Friday 27 September 2013

20,000 Thanks

Well, when I started this little unadvertised, personal blog, I did not expect to be listened to.

There have been a few hiccups, 7 police investigations against me, (possibly more pending if Loughton gets his way) and it, 2 arrests, 3 interviews under caution, and NO CHARGES brought against me for any of the lies or attempts to silence me.

I checked my counter today and found this:

Not bad eh? I never advertised anywhere, (although some pretty high level advertising was done in Parliament and the Daily Fail) haven't made a penny in revenue from it, and been congratulated in the street for exposing the corruption in our locale in a funny and informative way. I have many regular readers who are employees of the agencies lampooned within, but don't worry your secret is safe with me, (if I had a penny for each employee who told me that they enjoy this blog, but that I shouldn't tell anyone, I'd probably have enough to buy myself a pie by now).

I would like to thank each and every reader, whether they enjoyed reading my writings, or merely thought that they were collating "evidence", you all played your part in making me realise that a true alternative source of information is required in Adur.

Thank you very many.