Monday 5 August 2013

AdurCalling Win hidden amidst Adur Council denials.

Saw an interesting piece in last weeks Harald.
From The Harald, click to engorge.
A bit of a change of plan then? Yes, the "silly rumours" need to be openly claimed to be silly rumours, rather than valid concerns which appear to have been quite well founded in my opinion, after all there was never any business partnership at all was there? Maybe I just photoshopped the freely available documents proving this, I am the villain of the piece after all, (they were real by the way).

No mention of Mendo's former business partner in this story though, despite his repeated name checking in previous stories, lie this one amongst others:
 So the "Wall of Fame" isn't going to be a "Wall of Fame", despite it being referred to as a "Wall of Fame" numerous times in all the stories relating to this fiasco, as for calling it a "Wall of Names" what a bloody crap name, but ADC are not known for their creativity, unless of course it's "creative accounting" we're talking about.

 I wonder how the artist who will be painting the mural feels about his work being covered with what appears to be heading dangerously towards becoming an advertising hoarding, after all if the cost is covered by sponsorship, there is bound to be some form of advertising involved, companies don't usually pay for things that don't have their name displayed prominently?

Another Tory U-Turn, only this time it's likely to save us from p*ssing money up the wall, either way, you can thank me later for saving you all a few quid, and learn from this that these people just can't be trusted and we need to keep a bloody close eye on them.

Until next time.......