through rubbish bags left out for the bin men by her neighbour, because she has assisted bin collection, (where the bin men take the bins from the door end of the path rather than the pavement end) due to a disability.
This bin inspector was extremely rude and very aggressive, and insisted on telling my disabled partner, that she was clearly not disabled and didn't deserve assisted collection. So aside form affording himself an important executive sounding title for what is essentially a shitty job, this guy also thinks that he's a doctor as well.
The neighbour came out and told this numpty that the bags were his, and that he put them out for collection by the bin men, sadly this was not enough for the deluded dustman, and he continued to claim that he had found the letter, that he had removed from the recycling bin, inside one of the unopened bags by the side of the road.
Aside from the obvious problem that bin bags left out for the bin men, on bin collection day is not actually so unreasonable, the idea that a person feels that their pimped up job title gives them the excuse to take a letter from it's correct place in a recycling bin and use this as an excuse to shout abuse at a vulnerable person, and becoming more aggressive when caught out, is absolutely unacceptable.
And so for these actions, Adur's "Refuse Compliance Officer", you are hereby awarded the title of......
We hereby refuse to comply with your office, and suggest that you maybe look for a job that does not entail going through other peoples' rubbish, if you aren't actually prepared to do this, and would rather guess where it came from and create the supposed "evidence".
If you really want to sort out the problem of rubbish on our streets, why don't you head to the Farmers' Market and get rid of the rubbish that tends to accumulate around the A-board with "Tim Loughton" written on it?
(I'm thinking that this could be a regular feature)
Today, their creative evidential gathering reached a new low.
Yes, I'm talking rubbish again, just like their last attempt to claim that we are fly tipping, when I helped the other half take out a couple of bin bags, and as I did not live there, they claimed that this was somehow illegal, (this was captured on camera and reported by their mate, and good pal of the local serial killer and Tory Cllr, Kevin Davis).
Obviously as members and supporters of the travelling community, they have already made sweeping assumptions about our toilet habits and obviously want to tick off another box in their "Observer pocket book of discrimination". Sadly for them, most of their assumptions are as close to truth, as their belief that they are not corrupt.
This morning a "Refuse Compliance Officer", (another name for "Bin Inspector") from ADC, was hammering on my partner's front door and shouting through the letterbox. He was waving a piece of junk mail addressed to her which had been placed in the recycling bin, and claiming that this had been found in a pile of five bin bags placed at the edge of the kerb on bin collection day.
These bags had not been opened and the bin inspector wasn't even wearing gloves, whilst claiming to have been rooting through rubbish bags left out for the bin men by her neighbour, because she has assisted bin collection, (where the bin men take the bins from the door end of the path rather than the pavement end) due to a disability.
This bin inspector was extremely rude and very aggressive, and insisted on telling my disabled partner, that she was clearly not disabled and didn't deserve assisted collection. So aside form affording himself an important executive sounding title for what is essentially a shitty job, this guy also thinks that he's a doctor as well.
The neighbour came out and told this numpty that the bags were his, and that he put them out for collection by the bin men, sadly this was not enough for the deluded dustman, and he continued to claim that he had found the letter, that he had removed from the recycling bin, inside one of the unopened bags by the side of the road.
Aside from the obvious problem that bin bags left out for the bin men, on bin collection day is not actually so unreasonable, the idea that a person feels that their pimped up job title gives them the excuse to take a letter from it's correct place in a recycling bin and use this as an excuse to shout abuse at a vulnerable person, and becoming more aggressive when caught out, is absolutely unacceptable.
And so for these actions, Adur's "Refuse Compliance Officer", you are hereby awarded the title of......
We hereby refuse to comply with your office, and suggest that you maybe look for a job that does not entail going through other peoples' rubbish, if you aren't actually prepared to do this, and would rather guess where it came from and create the supposed "evidence".
If you really want to sort out the problem of rubbish on our streets, why don't you head to the Farmers' Market and get rid of the rubbish that tends to accumulate around the A-board with "Tim Loughton" written on it?
(I'm thinking that this could be a regular feature)
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Adur's Tories have had it too easy, for too long.
The local Tory party have really begun to consider themselves untouchable in recent years, and proof of this has manifested itself in the way they interact with us, the people that they are supposed to be representing.
