This picture was taken in Mauritius, a few days after he was questioned by the police under the malicious communications act, as you can see, he is clearly suffering to a great degree as he claimed in his bullshit speech to Parliament after he got away with it, he probably suffered greatly during his parliamentary ski trip to Davos as well, which also took place during the investigation which he claimed made his life unbearable, and these Tory twats claim that they are in touch with the real world, their version of suffering is clearly in a different class to the rest of us. "Yes, I was so upset by the police investigation that I simply had to piss off to Mauritius and then go skiing just to make myself feel better, it was that harrowing" (not a real quote), the arsehead doesn't know the meaning of harrowing, let's see him cope with the death threats sent by his supporters to myself and my family, he'd have to charge us for a private security team to protect him, all we have is a sturdy stick to beat the f*ckers with, should they try and get in, I guess this is the difference between the classes in action, we don't mind getting our hands dirty if we have to.
So It's pretty clear that as well as all the other lies told by Timbo, the pain and suffering he supposedly endured was a load of old toss as well. The interesting part of this story is the lengths he goes to in order to appear that he wasn't just having a jolly on expenses, and the venom spat at the reporter involved by him and his pals on twitter. Anyone would think that he didn't like journo's, if it wasn't pretty clear that he uses his fave rag to vilify myself and anyone else who dares to challenge him, I guess it's the old bully theory in action, they don't like it up 'em and all that.

Looks like he's going to need to have another debate about how we need more free speech for him and how people who call him a c*nt are clearly in need of punishment, ridicule and abuse for exercising their right to it.
I have to say, the "stick of rock" comment is my favourite, it works on so many levels, and I can't fault it in any way, well done there. The general consensus seems to be that pissing off on a jolly when you're supposed to be working is really not showing us that we're all in this shit together, and travelling economy class and staying in a cheaper hotel don't really make any difference, when you're pictured getting rat arsed on a tropical beach all paid for with our money when most of us can't afford to eat or put the heating on due to him and his mates in government.

I'll leave you to consider that one on your own......................