Sunday 22 September 2013

AdurCalling Exclusive.

Yesterday I received (from an anonymous source) a little bit of intel about a particularly noisy public event unfolding in Shoreham town centre.

Now obviously if certain local "politicians" choose to make statements like this.....
... then it's only fair that I return the favour.

So, here we go, in a tabloid stylee.

 Yesterday afternoon in Church St. Shoreham two police officers were seen knocking very loudly and shouting for "Darren Burns" to answer the door at a building with the dirtiest curtains ever seen and piles of mail clearly visible in the bay window. Apparently this went on for some time before neighbours appeared and one was heard to say that they were unlikely to get a response, because the resident was a well known local drunk.

Here's the scene in progress:

We have been told that eventually, after much loud attention grabbing shouting and banging, the door was finally answered after one of the officers was heard to say something about kicking the door down.

The face at the door was reportedly "unkempt" in appearance, and was looking "very dishevelled, untrimmed and rough" and was believed to be the face of the local Tory party and Adur Council representative, Darren Burns, the name that the officer was clearly shouting very loudly at the door.

As our source left the scene the officers appeared to be talking loudly about a drink fuelled incident the previous evening.

We are not aware whether Burns has been arrested or in custody, but it was suggested, (by an imaginary source) that he may have been told by the officers to have a bath and sort himself out, as he is supposed to be representing the people of Southlands Ward.

I was considering asking Burns to comment regarding this story, but I've never been given that privilege by any of these idiots, so he can go without a right to reply, just like I had to.

Ain't payback a bitch?