This was a 6 to 1 yes vote, with the only opposition coming from the SBRA independent (Cllr Stride), who was incidently also the only one who was not sat in a room with the other committee members and their senior Tory party leaders and council staff and other people involved with the proposal, for some time prior to the meeting itself. Presumably to ensure that they all sang from the same hymn sheet on the matter.
The only one who appeared to have actually read any of the proposal in detail was Stride, who raised the point that "renewable" was a relative term, and "sustainability" was a far better aim. Well done that man.
The rest of them were doing the usual, arguing about who raised which point, and who was supposed to be addressing who, you know the drill, pretending that they are real politicians and not just a real world version of Dibley Parish Council.
Prior to the meeting, Grand Moff Parkin made his standpoint clear and so the rest of the Tory Twats had to follow suit, here's what he had to say on the matter (courtesy of BBC news):

He apparently spoke to an "expert" who told him that "all the stuff they're going to burn will have the smell removed by some chemical process", truly the words of an expert I'm sure you agree. I expect that the expert was merely the proposer themselves and I wouldn't dare to suggest that this reassurance was backed up with any brown envelopes or other "incentives".
My favourite part of the meeting was the part where Cllr Dave DonaldDuck, claimed that there were loads of roads about and the area was already polluted and so a bit more won't hurt, and that idiot lives directly opposite the site, but he did seem to be having a problem keeping up with the proceedings and understanding what the hell was going on, so maybe he like most of the others is simply unfit for purpose.
Maybe the most interesting part of the meeting was when someone attempted to raise the fact that there could have been a breach of planning law due to timely disclosure of certain documents, this was greeted with the standard ADC response of, we're in charge and we don't care what the law says, we shall simply ignore it, along with the, more than 1000 objections raised by residents (this is more people than voted for most of the councillors making the decisions in the first place). The decision was made under the condition that there will be "monitoring" of the air quality and fuel burned, talk about "after the horse has bolted", breaches will be made and fines will be paid by consumers by way of increased bills, standard practice. They did allow objections to be heard, the objectors were given two whole minutes in which to speak, followed by six minutes for the developer to submit their answers to these objections, which was simply a prepared script which answered nothing.
There was a brief interlude where Boozer Burns had a bit of a "toys out of the pram moment" when he claimed that, alleged homophobic footy pundit Mendoza had nicked his idea, and then they all voted as they were told and all the Tories secured their selection at the next election by doing their masters bidding without care for consequence and a total absence of conscience.
After the meeting Boozer Burns was especially pleased with his support of this questionable proposal, by Tweeting this to The Lought :

he also chose to have another pop at the Greens, as usual with no idea of what he is actually talking about, maybe he thinks that because the company is called "Edgeley Green Power" then that is a seal of approval under the "colour brotherhood rules" that him and his blue mates follow, anything blue is good for them, after all their cuts have made most of us feel very blue indeed. The simple answer to Timmypants question is, because they actually bothered to read, research and understand, rather that just look at the financial benefits numb nuts.
All in all a not unexpected outcome, the planning councillors did what they were told by the party bosses before the meeting, and the public got f*cked over, textbook ADC practice, and when someone points out to them that the laws in place in this country have been breached by them, they simply arrogantly ignore the fact and do whatever the f*ck they want.
Nice to see the herald again blindly supports ADC in their decision and ignore the numerous people with valid objections, but what did you expect, a fair and independent press, not on Adur's manor.
Great to see people attending ADC meetings, if this keeps up we can blow the lid off of the complete ignorance of law going on at these events.
Have fun out there and remember to Trash Talk a Tory Today (TTTT).