Sunday 28 July 2013

Adur and Worthing Councils blacklist

Well, here we are approaching the second anniversary of ADC staff member Jeremy (Pigface) Sergeant deciding that the best way to get himself out of the shit after being nicked was to make up a pathetic little story about me supposedly assaulting him. Now obviously as this didn't happen n the real world and only in the tiny mind of an ADC allotment monkey and his ignorant colleagues, intent on anything necessary to pervert the course of justice, I should not have been placed on this pathetic blacklist in the first place.

I did attempt to write to my MP about this injustice but his response is clearly recorded:

Obviously following the response from the arrogant arsehead, I managed to successfully challenge this list in all but one part. That may be good enough for some but a partial victory is still a failure in my book, however I did not have the money to challenge this legally in order to remove the last dregs of the bullshit, so I had to accept a fail on this one.

However, the 1st of August is the date that I will be removed from the blacklist, and as I have committed no crimes in the time that it has been distributed by these w*nkers that I have, they clearly have no justification to place me on their blacklist for another year. This doesn't necessarily mean that they won't try.

Obviously there have been a few problems with old Timbolina in the last year, but as he repeatedly states to anyone asking questions about ADC, they are nothing to do with him and he has no authority over them. So clearly there will be no likelihood of his pathetic accusations showing up on it, yeah right, these idiots will try and use anything to persecute us, and that includes any number of lies, perjury, and even witness intimidation. And central government are devolving more and more power to these arses? We are truly in the end times.

There is the possibility that they may claim that anything reported by the corrupt councillors of Adur can be placed on this blacklist, however the policy clearly states that it only relates to employees of ADC, and as councillors cannot be employees of ADC so in theory you could call them any name under the sun, and smash their ugly little inbred faces in and this would not allow you to be included on the blacklist, unless you were successfully prosecuted and the police distributed a formal notice for inclusion on the blacklist, but that is pretty unlikely as they didn't even do this for the 3 time octogenarian murderer who was vice chair of one of their residents group and member of the local Southwick Neighbourhood Watch Alliance. If killing grannies in their beds doesn't get you on the blacklist surely calling someone a name they don't like is never going to get you on there.

I guess it all revolves around how many stories the ADC idiots want to make up and as I am not permitted to make any representation to the closed, unminuted tribunal there is little chance of challenging them if they do.

If they do choose to place me on their blacklist for another year, then I will have no choice but to operate this blog for another year, and challenge and expose them for the vile corrupt bunch of thugs that they really are.

Either way's good for me......