Thursday 1 August 2013

A bit of advertising?

I am unsure whether Members of Parliament are allowed to get involved in advertising of products and companies, but if you ask me it's a bit iffy, I refer to this:

Did you get that? Yes, Manhattan Furniture, if you didn't, another mention of that name will be along in a moment, if you missed them both, then there's a picture of their logo just to ensure that you were aware of Manhattan Furniture and their "top of the range kitchens".

This little advert was distributed to everyone on Loughton's mailing list, who were maybe expecting information relating to the democratic occurrences in East Worthing and Adur, but instead were provided with information about a private company.

How does Timbo know that Manhattan Furniture make exceedingly good kitchens? Has he got one, or is he getting one any time soon? I bet they could do him a great deal on one if he was.

What was the name of that company again?

Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan! Did you all get that?

It is quite funny that he didn't get an invite on his own merits though, and had to rely on a blag to get into Buck House, maybe in exchange for a bit of free advertising. Not quite up to standard of the lobbying scandals of other MPs, but hey a freebie is still a freebie, and a politician that is for sale is never a good thing.