Today, the online version of The Harald published THIS. Yes, Grand Moff Parkin could find himself in a big pile of the stuff that he imagines is left behind whenever the Travelling community visit Adur, you know, the same stuff that he pretended was left on our allotment in order to protect his dodgy "Kiddy Filming" mates.
Here's the main bulk of the story:
Yes, just like his buddy Timbo The Lought, Parkin prefers abusive emails to political discussions in which he is unable to defend his extremely questionable decision making process.
Ms Bland better get used to the way that the local Tories operate if she's planning on standing as PPC for the LibDems in EWAS, because they are all very similar in their absolute disregard for any view that doesn't coincide with theirs, and I'm yet to meet one who has the conkers to stand up for their constituents against the bulldozer politics of Loughton, Parkin, Searle, Mendoza or the Dunn Clan, some might think that this small cabal only ever selects subservient yes men as candidates, who can be easily manipulated into blindly following the "Greater Good" plan.
I don't support Ms Bland in her position as politician, or her party, but as another of the many who has written a polite but firm, political challenge to these thugs, and received a tirade of abuse in response, I feel the need to support her views as a fellow human being, and applaud her for being able to push this through the correct channels without being sideswiped by fiends in high places.
It's not about gaps, it's not about party politics, it's about the local Tory cabal believing that they are above the law, and their belief that attempting to ridicule any worthy adversary, will somehow trump political debate. I should however, like to warn Ms Bland that by raising this issue, she has now embarked upon a battle of wits with a demilitarised foe, and that she shouldn't expect any rational response from this point, and if she is expecting them to adhere to that part of the Code Of Conduct, (oooh, another COC, will remember that for future reference) then she clearly hasn't been in Adur long enough.
The fact that she doesn't live here seems to be another thing that the local Tories seem to want to use as a weapon against Ms Bland, yet they seem to forget that their candidate, Loughton, has never lived here either, and Parkin himself represents St Nicholas ward (an almost guaranteed Tory seat), which is on the opposite side of Adur from his Southwick home. But little things like facts, never get in the way of our local Tories, especially when someone from outside the area comes here and looks at the state of local governance with an open mind and compares it to a true and just democracy, if they have an understanding of the way that representation should work, they will obviously be questioning the local "leaders". Sadly they are not used to the way that these people regard the public, or maybe the true sadness comes in the form of the rest of the residents who have come to accept abuse and corruption as the norm.
Either way, Parkin shouldn't feel too bad about being investigated for being a rude and patronising sh*te, because he's not alone. Loughton has already been investigated for the same crime, and if he didn't have Parliamentary Privilege he would be knackered by now. Aside from this, there is another one of the local "Dignitaries" who is one step farther down the investigation road that he's on, you see, Parkin is at the first stage of the COC investigation, (hee hee, told you I'd use that one again) the part where the Executive Head (who as it happens is being laid off from his £70k+ job, along with all the other Execs by Parkin and his mates) gets together with an "independent" person, and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation. Then comes the second stage, which is the full investigation by an outside agency.
I can reveal that despite Parkin's COC actions being in their infancy, there is another ADC Tory COC issue going under the microscope as you read this, and this one has already passed the first stage and is currently under full investigation.
Here's a clue to who it is, (ok it's a pretty big clue, but hey I had to make it able to be read by the local Tories, so subtlety wasn't an option):
I wonder if Parkin and his mates really though through announcing their decision to sack all ten of their executive board and replace them with four posts. Considering that these ten are the only people who can challenge the Councillors with any real strength, this could have been a bit of a mistake on their part.
Whether this is part of the reason why, finally after all these years, the local Tories are not getting their usual easy ride or not, it is clear that now we have the two most senior members of the Council under formal investigation for their sheer arrogance and disrespect towards the people they are supposed to be representing.
If you consider that this is a minor problem, please reconsider, because since starting this blog I have been contacted by many people who have shown me numerous pieces of correspondence from this little gang, and aside from filing to be able to answer simple questions from their constituents, they are also unable to write to anyone who doesn't share their views without reverting to childish insults and playground abuse.
So, on behalf of all these people, I shall respond in kind, and say that all the local Tories smell like wee and poo, and have faces that would make most normal people consider putting pants on their heads and teaching their arses to talk.
