Tuesday 23 July 2013

An interesting denial......

Look at what has appeared on the Chair of Adur's official arsebook page;

Yes there is a Scottish company with a similar name, but that wasn't the one also run by Mr Courtney, that would be this one;

Which is strangely the same address that was registered for "What's Happening Magazine", now it appears that Mendo is no longer a director of this company, however arranging business deals on behalf of the council with your friend and former business partner is definitely morally questionable, especially if the person involved claims to have never been a director when the evidence definitely suggests otherwise. We should expect honesty from our democratically elected representatives.

How expensive is it to put a few names on a wall? A full and transparent disclosure regarding this project, including a full breakdown of costs and other quotes for the tender should take place before this goes any further and the people of Adur are signed into a contract which could potentially cost a fortune in licensing fees when there are plenty of other companies who can stick some names on a wall.