Tuesday 6 August 2013

ADC Blacklist.

Well, after going to all the trouble of penning a little rhyme about Adur Council's parks department refusing to accept the basic idea of calendar, and truth, they go and do a U-Turn.

Anyway, here's the little ditty anyway:

I hope that you like it, I do.

As for the U-Turn; it appears that  am, as of today, off of this vile list of lies distributed in order to persecute innocent people for acts committed against them by members of ADC staff like Jeremy Sergeant.

Anyway, the fact that I'm now off the naughty step is a bonus, despite the fact that it should have been their staff member on it and not myself, and the ICO concluded that they were out of order to be spreading lies about people but that doesn't matter to ADC and due to the vile localism act, they get to decide whether they are breaking the law or not, and surprise, surprise, they never do.

Oh well, good riddance to bad bullshit.


PS. I saw something hilarious last night on the way through Shoreham Town centre.

Staggering out of the off licence opposite Coronation Green was my local democratically elected representative, Boozer Burns. Clearly p*ssed as a newt and wobbling all over the pavement clutching a 3 litre bottle of strong cider like it was a new born baby.

Some might say that he represents a few of my neighbours perfectly, quite a few of them are on benefits and several drink cheap booze to excess and can be seen staggering around, ripped to the gills, maybe he's just choosing to represent them.