Tuesday 16 July 2013

Someone needs to lay off the drugs

because they're starting to affect the perception of reality.

I was sent this earlier, and it is just another example of the bullshit and lies spread by certain individuals within Adur.

What a load of old cobblers, someone's obviously got their stories mixed up, yes there were death threats, these were sent to me and my family by the local black shirts, yet someone seems to think that they were sent to them rather than from them. Little hint, if you're going to make up stories, make sure that you're all singing from the same hymn sheet, because otherwise you'll look like the liars that you are, and hopefully get yourself nicked for attempting to pervert the course of justice, which is exactly what these ar5es are guilty of.

From what I can see, death threats to this idiots family would be fruitless anyway, from the amount of funerals mentioned it looks like karma is already dealing with a lot of this on my behalf already, however, if someone is sending this numpty death threats, let me know, I'll buy you a pint or twenty, then you can visit the pissed up fantasy world that he seems to live in.

As for me being "in massive s**t", it's the first that I'm aware of it, and apparently the police aren't aware of any of this bullshit either, I've posted one of the many death threats sent to me, strangely these liars aren't so keen to display transparency, probably because they are making it all up and have no evidence of anything whatsoever, because it didn't happen.

As for this tosser representing his ward, firstly he doesn't live here, and anyone I have spoken to has told me that they haven't ever received an answer from him about anything ever. I was even told by a fellow Tory councillor that this idiot was "useless", because he's an "alcoholic".

Hilarious that this idiot thinks that I should show him some respect, in my world respect doesn't come with a job title, it has to be earned, and you don't earn it by being a liar, and a drunk. When these liars display some respect, maybe they will gain some in return, all the time they exploit their position for personal gratification they will be treated like the pariahs that they truly are.

As for making accusations of crimes without evidence I can do far better; did you all know that the person pictured above was found guilty of buggering goats whilst high on crack, he was you know, I know it's true because I made it up just now.

Take care, and the piss