Today, the online version of The Harald published THIS. Yes, Grand Moff Parkin could find himself in a big pile of the stuff that he imagines is left behind whenever the Travelling community visit Adur, you know, the same stuff that he pretended was left on our allotment in order to protect his dodgy "Kiddy Filming" mates.
Here's the main bulk of the story:
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Click to view in full. |
Yes, just like his buddy Timbo The Lought, Parkin prefers abusive emails to political discussions in which he is unable to defend his extremely questionable decision making process.
Ms Bland better get used to the way that the local Tories operate if she's planning on standing as PPC for the LibDems in EWAS, because they are all very similar in their absolute disregard for any view that doesn't coincide with theirs, and I'm yet to meet one who has the conkers to stand up for their constituents against the bulldozer politics of Loughton, Parkin, Searle, Mendoza or the Dunn Clan, some might think that this small cabal only ever selects subservient yes men as candidates, who can be easily manipulated into blindly following the "Greater Good" plan.
I don't support Ms Bland in her position as politician, or her party, but as another of the many who has written a polite but firm, political challenge to these thugs, and received a tirade of abuse in response, I feel the need to support her views as a fellow human being, and applaud her for being able to push this through the correct channels without being sideswiped by fiends in high places.
It's not about gaps, it's not about party politics, it's about the local Tory cabal believing that they are above the law, and their belief that attempting to ridicule any worthy adversary, will somehow trump political debate. I should however, like to warn Ms Bland that by raising this issue, she has now embarked upon a battle of wits with a demilitarised foe, and that she shouldn't expect any rational response from this point, and if she is expecting them to adhere to that part of the Code Of Conduct, (oooh, another COC, will remember that for future reference) then she clearly hasn't been in Adur long enough.
The fact that she doesn't live here seems to be another thing that the local Tories seem to want to use as a weapon against Ms Bland, yet they seem to forget that their candidate, Loughton, has never lived here either, and Parkin himself represents St Nicholas ward (an almost guaranteed Tory seat), which is on the opposite side of Adur from his Southwick home. But little things like facts, never get in the way of our local Tories, especially when someone from outside the area comes here and looks at the state of local governance with an open mind and compares it to a true and just democracy, if they have an understanding of the way that representation should work, they will obviously be questioning the local "leaders". Sadly they are not used to the way that these people regard the public, or maybe the true sadness comes in the form of the rest of the residents who have come to accept abuse and corruption as the norm.
Either way, Parkin shouldn't feel too bad about being investigated for being a rude and patronising sh*te, because he's not alone. Loughton has already been investigated for the same crime, and if he didn't have Parliamentary Privilege he would be knackered by now. Aside from this, there is another one of the local "Dignitaries" who is one step farther down the investigation road that he's on, you see, Parkin is at the first stage of the COC investigation, (hee hee, told you I'd use that one again) the part where the Executive Head (who as it happens is being laid off from his £70k+ job, along with all the other Execs by Parkin and his mates) gets together with an "independent" person, and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation. Then comes the second stage, which is the full investigation by an outside agency.
I can reveal that despite Parkin's COC actions being in their infancy, there is another ADC Tory COC issue going under the microscope as you read this, and this one has already passed the first stage and is currently under full investigation.
Here's a clue to who it is, (ok it's a pretty big clue, but hey I had to make it able to be read by the local Tories, so subtlety wasn't an option):
I wonder if Parkin and his mates really though through announcing their decision to sack all ten of their executive board and replace them with four posts. Considering that these ten are the only people who can challenge the Councillors with any real strength, this could have been a bit of a mistake on their part.
Whether this is part of the reason why, finally after all these years, the local Tories are not getting their usual easy ride or not, it is clear that now we have the two most senior members of the Council under formal investigation for their sheer arrogance and disrespect towards the people they are supposed to be representing.
If you consider that this is a minor problem, please reconsider, because since starting this blog I have been contacted by many people who have shown me numerous pieces of correspondence from this little gang, and aside from filing to be able to answer simple questions from their constituents, they are also unable to write to anyone who doesn't share their views without reverting to childish insults and playground abuse.
So, on behalf of all these people, I shall respond in kind, and say that all the local Tories smell like wee and poo, and have faces that would make most normal people consider putting pants on their heads and teaching their arses to talk.
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