Tuesday 17 September 2013

You couldn't make it up.

It would appear that after his numerous claims that investigating his abusive and unprofessional attitude was a complete waste of police resources and money, it appears that Timmy has tried, yet again, to have me nicked. What for? you ask, well this time, which could be the seventh investigation launched by him and his mates against me it is for making this joke......

Apparently my offer, and believe me I am a man of my word, was not a humorous attempt to encourage a stuffy politician to put his money where his mouth is and actually do something for local kids, but a completely unacceptable and unlawful incitement to suicide, and I should be punished immediately and severely.

So, it appears that in Timmy's mind, telling someone to take a long walk off a short pier, go jump off a cliff or even to go boil their head is a very serious crime, and yet him calling me a "pikey c*nt" is perfectly acceptable.

Personally I think that if the local Tory overlord wants me locked up, then I must be doing something right.

Anyway, back to work, them cymbals don't bang themselves you know.