It's reassuring to see that there are some in our Council with morals and conviction (rather than the majority who appear to be amoral with convictions).
It's no surprise that others present felt that their views were represented accurately and were pleased with the broadcast material.

Surly Jules however seems very happy to be portrayed as a homophobic bigot alongside her fellow local Tories and their master, Timmy The Lought. There has also been quite a lack of anything but pride in the news article portraying their clear support of Timbo's wrecking amendment and obvious homophobia.
At least there is one conscience amongst them, it's just a shame that they all have to share one between them all. This lot need to be removed and replaced with people who support freedom and equality every day, and not just pretend to do so when they can use it as a stick to beat people with.
The last few sentences of the statement made are suggesting to me that Loughton's "dark forces" are not limited to his parliamentary "work".