Saturday 14 September 2013

If in doubt, talk "bollocks".

This is what our Timbo likes to do apparently, following publication of this post he is denying everything.

Is this invisible Tim?

It's there in your Mission statement, well it was until you were challenged about it, now this paragraph has been mysteriously removed, however the rest of it is still there on his MPG website there's even an extra line where it was deleted from.

Yet he is making claims like this:

A "Twitter Troll"? What a load of old cobblers, even when facts are placed in front of him, he lies through his teeth again, and tries to make out me as the bad guy. I can assure everyone that I am not a "twitter troll" and Loughton's repeated attempts to have me prosecuted for exposing the truth about him and his mates have all failed, but it doesn't stop him trying to have me charged with some made up bullsh*t by his pet police officers and his mate the commissioner.

This is there in black and white, along with the disclosure of his equity share and chairmanship of this vile organisation making ludicrous claims for financial gains.

If anyone needs to "Beware" it is the people of East Worthing and Shoreham, if Timmy can stand there and tell us that the mission statement of his company is made up by a "Troll", he's obviously capable of any level of deceit.

Although if we accept his organisations claims as medical fact, maybe he's merely exhibiting the traits regarding aggression when challenged, and a constant craving for attention, and maybe these are a direct result of his parents divorce on the formation of his own brain. Maybe he should ask one of his fellow directors for advice about this..........