Wednesday 15 May 2013

Tim Loughton's adjustable moral stance.

Well I can now reveal that Timbo only appears to mind when public money and police time are occupied by anyone other than him. This is his claim a few months back:
Yes he was "very angry" that he had been questioned for allegedly being an abusive racist bigot, and yes there was a lot more than one word involved, but that's beside the point, I know what he is, and so do many others now.

What amuses me, is the double standards displayed by this Tory Tw@, you see, if his investigation cost £100k, then so did the one he launched against me, yes, him and his mates, (Neil Parkin, Stephen Morgan, Kevin Davis et al)decided to get together and make 4 or 5 "separate" allegations against me in the same week, claiming that I was a naughty criminal and needed to be punished. I assume that as there were more complaints, then this must have cost a lot more than my one accusation against him.

He certainly went all out to try and get me put on the naughty step, for daring to tell the truth via my blog, and found this totally unacceptable, unlike his choice to get c*nts like Richard Littlejohn to make extremely offensive comments publicly through the medium of Tory controlled filth rags like the daily mail. Apparently this was not enough revenge for Loughton, he decided that I needed to be punished for expressing my freedom of speech as well, simply because it was clearly exposing his failings as a minister, MP, and human being, however within a week of his bosses finding out about the investigation, he was sacked as a minister, so at least they could see what a complete liability he really was.

He then seemed to think that it was a great idea to stand up in Parliament and abuse his privilege in order to lie through his teeth and make up some pretty wild and completely untrue claims, Look at the smug, self satisfied look that only comes when one is a Tory doing what Tories admire most, lying and abusing people in revenge for their own pathetic failings. Look at that "punch me" face that only a mother could love, well anyone except Loughtons mother anyway, that's why she f*cked off and left him and his extremist Xtian dad. Yes, Timmy is angry because his mummy didn't love him enough, and who can blame her, he's nothing more than a self centred, arrogant, smarmy little parasite, who's morals are lower than a snakes bollocks.

I'm sure that he'll be pleased to know that free speech is alive and well, and that if he can call me names then I have the same right afforded to me, sadly he decided to use the usual Tory double standard in trying to get me arrested for what he feels is his god (ha) given right, but woe betide anyone else who wants to call him and his vile gang of buddies names that are eminently accurate and describe them to a tee.

Well Timmy Pants, I hope that it was worth it, I'm still free to say whatever the hell I want, in the same way that you are free to be a complete and utter c.............