Tuesday 27 August 2013

Charity begins at..........

Saint Hill apparently.

Seen a lot of posters appearing all over town to promote the Adur charity event for the Adur Chairman's (note correct placement of apostrophe) Charities:

Take a closer look.........

At this bit here.

There seems to be an extra "S" in there. Could this possibly be "S" for Scientology, or maybe even Sea Organisation? Yes, this lot are a bunch of cu*t members, and they will be handing out lots of flyers encouraging you to come and join them in worshipping aliens or whatever such stuff and nonsense these idiots are here to promote.

Looks like Chairman Mendoza has a bit of a long association with the Scientologists, has visited their headquarters, and counts their senior representatives as "close friends". You can read all about it HERE if you like.

Call me a conspiracy nut if you like, but the idea that a stranger swans into town takes control of the council and immediately starts bringing Scientology recruitment tools into town in high profile events, seems a bit stinky to me.

We need to be very wary of this idiot and start to ask questions about why our council are promoting quasi religious events under the guise of charities.

Boycott this event and just send a few quid to charity yourself instead, it will be much safer for Adur.