According to The Sun (a reputable source of information apparently) it looks like we are in a potential UKIP target seat, which leaves me with a bit of a dilemma. Obviously I am not a fan of the "BNP in blazers" party, but I think that on balance I hate Tim "lying racist" Loughton even more.

Looks like Timbo should be a bit worried about this prediction, but his arrogance is not dented by such suggestions in the style of any true narcissist. This is what he had to say on the matter:
When exactly was Adur a "target seat"? Definitely not since he has been the MP that's for sure, as for not being complacent, if he turns up to meet the public who are shopping for food, stinking like a swamp and dressed like a tramp, that would suggest that he is being pretty complacent to most people who don't live in Loughton La La Land. His repeated attempts at homophobia, xenophobia and minority group hate speak, don't even seem to have appeased the UKIP masses as his party lost all of Lancing and the district seat in Adur earlier this month, in Southlands they didn't even make second place this time.
It is worrying that UKIP are gathering pace, especially considering the attitudes of some of their members and the open support from the EDL and other questionable organisations, but if they can get Loughton out then maybe they can be useful to the people of Adur. You never know, we may even have an MP who actually wants to live in the area that he/she represents, and as a beginner, they hopefully won't have learnt the ability to screw us all for as much cash as they can get, an art that the tories have appeared to have mastered.
It's all probably pie in the sky, and I don't expect Timmy and his mates to play fair at election time anyway, but it's a nice thought that in a couple of years Loughton might have to pay his own bills instead of getting us to pay them for him.
I also notice that Timbo is shouting about leaving Europe again, well, I've had a word with a few mates, and we reckon we can get together the air fare for him to p*ss off out of Europe on the condition that he never comes back, I think we've even got his journey to the airport covered if he can't manage to screw that out of expenses.