Remember when he claimed that investigating people for using freedom of speech in a manner intended to cause offence to others, was absolutely outrageous?
Remember when he said "Bollocks" a lot?
Well, it seems like "Bollocks" was the right word, because he is clearly fluent in it, at the same time as spewing all of this bullsh*t, he was arranging a police investigation into myself. What for you ask? For expressing my freedom of speech in a manner that he didn't like.
He didn't stop there though, he also claimed that I was "stalking" him, this may appear crazy, as it clearly is, however under the accusation of "stalking" there are a raft of special powers available to the police, obviously this was engineered as a backup plan after his first attempt at having me prosecuted failed miserably, so a week after being told that the allegations made by him were dropped, I returned home to find eight angry rozzers hiding in my hallway, waiting to jump on me and leave me unconscious, I was then transported to Worthing police station, semi conscious, face down on the floor of a transit van, with a dislocated shoulder.
I was refused medical attention by Sussex Police and refused the right to have someone informed of my whereabouts. During this time, the waste of skin that is Councillor Darren Burns had been informed of my arrest by someone within Sussex Police, despite it being nothing to do with him whatsoever, he was spreading his bile on social media before even my solicitor had been informed of my whereabouts.
Sussex Police then turned over my flat and swiped a shed load of my stuff, including political papers which were not listed as suitable items for removal under the terms of the search warrant they had unlawfully obtained from a crooked magistrate. They also had a good look around for drugs as well, as my collection of snuff boxes and vesta cases had all been inspected, strange considering that the warrant only entitled them to look for computer equipment and mobile phones, I don't recall ever keeping my PC or phone in a coco pops box in the kitchen, but hey, the police are obviously a bit stupid like that, not forgetting corrupt, as clearly the inside of a cereal box in the cupboard is not "in clear view" as outlined in search warrant rules.

Anyway, they stole my 2 computers, my mobile phone, and my Voodoo Doll. Obviously they found nothing illegal on any of my computers or my phone, and the papers that they took were completely irrelevant, maybe they couldn't read. All of my property was promptly returned upon a rather firm request from myself, except for the voodoo doll for some reason, which they still have.
I was placed on bail and released home almost 12 hours later, Last week I returned to answer the bail and was given a document claiming that the bail had been extended and I was required to return at the end of August. Strangely someone didn't read the PACE rules on bail conditions and I was never asked to sign the second bail agreement, and didn't even meet face to face with the officer granting it, I was also not given the opportunity to challenge the conditions placed upon me. So I went to my solicitor and requested that they challenge the bail conditions, as they were clearly unconstitutional, even though technically they were unenforceable as the correct procedure was not followed by the custody sergeant who preferred to cut corners.
The court date had been set for Monday for me to challenge this nonsense in a public and unbiased arena, strangely on Friday, the last working day before court, I received a call informing me that I was no longer required to answer bail, and that the case had been dropped, and I was a free man.
Strange thing is, I'm not hearing Tim Loughton shouting to the world and his tabloid friend that the investigation that he and his mates launched against me was a complete waste of time, money and resources. I expect that he might have a go about me not being prosecuted for "stalking" him though, even though the only time I see the idiot is when he comes to my town, I've never followed him anywhere and I wouldn't want to either, in fact I wish that he'd just stay at home in Burgess Hill and leave the people of Shoreham to be represented by someone who actually knows something about the place.
Well, now that I am a free man, until at least the time that Loughton chooses to make up some more stories, I shall enjoy my freedom of speech and let the world know that like all Tories, he only believes in freedom of speech if it's him speaking, and is not afraid to exploit his position in order to have his detractors beaten and abducted.
Did I mention that coincidentally one of the police officers involved was a member of Shoreham Conservative Club, presided over by a certain Mr Tim Loughton, and that one of the search warrant documents was in the name of "Barry Francis" instead of "Kieran".
All in all, an interesting experience, and a real eye opener into the power wielded by a corrupt politician who just happens to be good mates with the local Police Commissioner.