Monday 9 September 2013

Lonely Tories seek similar; own opinions an advantage, but not essential.

Looks like our local Tory party is flagging a little. After flogging off their town centre offices to relocate to the upstairs room of a pub, they are now advertising for gullible fools to join them in their attempts to retain control of Shoreham and all the perks that it brings them.

The Harald has decided to assist them in their advertising as usual, not that they're biased or anything.....

Would you like to put yourself in this lineup? They seem to have left out the embarrassing councillors, although there is the possibility that Boozer Burns is present in the pic, but has fallen over and dropped out of sight, just like he is likely to do at the next election.

Yes, let's all go along to their open evening of closed views, Timbo will be there, our tantrum prone MP will be happy to share his experience of how to be a complete and utter self obsessed narcissist.

But what if you think that the Tory party's views and values are total crap? Apparently this doesn't matter according to the advert.

If you believe that, then you're an ideal candidate, as you will obviously be gullible enough to be pushed around by this group of vile individuals who all do toe the party line as their consistent unanimous voting record clearly demonstrates.

There might be some free booze and a buffet on offer though, so go fill your boots, it's probably the only time you're likely to get anything out of the Tory party, but you will have to listen to their crap in order to scarf down some cheap plonk and a couple of horses doofers, so it could be a tough choice.