There are always suggestions and counter claims from within UKIP regarding the infiltration of the party by extremist far right nutters, but we all know what is really happening here. History has shown us that extreme right wing views ferment during times of extreme austerity and it's usually viewed as Johnny Foreigner's fault, rather than the puppet masters that lined their own pockets, who are truly to blame, Weimar era Germany is probably the best example of this process in action, and we all know what the result of that was.

Are we going to have ex National Front members representing us soon? Worthing has a historical link to electing Fascist councillors going back a very long way, and it looks like those times are dangerously close to returning and the local Tories don't need any encouragement, they're already far enough to the right and have plenty of hooligans in their ranks, without the encouragement of this lot.
You think that the national Con-Lib coalition is shit, imagine a local
We are living in dangerous times, and blaming Johnny Foreigner may seem like an easy option, even if Johnny's grandad fought in WW2 against the idiotic views held by many of these people who haven't even worked out which hand they should be Sieg Heilling with (watch the EDL footage in London this week). Do you want to be represented democratically by people who have to have "Love" and "Hate" tattooed on their knuckles so that they can remember which one is for punching the wife and which is to be used for Sieg Heil duties?
Here's another excerpt from the local UKIP website; (click to enlarge)
When Aldous Huxley said that more people have died for their drink and their dope than have ever died for their religion and their country, he could almost have been referring to these pretend soldiers protecting us from cultural integration. Yes there are nutters out there, but when the IRA were bombing here, I don't recall any nuns being punched in the street for being overtly Catholic or any fire bomb attacks on Catholic churches, yet UKIP's friends and supporters appear to be into implementing some kind of "Kristallnacht" for the 21st century.
We are in dangerous times, and supporting extreme organisations is definitely not the answer, and if the local UKIP is mainly constructed from disillusioned Tories then we need to remove all of the above. Not voting is not the answer, they were once all as bad as one another, but there is a new bad, and this one is even more dangerous than the current one.