Here's the outcome:

Yes, we have a fair selection of UKIP members, all of Lancing and Shoreham Beach have gone over to the Purple peril, the only party worse than the Tories. I won't comment on individual councillors but one wasn't even bothered to print any flyers and still got himself elected, it comes to something when the person elected didn't even bother to show himself for the election, the only time that we ever see our political representatives.
The more worrying thing about UKIP is this:
Yes, they have the support of the ultra right, as if Adur wasn't right wing enough already with the Tory scum in charge.
On a district level, we have no real difference in council, aside from one Tory rebelling against the local party, and suffering their questionable election material in retaliation. It does make one wonder whether the Tories even wanted to win this seat as they selected Parkin's missus as their candidate, a woman whose ineptitude knows no bounds, after all she did get knocked up by the old fart, although apparently she was just an impressionable kid at the time and probably didn't know any better. Third place isn't bad though considering that most of the people voting for her had actually seen her and still not been put off, that's a pretty serious drag factor to overcome and get even one vote.
Oh well, only a year to wait to see if we get stuck with Boozer Burns for another four years, or if we are likely to get a councillor who manages to stay sober enough to remember that he's supposed to be representing the people of Southlands ward and even bothers to learn where it is. We can hope I suppose, you never know, by next year the local Tories may have all switched over to BNP in order to stem the tide of imaginary immigration into Adur and appeal to their core followings belief systems.